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EU Films premieres Enigma on Dec. 8 at Evangel University

Published on Nov 22, 2017 by Evangel University News

EU Films will premiere the dramatic mystery, Enigma, on Dec. 8, 2017, at 6 and 8pm, in the Barnett Recital Hall at Evangel University.

The showings are open to the public. Tickets are $1 for students and $2 general admission at the door. The Barnett Fine Arts Center is located just south of the Robert H. Spence Chapel, facing Glenstone Ave.

The main character Jess, played by Courtney Hittle, is a young reporter who immerses herself so fully into the story of a hit and run death that she risks alienating and losing her fiancé.

The film’s theme, “When the news hits hard, trust no one,” suggests that finding the truth matters even if it hurts those you love.

2017-12.08 EU Films, Enigma

“Every semester we try to do something different, as these student filmmakers often work on many of our films during their college experience,” said Dr. Cameron Pace, executive producer. “Enigma gave us a chance to work on a dramatic thriller that occurs at New Years. Students were going for a Film Noir look in many of the scenes.”

Enigma was shot in many locations around town including homes in the area, Missouri State, Commercial Street, and downtown Ozark.

Producer Tiffany Ocasio, senior, stated, “This has definitely been one of the most challenging projects I have ever had to work on. From constantly shifting availabilities, unexpected cancelations, equipment challenges, and all. But the cast and crew have been so amazing to work with, and we’ve become so close hanging out outside of filming, while making all the long hours and late nights of filming and production so worth it!”

Directing the film, Enigma, is Samantha Wiles, junior at Evangel. Wiles has been on both sides of the camera in various EU Films projects. The Director of Photography is senior film major Christian Reed.

Supporting cast members include Nate Schaefer as Jess’ fiance’; David Farmer, EU freshmen, as Alec; Jonova Lavon as Kimberly; Chris Greig as James; and Brock Birkner as Connor.

Additional film staff include editor Austin Fransisco, junior; assistant director Blake Byers, junior; audio supervisor Hannah Grahlman, senior; and Ephraim McFarland, junior, who composed and produced original music for the film.

Real world experience

EU Films is a student media organization located in the Communication Department at Evangel University. Each semester, the Film Workshop — a workshop course connected with EU Films — produces a feature film of 45 to 60 minutes in length.

The Enigma story was developed during the spring semester and casting was completed in September. Principal photography began in late September and continued through Thanksgiving.

Approximately 15 to 25 Evangel students are involved with the making of each film, with actors from around the Ozarks participate in Evangel films regularly.

EU Film productions are photographed using professional 4K and HD digital film-style cameras. Visuals are edited using Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects, Audition, and DaVinci Resolve software.

“The Film Workshop class is an essential part of EU Films, where students earn credit while working on the film,” added Pace.

Films produced at Evangel are shown at the end of each semester, and then uploaded to the website for public viewing at a later date.

Evangel’s cable station, EUTV, also airs the films approximately three to four months after the public viewing.

More information can be found on Facebook at or by contacting Dr. Cameron Pace at
