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Style Guide

Icon Cards – Columns

Displays columns of cards with icon, heading, description, and button link.

  • Icon HTML

    Displays columns of cards with icon, heading, description, and button link.

  • Icon SVG

    Displays columns of cards with icon, heading, description, and button link.

  • Title

    Icon Cards – Columns

    Displays colums of cards with icon, heading, description, and button link.

CTA Full Width – Link List

Displays CTA card, with a link list, over a full-width background

CTA Stat Cards – Columns

CTA – Stylized Image


Lorem Ipsum Nor Colorlar Edt

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Iste rem nobis a assumenda et molestiae, porro dolore, numquam modi dolorem distinctio aperiam incidunt voluptas quia, perferendis consectetur. Dolore, saepe earum?

Undergraduate Online

Lorem Ipsum Nor Colorlar Edt

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Iste rem nobis a assumenda et molestiae, porro dolore, numquam modi dolorem distinctio aperiam incidunt voluptas quia, perferendis consectetur. Dolore, saepe earum?

Multi-Row Callout Card

Learn While In High School

Dual Enrollment

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Iste rem nobis a assumenda et molestiae, porro dolore, numquam modi dolorem distinctio aperiam incidunt voluptas quia, perferendis consectetur. Dolore, saepe earum?

Find Purpose & Faith


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Iste rem nobis a assumenda et molestiae, porro dolore, numquam modi dolorem distinctio aperiam incidunt voluptas quia, perferendis consectetur. Dolore, saepe earum?

CTA – Topo and Image

Programs & Fees

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Iste rem nobis a assumenda et molestiae, porro dolore, numquam modi dolorem distinctio aperiam incidunt voluptas quia, perferendis consectetur. Dolore, saepe earum?

Programs & Fees

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Iste rem nobis a assumenda et molestiae, porro dolore, numquam modi dolorem distinctio aperiam incidunt voluptas quia, perferendis consectetur. Dolore, saepe earum?

CTA Stat Video – Block

Student Life

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Iste rem nobis a assumenda et molestiae, porro dolore, numquam modi dolorem distinctio aperiam incidunt voluptas quia, perferendis consectetur. Dolore, saepe earum?

Admissions Counselor Pod

Displays a horizontal or vertical card with an Admissions Counselor’s contact info.

Demo Example

This is a demo only. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem, illo nisi nulla magni mollitia quam fugit sapiente officia repudiandae unde eligendi eaque provident ab sed eos sequi hic aut dicta.

Demo Example

This is a demo only. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem, illo nisi nulla magni mollitia quam fugit sapiente officia repudiandae unde eligendi eaque provident ab sed eos sequi hic aut dicta.

Block: Image Links

Pods that have text and an image that link to another page. Settings include Column count (how many per row), Height, Color, etc.

Block: Testimonial Slider

Choose one or multiple testimonials and they will appear in a slider, with the style you select.

Best used within an Advanced Columns > Advanced Column container.

Business consultant, church planter

Bachelors in

God wants all of us to steward faithfully the opportunities for mission in the marketplace, because this is where His harvest lives and hurts. We are His open epistles of love and healing to the broken world in our work places, our government, our schools and our entertainment. AGTS will teach you how to do this with thoughtfulness and strategy.

Dr. Svetlana Papazov

Lead Pastor of First Assembly of God, Rolla, MO

Master in Leadership and Ministry

At AGTS, you will learn so much of the practical side of ministry that’s invaluable on a day-to-day basis. You learn the ins and outs of preaching, how to interpret scripture, and are able to apply it to your congregation.

Lance Langenberg

Vice President of Student Development

Masters in Leadership and Ministry

The coursework at AGTS is exactly what I was missing in ministry. I have learned more about leadership, theology, and God’s design for my life through the study and interaction with professors and other students than in the entirety of my previous 25 years of ministry. Every minister should consider taking a break from the treadmill of books and podcasts and submit themselves to the rigors of higher education. It has a long-lasting impact.

Mark Entzminger

Block: Multi-Row Callout

Single element that showcases multiple images, blurb of text and buttons.

First Second

Single element that showcases multiple images, blurb of text and buttons.

Block: Icon Button Bar

Displays a row of button links with icons.

Get the Raw HTML code from this Font Awesome page.

Select a Layout of “Overlap 50%” to float the Icon Button Bar, and allow it to overlap the elements just before and after it.

NOTE: Especially when using the “Overlap 50%” setting, this block is specially designed to be the first one on the page, thus touching the page hero heading section at top, and overlapping it.

Example Hero

Demonstrating the “Overlap 50%” Layout setting.

Block: Schedule Card

Displays a card with heading area, schedule date pods, and button link.

Best used within an Advanced Columns > Advanced Column container.



  • Jul 20
    Ice Cream Social
  • Jul 21
    Food Fight



  • Jul 20
    Ice Cream Social
  • Jul 21
    Food Fight



  • Jul 20
    Ice Cream Social
  • Jul 21
    Food Fight

Block: Schedule Card – Columns

Displays columns of cards with heading area, schedule pods, and button link.

Self contained with Column options.

  • Title


    • Mar 15
      Demo Description
  • Title Two

    Subtitle Two

    • Mar 24
      Example Description
    • Mar 26
      Additional Example Description

Block: CTA Card

Displays a card with image, heading, description, and button link.

Best used within an Advanced Columns > Advanced Column container.

CTA Card Title

Displays a card with image, heading, description, and button link.

CTA Card Title

Displays a card with image, heading, description, and button link.

CTA Card Title

Displays a card with image, heading, description, and button link.

Block: CTA Cards – Columns

Displays colums of cards with image, heading, description, and button link.

Self contained with Column options.

  • Example Title

    Displays colums of cards with image, heading, description, and button link.

  • Example Title Two

    Displays colums of cards with image, heading, description, and button link.

With the Card Style of Interactive w/ pop-over option selected

  • Example Title

    Displays columns of cards with image, heading, description, and button link.

  • Example Title Two

    Displays columns of cards with image, heading, description, and button link.

    Demo Second
  • Displays columns of cards

    Displays columns of cards with image, heading, description, and button link. Displays cards with image, heading, description, and button link.


    Displays columns of cards with image, heading, description, and button link. Displays cards with image, heading, description, and button link.

    Example link

Block: Callout Boxes

Displays cards with heading, subheading, description, image, and button link.

The College Tour

Evangel was recently featured on The College Tour, a streaming series that highlights universities across the US through the unique stories of students and alumni! You can watch EU’s episode of The College Tour on Amazon Prime, RokuTV, or at the link below!

José Vargas

Hometown: Barquisimeto, Venezuela

“Evangel students have the opportunity to explore and reach their full potential, and Evangel provides tools that will help students prepare and become efficient in their chosen careers.”

Sydney Dunavant

Hometown: Rogersville, Missouri

“I’ve learned so much and have encountered many positive influences in the Evangel community. I know that Evangel has fully equipped me to fulfill every one of my dreams and make a difference!”

Block: Specific Programs

Filter programs by department and area of study.

Custom CSS Classes


Create a Full-Width Container Block with a Paragraph tag. Assign CSS class at the Container Level.


Create a Columns Block. Insert content and assign background and text color. Assign the CSS class to the Columns Level.

Without Class Assigned




With Class Assigned









Create a 50/50 Advanced Columns Block. Create an Image Block and Pick an Image. In the other Column put some Content and Pick a Background for the column and Text Color for the paragraph block. Assign the CSS class eu-fifty-fifty to the Columns Level. Assign the CSS eu-text at the Column Level that text is in. Assign the CSS class eu-fifty-fifty-flip to the Columns Level if you want the columns to flip for mobile.

Some Text in the other 50% Column.

Some Text in the other 50% Column.


Create a Full-Width Container Block with a List Block inside. Add links to list text. Assign CSS class at the Container Level.


Create an Image Block. Upload image and add a caption. Assign the CSS class at the Image Level.


Create a Full-Width Container Block. Add a Paragraph Block with a Link. Pick the Background and Text Color. Assign the CSS class at the Container Level.


Create an Image Block. Add the Image with a Caption. Assign the CSS class at the Image Level.

This is the caption


Custom Block

Type in /YouVisit and select YouVisit from the dropdown. This will automatically load the YouVisit embed code on the website. Please do not include more than one of these banners per page.

Social Bar Above Footer

To turn on the Social Bar select the Turn On Social Bar Toggle to On in the Page settings to the right.

Core CSS Styling

Header One – Should only be used once per page for the title

Header Two

Header Three

Header Four

Header Five
Header Six

This is a paragraph tag – Default

This is a paragraph tag – Small

This is a paragraph tag – Medium

This is a paragraph tag – Large

This is a paragraph tag – Huge

  • Bullet List
  • Bullet List
  • Bullet List

“This is a BlockQuote. This is a BlockQuote. This is a BlockQuote”