Activities range from Community Service Day, to a Luau on the Lawn

The six residence halls at Evangel University will open at 8 a.m. on Friday (August 17, 2018) and a trained team of upperclassmen will be on hand to welcome new students from around the world.
This year, Evangel anticipates students from 47 states and 20 foreign countries, including Australia, Bahamas, Bulgaria, China, Egypt, Germany, Guyana, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Malaysia, Myanmar, Poland, Serbia, South Korea, Thailand, United Kingdom, Venezuela.
Assisting with the heavy lifting that goes along with move-in day will be members of the Evangel faculty and staff, and volunteers from area churches.
Easing the transition

“The mission of EU LAUNCH, the orientation program for our new undergraduate students and their parents, is to optimize Evangel’s life-changing experience,” said Dr. Mike McCorcle, provost and executive vice president of Evangel.
The university endeavors to do this during the student’s first five days on campus by:
- Connecting them with faculty, staff and other students;
- Preparing them to succeed in their academic, spiritual and social development;
- Creating fun memories; and
- Igniting lifelong friendships.
“New this year,” added Christy Rowden, director of student activities, “will be a specific opportunity for International Students and ‘missionary kids’ to get connected to each other and to resources on campus and in the city, through local churches.”
Community Service — with Convoy of Hope

Evangel University will once again be partnering with Convoy of Hope and Elevate Lives on Saturday for a community service day. Students will be working at the Convoy warehouse as well as 13 schools, churches and community organizations. (Complete list and map are attached.)
Prior to departure by bus, Evangel’s Dr. Donna Washburn will meet with the students in the Spence Chapel and introduce them to the concept of the new Center for Compassion, a partnership with Evangel University and Convoy of Hope.
Launched this spring, the Center for Compassion will serve to expand the learning and service opportunities available to Evangel students.
It will also develop online training and for-credit learning opportunities for people involved in compassion ministries through churches and various global initiatives.
For a detailed schedule, please visit the EU Launch website.
- FRIDAY— “Welcome to the Evangel Family…”
Freshmen and transfer students will start moving into Evangel’s residence halls Friday at 8 a.m.
At 2:45 p.m., a special one-hour session, “Welcome to the Evangel Family” will be held in the Spence Chapel, featuring President Carol Taylor and key campus leaders.
A “Faculty Meet-n-Greet” follows from 4-5:30 p.m. New students and their families will meet with professors from their academic departments in the Mabee Student Fitness Center.
- SATURDAY — Community Service

On Saturday, EU Launch will once again include the University’s traditional new student community service outreach, in partnership with Convoy of Hope and Elevate Lives.
Hundreds of new students will load buses in front of Evangel’s chapel at 10 a.m. They will be assigned work projects at the COH warehouse on South Paterson Ave., or one of 13 other project locations such as Weller Elementary, the Fairbanks Community Center, Victory Mission, Life 360 Intercultural and Elevate Lives Hope House.
“We are thrilled to once again work with these groups to impact the Springfield community,” said Rowden. “Such service is an important part of the Evangel mission and experience.”
- SUNDAY, MONDAY & TUESDAY — Orientation
Sunday, Monday and Tuesday’s schedules are tailored to help new students make the adjustment to their college careers. Sessions include a Sunday worship service, academic orientation, meetings with faculty advisors and meetings with their resident hall staff.
- TUESDAY EVENING — Luau & Fireworks

On Tuesday evening, the traditional colorful and activities-filled Luau on the Lawn will connect new and returning students. Dinner and activities will run from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. A special feature this year will be “LuLu” and one of her Pineapple Whip stands.
EU Launch week will conclude at 9 p.m. on Tuesday with the sixth annual igNIGHT ceremony, a tradition that was established by President Taylor in 2013. This closing ceremony is designed to kick-off the school year by uniting the Evangel campus.
“The campus leaders and the EU Marching Band will lead groups of students from each side of campus and march to the clock tower in the center of the quad,” said Rowden. “There, they will hear a challenge for the year from student leaders and President Taylor.”
igNIGHT will close with a candle-lighting ceremony and a fireworks display.