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Local author speaks to Evangel education majors about autism

Published on Mar 10, 2014 by Paul K. Logsdon

SPRINGFIELD, MO — Local author Dr. Linda Barboa will be speaking about autism to education majors at Evangel University on Thursday, March 13, at 2 p.m.

The lecture is free and open to the public. The class will be in Trask Hall, room 107.

Barboa’s first book was pre-released in February — Stars in Her Eyes: Navigating the Maze of Childhood AUTISM, by Dr. Linda Barboa and Elizabeth Obrey, (Tate Publishing, ).

Stars in Her Eyes is designed to help parents and teachers navigate the dizzying maze of autism. Barboa shares heartfelt narratives from parents and teachers who have gone before and paved the way. Each contributor gives practical advice from her own unique experiences.

2014-03.13 Dr. Linda Barboa
Dr. Linda Balboa

According to Edith Kelton, early childhood special education teacher for Springfield Public Schools, the lecture promises to be of great benefit for both the EU students and parents of children with autism.

“Wouldn’t it be great if every child was born with an Individualized Education Program, a specific plan for life, spelling out the child’s strengths and weaknesses and including goals to address in life?” asked Kelton, a 1982 Evangel graduate.

“Unfortunately, that is not the case, so Dr. Barboa’s book is needed to help both parents and teachers find information to help children, specifically children with autism,” she said.

Barboa earned her Ph.D. in Early Childhood Education from Texas A&M University. She holds degrees in speech pathology, audiology, psychology and early childhood education.

She is an experienced speech-language pathologist, with a background as a special education director, director of a center for autism and university professor. She has worked as an educator in America and Europe and has presented numerous programs to professionals across the country.

Barboa currently lives in Springfield, Mo., with her husband, Mike.
