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Lynette Ricks to Speak at Evangel University

Published on Jan 13, 2012 by Jennifer Hall

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. — Lynette Ricks, from the Office of the State Courts Administrator (OSCA), will speak at Evangel University on January 19 at 11 a.m.

The presentation will take place in Trask Hall 204.

Ricks will provide information about Missouri’s foreign language court interpreter program. Anyone interested in participating in the certification program may attend.

“In order for Missouri’s courts to provide qualified interpreters, OSCA conducts a court interpreter certification program.  The need for certified interpreters in the state of Missouri increases daily,” Ricks said.

Fluency in Spanish is strongly encouraged in order to be successful in the certification program.

Dr. Eliezer Oyola, professor of Spanish at Evangel, is hosting the presentation.

“They do not have to be Spanish majors. Any native speaker or anyone fluent in Spanish, regardless of major, can participate in the certification program,” said Oyola.

For more information, contact Dr. Eliezer Oyola at 417-865-2815 ext. 8649.

 Contact: Paul K. Logsdon, Director of Public Relations and Publications (417) 865-2815, ext. 7292