SPRINGFIELD, Mo. – High School students from as far away as Massachusetts came to the first Evangel University national Fine Arts Prep weekend, sponsored by the EU Department of Music, Feb. 6-7, 2015.
While here, they had the opportunity to be evaluated by National Fine Arts judges, past fine arts merit award winners and Evangel faculty in a mock Fine Arts Festival setting.
“Response to our Fine Arts Prep weekend has been excellent,” said Dr. Bonnie Jenkins, professor of music at Evangel. “Students and parents alike told us that the feedback they received in the individual sessions was invaluable.”
Evangel faculty members were also pleased to be able to make personal connections with this incredibly talented group of prospective E.U. students.
“We look forward to working with them as teachers and mentors when they enroll here at Evangel,” Jenkins added.
PHOTO: Lacey Woodham, a H.S. senior from Columbus, Ga., works on her songwriting skills with C.J. Harrison, an Evangel senior from Youngstown, Ohio. C.J. was a national award winner prior to enrolling at E.U., and he is currently the HeartSong drummer. Lacey enrolled in several sessions this weekend, including vocal solo, song writing and drama. She made the trip with her parents Jack and Lana Woodham; her mom is a 1983 Evangel graduate (then Lana Carroll).
Each year, more than 65,000 students compete in the District and National Fine Arts Festivals. Major divisions include: Art, Communication, Dance, Drama, Exhibition, Instrumental, Vocal and Writing.
The 2015 National Fine Arts Festival will be held in Orlando, Fla., Aug. 1-5. For more information, visit http://finearts.ag.org/.
For information on Evangel, contact Undergraduate Admissions at (417) 865-2815, ext. 7205.