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Alumni Spotlight: Dr. Brandon Clark

Name: Dr. Brandon Clark

Graduation Year: 2008

Major: Masters of Education in Educational Leadership

Current Position: District Director of Athletics and Activities

City and State: Nixa, MO

Tell us about your career and what you do now.

I currently work as the District Director of Athletics and Activities for Nixa Public Schools.  This is my 16th year as an Athletic/Activities Director, and prior to that I was an assistant principal, a mathematics teacher, and a football and basketball coach.  In my current position, I oversee K-12 athletics, which includes a very large youth sports program, fine arts and all student clubs and activities, as well as a variety of construction projects and facility upgrades.  I have received by bachelor’s degree in mathematics education from Southwest Missouri State University (now MSU), a master’s degree in teaching from Drury University, a master’s degree in educational leadership from Evangel University, and a Doctorate degree from the University of Missouri.  Throughout my journey in education, I always had a passion for sports and activities and fell in love with overseeing these programs and how it positively impacts students.  Because of this love, it pushed me to get heavily involved with our state athletics association (MSHSAA), along with our Missouri (MIAAA) and National (NIAAA) chapter of Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association.  Currently, I serve as the president of the MIAAA and serve in a variety of capacities for the NIAAA.  Recently, the Nixa Athletics and Activities Department was nationally selected to participate in a NIAAA cohort called the Quality Program Assessment, which assesses athletics department and certified them as exemplary and outstanding.  Through a grueling year-long process, Nixa Public School’s Athletic Department on December of 2024 was named a Quality Program School District, as one of 90 schools to receive this award nationwide. 

What is your favorite memory from Evangel?

It is really hard to pinpoint one specific memory, but my favorite part of the program with life-long relationship I was able to build with my students/colleagues, as well as the professors.  I still stay in contact with many of my colleagues in the program, as well as reference many of the learnings and life-lessons from my professors.

How did Evangel help you identify/develop your calling?

Prior to taking my courses at Evangel, I was still undecided about my career in education and through my courses and positive interactions, I felt God put a strong calling on my heart to be a leader in education.  From my childhood to my college years, I never really saw myself as a leader, as I was a shy and somewhat introverted person.  I truly felt the experience I had at Evangel University challenged me to step out of my comfort zone and develop into the person that God had truly called me to be.

How did your experience at Evangel prepare you for life after graduation?

Two major tools were developed for me through my experience at Evangel.  Firstly, the ability to confidently lead educators with a variety of tools and knowledge to deal with the challenges of public education.  Secondly, and most importantly, how to let me Christian values and principles intermix in the world of education, while letting God lead and guide me through the tough challenges of leadership and find ways to let God’s light shine in my sphere of influence. 

What advice would you give a current student preparing for the workforce?

The greatest advice I could give any person preparing to enter the workforce is to let God put a passion and fire in your heart for your career/job.  I learned through some life circumstances that a calling from God and his divine passion will carry through the challenges of any job, but more importantly inspire you and give you ideas, concepts, and insights for growing your position and blessings those you serve.

What would you look for if you were in a position to hire new graduates from Evangel?

Firstly, I would look for that passion and calling from God to be hired for a certain position.  As I have conducted many interviews, it is always easy to tell whether or not you are pursuing a job with a passion or just trying to get hired.  Secondly, I am always looking for candidates who highly moldable and willing to learn and grow.  I have always lived by the motto that you are either growing or dying.  Lastly, are you the type of person that can build a positive culture around you and inspire others become the best person they can be.