Advice, Encouragement, EULife, Midterms and Finals
3 Things You SHOULDN’T Do During Finals Week
by Alexa Peyton Binge watch Netflix Seriously, you’ll regret this one. It’s super tempting, I know. It seems like a great way to take a break from studying. You’ll […]
Advice, Alumni Spotlight, Encouragement
The Riches of Ramen
It’s a generational thing. Or so I would say when I remember the “good old days” — which obviously included rainbow Furbies, frosted tip highlights, snap bracelets and butterfly hair […]
Encouragement, EULife
Prof’s Perspective: In Your Corner
by Bruce Hedgepeth, M.D. Many of the popular television shows and movies that do well seem to have catchy little jingles or opening songs that catch on with the pop […]