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EU On the College Tour

College Tour Spotlight

Evangel University is proud to be featured in season six of The College Tour, a TV series showcasing colleges and universities of distinction across the United States! Streaming on Amazon Prime and RokuTV, The College Tour illuminates the Evangel experience through individual student and alumni stories, highlighting EU’s vibrant community life, firm commitment to spiritual growth, and robust academic culture. Join host Alex Boylan as he gives an inside look into what it means to catch the Valor Spirit!

Raelin Lakatos

Class: 2024

Major: Film & Broadcasting

Hometown: Mt. Vernon, MO

“Evangel has equipped me with several amazing opportunities to grow as both a storyteller and an aspiring professional. Because of these experiences, I know I will be an effective communicator for Christ!”

Jared Spence

Class: 2024

Major: Pre-Physical Therapy

Hometown: Nixa, MO

“Here at Evangel University, the goal is not simply to prepare the next generation of doctors, lawyers, teachers, or business leaders, but to develop each student as a whole person, whether academically, spiritually, or relationally.”

Sydney Dunavant

Class: 2022

Major: Biology

Hometown: Rogersville, MO

“I’ve learned so much and have encountered many positive influences in the Evangel community. As I look at future career and grad school opportunities, I know that Evangel has fully equipped me to fulfill every one of my dreams and make a difference!”

Jachin “Yaya” Like

Class: 2023

Major: Theater & Youth Ministries

Hometown: Grand Prairie, TX

“Evangel has been phenomenal and instrumental in my growth as a student and as a person. Being able to balance work with football, theatre performances, and class has always been a struggle, but the professors at Evangel want their students to be successful and have helped me succeed.”

Ellie Schroeder

Class: 2023

Major: Non-profit & Social Enterprise

Hometown: Pleasant Hope, MO

“Evangel really invests in the individual student, and the school makes the student experience a priority!”

Jose Vargas

Class: 2019

Major: Spanish

Hometown: Barquisimeto, Venezuela

“Evangel students have the opportunity to explore and reach their full potential, and Evangel provides tools that will help students prepare and become efficient in their chosen careers.”

Amariah Fitch

Class: 2022

Major: Marketing

Hometown: Salem, OH

“Evangel University made it so easy to acclimate to college life. At EU, you can’t turn a corner without finding a community to join.”

Dalton Walker

Class: 2022

Major: Psychology & Intercultural Studies

Hometown: Orlando, FL

“An ethos of compassion is central to the heart and vision of Evangel University. With the overflowing wellspring of love and caring, Evangel finds priority in empowering students to better our campus, our surrounding community, and the world.”

Allison Fleetwood

Class: 2022

Major: Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership, Curriculum, and Instruction

Hometown: Lincoln, IL

“Through my time at Evangel, I have been able to grow in my field and provide my students with the best education possible and model a living example for my daughters of the importance of lifelong learning.”

Learn More About EU

Evangel University will help cultivate God’s calling on your life as you become a compassionate innovator, ready to make an impact, no matter your future field or career!