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Calvin Pincombe, D.Min.

Office Location: Trask Academic Building, 214E

Greetings! I am glad you are checking up on me here on the Evangel website. If you have further questions about higher education at Evangel and our philosophy of Christian education, please feel free to give me a call, drop by my office or send me an email.

Job Responsibilities: I teach a variety of philosophy courses and love every minute of it. It is exciting to see students learn to love God with their minds and and to think deeply about things that truly matter. In the process, they become equipped to engage their world for Christ. I also enjoy helping students see the deep coherence of the Christian faith by teaching systematic theology courses. In these courses we investigate not only what we believe, but why we believe what we believe.

Courses Taught: NT Theology: The full spectrum of systematic theology from the doctrine of revelation and Scripture to eschatology. Philosophy: Introduction to philosophy, logic, apologetics, ethics, metaphysics, aesthetics, medieval philosophy and philosophy of science. NT Courses: NT Literature and a variety of book studies.

Publications: A Biblical Theology of Worship. Springfield: Africa’s Hope, 2010. My focus has not been upon publications, but on apologetic lectures on topics such as the following: Beauty and the Necessity of God, Credo Music Festival, Oberlin, OH. July 13, 2011. Apologetics Conference: Sharing Christ and the Biblical Worldview in the Power of the Spirit, First Assembly of God, Crawfordsville, IN. June 18-19, 2010, The Mind Body Problem, the Plausibility of Theism, and the Hope Entailed in the Incarnation, Oberlin Christian Fellowship Lecture, March 8, 2007.

Started Work: I started full time teaching at Valley Forge Christian College in 1984 but pastored nine years in New England before coming to CBC in the Fall of 1996 and then to moving to EU the Fall of 2013.

Favorite Thing About Work: My favorite thing about my ministry here at EU is the students. Our students are sharp, inquisitive, and eager to engage in the pursuit of truth. It is a joy to teach here at Evangel.

Was an Evangel Student: AGTS 1979-81

Favorite Memory as a Student: No special memory stands out, but I thoroughly enjoyed deep discussions in the homes of my Professors.

Originally From: Simsbury, CT

Personal Information: My beloved wife Denise is Director of Music in a local church. We have two grown and married children. My daughter Megan is finishing a doctorate in physical therapy and my son Steuart is a Baroque cellist in the Netherlands. We have always loved camping and hiking, and of course reading!