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Julie Horner, Ed.D.


Job Responsibilities:
In addition to teaching at Evangel, I am the Senior Director of Publishing at The General Council of the Assemblies of God. The teams I lead include product development and trade sales & marketing. Previous roles included senior director of marketing & sales, marketing manager for Radiant Life curriculum, and new product solutions development.

Org Memberships:
New Vision A/G Church

Courses Taught:
NBUS 311 Nonprofit Marketing
MOL 692 Marketing
MOL 596 Leadership Brand Project

Instrument Development: The Step-by-Step Process Used to Develop the Project TWIST Test. (2014) Thousand Toaks, CA: Sage.
Prototype Small Group DVD Leader Guide. (2013) Carol Stream, Illinois: Tyndale House.
Teaching for Eternal Results. (2006) Springfield, MO: Gospel Publishing House.
Ministering to Children with Disabilities. (1999) Enrichment, 4(2), 41.
The Financial Balancing Act. (1998) Pentecostal Evangel, 16 Aug., 16-18.
Other articles in Radiant Life curriculum, Vida Nueva curriculum, Discipleship Ideas, Woman’s Touch, Club Connection.

Started Work: Fall 2013

Favorite Thing About Work:
I love making learning interesting and practical for students.

Favorite Memory as a Student:
While I was student teaching, I was able to help a student who rarely passed anything become successful at learning. More recently, definitely finishing my dissertation and getting my doctorate because it was the last item on my life goal list.

Originally From: Kamrar, IA

Personal Information:
I enjoy traveling to new places, reading, and decorating wedding cakes. I love teaching the adult Sunday School class and being children’s pastor at New Vision AG.
I’m married to Ron, a hospice chaplain, and we have two kids, Rachel and John.
Before moving to Springfield, we were missionaries in Budapest, Hungary. We taught English as a foreign language in a public high school. I’ve also lived and taught school in Brownsville, TX.

Top 5 Strengths:
Self Assurance