Evangel University offers both on campus and online courses to high school students looking to get a jump start on their college education. These general education courses are taught by qualified faculty members through the lens of a biblical worldview and provide students with credit towards a college degree.
Course Offerings
- Spring 2025 courses start January 8 and end May 2
- Spring break is March 17-21
- Textbooks are available from the Evangel Bookstore website (select “SP-25” as the term).
- Virtual proctoring is used with most online exams (requires a working webcam).
Course Title and Catalog Description | Lecture Number | Credit Hours | Tuition Cost |
BIBL 116 New Testament Literature
An introductory analytical survey of the New Testament in its historical-cultural and literary context.
Course has weekly due dates. See the Evangel Bookstore for required textbooks.
ODE 22 | 3 | $195 |
COMM 211 Public Speaking & Presentation
Tailored to the specific needs and interests of students with previous speaking experience (usually high school speech) along with a rhetorical study of significant public speeches or other communication events. Credit applies to the General Education humanities requirement.
Course has weekly due dates. See the Evangel Bookstore for required textbooks.
ODE 22 | 3 | $195 |
ECON 212 Principles of Macroeconomics
Introduction to economic problems of finance, labor, employment, international trade, social problems, price and wage structure, prosperity and depressions, inflation and deflation, and the role of government in the economic field.
Course has weekly due dates. See the Evangel Bookstore for required textbooks.
ODE 22 | 3 | $195 |
ENGL 111 Composition
Introduction to the thesis-support essay form, including informative, persuasive, and documented, with an emphasis on avoiding plagiarism. Includes strategies for organizing, writing, editing, revising, quoting, summarizing, paraphrasing, and documenting.
Course has weekly due dates. See the Evangel Bookstore for required textbooks.
ODE 22 | 3 | $195 |
ENGL 123 Introduction to Literature
Introduction to understanding and interpreting literature. Literary selections drawn from various cultures and at least three common genres.
Course has weekly due dates. See the Evangel Bookstore for required textbooks.
ODE 22 | 3 | $195 |
GSCI 113 Earth Science w/Lab
Introductory topics in geology, meteorology, and astronomy. Geology topics include rocks and minerals, plate tectonics, building and shaping of Earth’s surfaces, and geologic dating. Astronomy topics include the Universe, components of Earth’s solar system, and the effects of Earth’s movement in space. Meteorology topics include Earth’s atmosphere, weather and climate, and Earth’s water structures and cycles. Course has weekly due dates. See the Evangel Bookstore for required textbooks.
ODE 22 w/ LAB ODE 55 | 4 | $260 |
GOVT 170 Introduction to American Government
Analysis of the structure, principles, and processes of the American federal government.
Course has weekly due dates. See the Evangel Bookstore for required textbooks.
ODE 22 | 3 | $195 |
HIST 112 American History II
Survey from 1877, examining American institutions and ideas; the rise of nationalism; the emergence of America as a strong nation; WWI and the Great Depression; WWII and the Cold War; and the United State’s role in the worldwide political situation.
Course has weekly due dates. See the Evangel Bookstore for required textbooks.
ODE 22 | 3 | $195 |
MATH 129 College Algebra
A study of the development of the real number system; algebraic operations; inequalities; linear, quadratic, and polynomial functions and their zeroes; inverse functions; exponential and logarithmic functions; complex numbers; and trigonometry. Prerequisite: Two years high school algebra or equivalent. Course has weekly due dates. See the Evangel Bookstore for required textbooks.
ODE 22 | 3 | $195 |
PHIL 115 Introduction to Philosophy
Exploration of topics in informal and inductive reasoning with emphasis on recognizing and evaluating arguments and fallacies in ordinary, literary, and scientific contexts.
Course has weekly due dates. See the Evangel Bookstore for required textbooks.
ODE 22 | 3 | $195 |
PSYC 138 Psychology of Healthy Relationships
This course provides foundational exploration regarding personal wholeness in relationship to self, family, others and God. Emphasis is placed on personal application of course material to promote greater self-awareness and ability to live out healthy choices regarding areas explored in the course. Theoretical models are explored regarding development, mental health and relationships to include recognizing and coping with stress and interpersonal conflicts.
Course has weekly due dates. See the Evangel Bookstore for required textbooks
ODE 22 | 3 | $195 |
Spring 2025 Dual Enrollment Online Course Offerings
Spring 2025 Dual Enrollment On-Campus Course Offerings: Coming Soon

Want to speak with someone from our admissions team?
Our admissions team is here to help you! Please schedule a time to talk with your any of our admissions counselors to get started on your journey to EU.
New students can start with Evangel’s online application (select “Dual Enrollment” as the program).
Accepted students and returning students can register for upcoming dual enrollment courses in the Evangel Student Portal.
Evangel University’s dual enrollment courses cost $65 per credit hour. A three-credit hour course will cost $195. Lab fees may apply.
Required textbooks can be purchased or rented from the Evangel Bookstore. (Search for course by term).
Many of Evangel’s dual enrolled courses include textbooks and course materials included with registration.
We love home schooled students and welcome you to apply. You must be a minimum of 16 years old and in 11th grade.
Only degree seeking students, admitted to our undergraduate program, can receive financial assistance. Courses are extremely affordable at only $65 per credit hour.
No. Evangel University currently offers online classes. Evangel uses Canvas, a web based learning and delivery platform. Bulletin boards, chat features, and email within Canvas allows students to communicate with classmates and professors.
Dual enrolled students have access to our bookstore, library, and Student Success Center support.
Yes. Dual Enrolled students will receive a letter grade that will be recorded on an official Evangel University transcript.
Students can request transcripts from the National Student Clearinghouse to be sent to their high school or institution of their choice. Order Evangel Transcripts
Credits earned under the Evangel dual enrollment program can be applied to a degree at Evangel University or transferred to any regionally accredited institution. You should always check with your destination college concerning specific transferability and grade requirements.
First, discuss your situation with your professor. He/she may be able to help you with whatever challenge you are facing. Dual enrollment students are subject to the same drop/add/withdraw procedures as any other student. For more information, please contact dualenrollment@evangel.edu.
Yes. The dual enrollment program offers students the opportunity to supplement their high school classes with college level courses for credit. Dual enrolled students will still need to complete the regular application for admission. You can apply at the conclusion of your junior year in high school.
There is no better way to learn about college life at Evangel than to experience the Evangel community for yourself on a Campus Visit. Our admissions team is always available to provide information as well!
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