EVENT DATE: Thursday, Feb. 6, 2020 at 7:30 p.m.

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. — Evangel University and the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary will host a solemn dedication ceremony for the authentic Torah scroll that was received last fall for academic purposes.
Due to damage and age, the 19th Century scroll was declared pasul, or no longer kosher, before the donation.
The dedication will be held at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 6, 2020, in the grand lobby of AGTS, which is located on the north edge of Evangel’s campus, at Glenstone and Division.
The 138-foot-long scroll came from Ken and Barb Larson, founders of Slumberland Furniture and of God’s Ancient Library, a foundation dedicated to preserving and gifting pasul Torah scrolls to schools that prepare students to teach biblical literacy.
The Larsons will participate in the ceremony, as will President Carol Taylor and others. Special music will be provided by the Evangel University Department of Music.
The Torah will be housed in a secure glass display.
In addition, high-resolution digital photos of the scroll have been cataloged and matched to passages in English, to serve as additional research material for students and scholars.

The gift
The Torah is a Hebrew scroll that includes the first five books of the Old Testament, historically ascribed to Moses, and provides the foundation for Jewish life and worship.
Experts have declared that this particular Torah almost certainly originated in Eastern Europe (Germany or Poland) approximately 125-200 years ago. Following the Holocaust of World War II, Jewish immigrants discovered the scroll and transported it to Israel.
For additional details and links to media coverage of the University’s receipt of the Torah — https://www.evangel.edu/press_releases/agts-pasul-torah-scroll/
About AGTS & Evangel University
Evangel University, which includes AGTS, is a comprehensive Christian university committed to excellence in educating and equipping students to serve the church and society globally. Evangel serves more than 2,300 students from all 50 states and numerous foreign countries, offering 70 undergraduate majors and 19 master’s and doctoral degrees.
For more information about God’s Ancient Library, visit https://www.godsancientlibrary.com/

Torah Dedication Program
- Prelude Music – Dr. Greg Morris & Dr. Larry Dissmore, Professors of Music
- Open Introduction & Prayer – Dr. Michael Kolstad, V.P. for University Advancement
- Chorale – “O admirabile commercium” with “Abide With Me” – Directed by Dr. Thomas Matrone, Chair of the Department of Music (O admirabile is by Jacob Handl/edited by Ernest White and Abide With Me is arr. Lucy Hirt)
- Comments/Thanks – Dr. Carol Taylor, President of Evangel University
- Introduction of Ken & Barb Larson, God’s Ancient Library Foundation
- Comments from the Larsons
- Chorale – “The Heaven’s Flock” by Ēriks Ešenvalds
- Reading from the Torah – EU & AGTS Students
- Highlights/Impact of the EU Scroll – Dr. Timothy Hager, V.P. & Dean, AGTS; Dr. Brandon Schmidly, Chair, Department of Theology & Global Church Ministries
- Dedicatory/Postlude Prayer – Dr. Timothy Hager
- Reception in the Great Hall – Music by EU String Quartet