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Dr. Carol A. Taylor first official day as President of Evangel University

Published on May 1, 2014 by Paul K. Logsdon

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. – The Evangel University community is pleased to welcome Dr. Carol A. Taylor on her first official day as president of Evangel University (May 1, 2014).

Dr. Taylor is the fourth president to serve at Evangel since it was founded in 1955. She is the first Evangel graduate and the first female to serve as Evangel’s president.

Dr. Robert H. Spence retired on April 30, having completed 40 years as the third president.

Dr. Taylor first joined Evangel as president-elect/CEO in July 2013. Prior to that, she had served as president of Vanguard University in Costa Mesa, Calif.

Dr. George Wood, general superintendent of the Assemblies of God, issued a formal welcome.

“On your first day as president of Evangel University, I welcome you on behalf of the Board of Trustees. May your tenure be long and productive!” Dr. Wood also serves as the chairman of the Evangel University Board of Trustees.

Dr. Taylor earned a bachelor’s degree in elementary education from Evangel in 1973. She later earned a master’s degree in cross-cultural communication from the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary at Evangel, and a Ph.D. in multilingual/multicultural education from Florida State University.

She was honored to receive the Distinguished Alumnus Award from the Evangel University Alumni Association in 2012.

First Day activities

This is graduation week at Evangel University. At 10:30 a.m., President Taylor hosted a parents brunch in Crusader Hall.

At 3 p.m., the undergraduate Baccalaureate, Awards and Honors Service will be held in the Robert H. Spence Chapel auditorium. A reception for undergraduates and their families will be held in Crusader Hall immediately following the baccalaureate ceremony. Graduates will have an opportunity to introduce family members to President Taylor and their favorite professors.

The events of graduation week will culminate with the 56th Annual Commencement Ceremony on Friday, May 2, at 9:30 a.m. in the James River Church auditorium.

This year, a total of 595 degrees will be conferred at Evangel’s graduation, including 337 traditional undergraduate, 76 adult studies and 68 master’s degrees. Also included in the total are 76 bachelor’s degrees from Central Bible College and 38 associate’s degrees from James River Leadership Campus.


PHOTO CAPTION: Dr. Carol A. Taylor arrived at her office on her first day as President of Evangel University, May 1, 2014, and was welcomed by this gift of flowers from the Evangel University Board of Trustees.