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Leadership lessons illuminate career path for Evangel grad

Published on May 6, 2016 by Paul K. Logsdon

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. — As 625 Evangel University graduates walk the line this weekend, one takes with her a unique view of leadership. Hannah Beers, student body president, has had the opportunity to see firsthand some of Evangel’s top leaders in action, and she’s using that experience to form her own career path.

“I had the opportunity to serve on a committee with the administration and President Taylor this year,” said Beers, a senior from Steelville, Mo. “Sitting under her leadership, I realized the value of humor and relationship when it comes to leadership. She is truly one of the most inspirational leaders I have witnessed.”

Beers literally grew up planning to attend Evangel and was pleased that Dr. Robert H. Spence was still serving as president when she arrived four years ago.

“One day during my freshman year, I told him I appreciated his message in chapel that morning. He stopped to talk with me, and then asked me about another student from my town that had attended Evangel more than 15 years ago. He remembered her name and major and career path. That kind of leadership is unique,” she said.

Incoming freshmen are often presented with a wider array of options and opportunities than they ever imagined. For Beers, it was a dream come true.

2016-05.06 Hannah Beers Italy
Hannah Beers earned a full scholarship to study abroad in Florence, Italy, for the month of May 2015. Here, she enjoys the beauty of Cinque Terre, Italy. // PHOTO BY: Katherine Gross // (CLICK TO ENLARGE)

“After being granted the opportunity to attend my dream university, I decided to get involved with everything I could manage,” said Beers. “I joined the Concert Orchestra and the yearbook staff. I worked as a student assistant in the Communication Department and served as the PR director for my class council in the Student Government Association,” she said.

And that was just her freshman year.

“I soon found my true calling in the world of politics,” said Beers, who has majored in advertising and public relations and minored in government.

During her sophomore year, Beers helped revitalize Evangel’s College Republican chapter. She also started a photography business and kept up on her diverse campus commitments.

At the end of her junior year, she was elected as president of the Evangel Student Government Association and as the state chairman of the Missouri Federation of College Republicans.

Beers would soon realize that she had tested her limits.

“The only thing I was lacking was balance,” Beers admits. “However, that is where the community of Evangel accomplished its purpose. Mentors and friends came alongside to help decipher what was right for me. Faculty and staff members shared experiences and pieces of wisdom. Dear friends brought me back to earth and encouraged me to let loose and enjoy life as a student.”

Ultimately, her senior year was a success. Beers graduated with honors, and has been named the outstanding advertising/PR major of the year.

“It has been my joy to watch Hannah grow as a student and campus leader,” said President Carol Taylor. “As student body president, she served on the University Planning Council with cabinet members and other campus leaders. She is insightful and articulate with an infectious enthusiasm. Hannah inspires hope in the future.”

Beers next steps involve working full-time with a state gubernatorial campaign. She was hired in March, and will relocate next week to Kansas City for the duration of the election season. After that, her plans are to move to Washington D.C. to work on Capitol Hill in the communications field for a member of Congress.

“Eventually, I will return to the great state of Missouri,” said Beers. “Serving my community is my calling, and I cannot wait to serve in public office.”
