Lisa Tyson, director of the College of Adult & Graduate Studies at Evangel University, has earned her Ph.D. in Global Leadership, with a specialization in academic administration, from Indiana Institute of Technology.
Tyson’s dissertation was “A Study Exploring the Culture, Calling, and Worldview Perceptions of Students in a Global Experience.” The study examined how student perceptions differed based on the type of cross cultural experience they had, as well as how their past experiences, knowledge, and sense of calling impacted the experience.
Her involvement in Evangel’s Global Connections program led her to this study.
“The University has made a commitment to global education and preparation, by requiring undergraduate students to participate in the Global Connections program as part of their experience at Evangel,” she said. “I’ve been active in this program as a sponsor of trips for eight years, and can attest to the value this education brings to our student population.”
Tyson’s study found that student perceptions varied based on the type of experience; preparation for the trips had a positive overall impact on student perceptions of their experience; and calling did not have an impact on student perceptions.

Her study also found that student perceptions of culture changed, as the majority of students moved from a place of challenge or misunderstanding to a place of understanding and acceptance.
“All students experienced changes in perceptions of worldview development,” she said, “but perception, and therefore development was not the same, depending on the type of trip and experience.”
According to Tyson, previous study with students in relation to their Global Connections experience was quantitative. Her qualitative study helped provide support for the previous study and sets the stage for future research.
“Adding to what we know, through qualitative research, helps us to dive deeper into the lived experiences of Global Connections participants,” Tyson said. “We’re able to really see and hear about the details of their experiences through their eyes.”
In addition to her Ph.D., Tyson earned a Bachelor of Arts in Government from Evangel in 1993, and a Master of Organizational Leadership from Evangel in 2009.
A native of Winfield, Kansas, Tyson and her husband, Allen, have four children aged 12 to 21. She began her career at Evangel in 2004.
Evangel University’s adult studies accelerated curriculum recognizes the unique needs and abilities of adult students who desire to complete their degrees while accommodating career or family obligations.
Upon admission, students will work with advisors to develop a success plan that leads to graduation. Students may start with general education courses, and when eligible, begin a major in human services, business management or church ministries.
Adult students can experience a seated course format that meets on the Evangel campus once a week or an online course format that enables students to interact and share as they complete the same curriculum through an online course management system.
Evangel offers several graduate degrees — in athletic training, business, counseling, education and theology — each integrating passionate faith and scholarly exploration to equip professionals to be servant leaders, social and intellectual catalysts, and mature followers of Christ.
EU’s flexible scheduling, including some online classes in each program, allows students to balance career and family with their educational pursuits.
Tuition rates are comparable to state universities.
For more information, call the College of Adult & Graduate Studies at Evangel University: (417) 865-2811, ext. 8269.