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COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic

COVID-19 Vaccine Events

We will be partnering with the Springfield-Greene County Health Department for two upcoming events.

Vaccine Clinic

Evangel has partnered with SGCHD to host a vaccination clinic on Thursday, August 26th from 10:00am – 2:00pm. SGCHD will have their mobile unit on-site outside of Trask Hall. There is no pre-registration. The vaccination clinic is a drop in, where you will be able to choose between the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine.

Join a Q&A with Evangel and SGCHD

On Tuesday, August 24 from 3-4pm, health professionals will be answering your real-time questions about the vaccine on a live zoom call. You can join the live Q&A here:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 894 3518 5547
Passcode: 553412
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,89435185547#,,,,*553412# US (Chicago)

For information about Evangel’s COVID-19 policy for Fall 2021, click here.