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Kelly Sutherland, Ed.D.

Office Location: Trask Academic Building, 201F

I have taught 35 years in the field of education. The last 9 years of teaching have been in service to Evangel University as an Education professor. Prior to coming to Evangel, I served 17 years as a teacher in public-schools, and 9 years of administrative experience as a building principal.

I teach undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral courses for Evangel.  I also serve as an advisor for both Elementary Education undergraduate students and Curriculum and Instruction Leadership graduate students. Within the Graduate Department, I serve as the Coordinator for the Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction Leadership program.  I am also the manager of the department Teacher Recruitment Grant.

I support my local community by serving on the school board and various school committees.

My God and family are the most important things in my life. I have been truly blessed with a wonderful husband, Brian, and two precious daughters, Lexie and Lindy. Outside of being a wife, mother, and professor, I spend my “spare” time being a Laundress, Chauffer, and Sports Enthusiast. My husband and daughters are volleyball and basketball fanatics, and I am along for the ride!

It is a privilege and blessing to work with students and colleagues at Evangel University. I truly love coming to work each day and focusing on the mission that the Lord has designed for me.

Professional Memberships & Noteworthy Community Involvement

Missouri Association for Colleges of Teacher Education, 2013-present
Missouri Professors of Educational Administration, 2013-present
National Association of Elementary School Principals, 2004-present

Serve on the Greater Ozarks Centers for Advanced Professional Studies (GOCAPS) Teacher Education Advisory Team 2018 –present
Serve as a Fair Grove R-X School Board Member, April 2018 to present
Committee Member, ACHIEVE Project, Evangel University, 2014 to 2016
Coordinator for October Rocks Partnership Project, Weller Elementary, Springfield, MO, 2014-present