The Religious Studies minor is designed to provide students the opportunity to pursue a wide variety interests which fall under Department of Theology. For most students the requirements are 9 credit hours of Core Curriculum Theology courses (one must be THEO 320, Pentecost), and 9 more credit hours of departmental classes. Almost any courses from the department can be used, with just a few exceptions (see below). For many students, if you want some Intercultural Studies, Youth Ministry, or Philosophy courses to apply to a program but do not want to take 18 hours in those areas, you could do 9 hours from these various areas and earn the Religious Studies minor. Perhaps you want to mix and match—maybe Archaeology, Philosophy, and Church History, you could.
If you transfer in some courses which fall under the Theology Department, but which do not fulfill specific requirements for other departmental programs, those can be used here. This is a common situation for people who have taken some courses at another Christian college, as well as some community colleges. Transfer students can often earn a minor based on the reduced Evangel requirements plus their transfer courses, if they add up to 18 credit hours.
There are a few exclusions: Core Curriculum courses beyond the 9 required Core credit hours, as well as Elementary Hebrew and Greek, cannot be used for the minor. In addition, students who have Biblical Studies or Church Leadership majors cannot use any Core Curriculum credits toward the minor. That said, their required Philosophy course can be applied to the minor.
Department Chair

Mark Jenkins, Ph.D.
Department Chair; Professor of Old Testament, Biblical Hebrew, and Archaeology
Full-time Faculty

William Griffin, Ph.D.
Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew

Gary Martindale, Ph.D.
Professor of Biblical Studies

Chris McGough, M.A.
Associate Professor of Youth Ministries

Dr. Vince Medina, Ph.D.
Professor of Old Testament

Martin Mittelstadt, Ph.D.
Professor of New Testament

Meghan Musy, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Old Testament

Rev. Darin Poe, PhD
Director, AG Ministry Leaders of Tomorrow Project

Danny Sebastian, PhD
Provisional Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Ethics
Missionary in Residence

Joshua Lovelace, Ph.D.
Missionary in Residence