Name: Dr. Clishia Taylor
Graduation Year: 2012
Major: DMIN Health Care Ministry
Current Position: President/CEO American Health Care Professionals & Dir GHA Institute
City and State: Great Falls, VA
Tell us about your career and what you do now.
I am the CEO of American Health Care Professionals, Co-Founder of Bless My People Foundation, and Director of Global Health Access (GHA) Institute. I wear a lot of hats, including nurse, CEO, co-founder, administrator, lobbyist, and entrepreneur.
I did my doctoral degree in health care ministry. As a faith-based community, the church was a great place to bring health education to the church and the church leadership because they would listen. I did my thesis on implementing prevention and wellness programs within faith-based organizations and that was what formulated the Bless My People Foundation.
The foundation provided prevention and wellness services. We must have served a hundred thousand people. We would go into the communities and do blood pressure, blood sugar screening, and education. We went to Kenya and saw 150 people in a day. We’re active in the US, Africa, and in the Middle East. Bless My People Foundation became the nonprofit arm for American Health Care Professionals. Global Health Access (GHA) Institute became our virtual training platform for best practices in emerging technology, specifically in telehealth and telemedicine.
What is your favorite memory from AGTS?
When the Lord called me to go back to school, I was like, “No way!” I had spent 9 years in school and was not interested in going back. The Lord spoke to me from Daniel 1:17 and 2 Timothy 2:15, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” In addition, my pastor told me on a trip to Israel the Lord laid it on her heart for me to go to bible school. The Lord directed me to AGTS and told me AGTS would be the frame and the Lord would build the picture.
How did AGTS help you identify/develop your calling?
I launched two organizations from my project.
How did your experience at AGTS prepare you for life after graduation?
At AGTS, I was surrounded with God fearing, gifted men and women of God to help direct me in the Lord’s plans for my life in ministry.
What advice would you give a current student preparing for the workforce?
Wait on the Lord and be prepared to move when called and trust Him all the way!
What would you look for if you were in a position to hire new graduates from AGTS?
An open heart and desire to serve humanity.