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AGTS Alumni Perspective: Craig Grigson III

Name: Craig Grigson III

Graduation Year: 2021

Major: M.Div

Current Position: Young Adults Pastor at Central Assembly of God

City and State: Springfield, MO


Tell us about your career and what you do now.

After 8 years working full-time for a local industrial construction company and serving as a volunteer minister, I have made the exciting transition to being a full-time Staff Pastor at Central Assembly of God. As the Young Adults Pastor, I pastor our college, workforce, career, and professional young adults. Starting from the time they graduate high school until sometime in the future.

What is your favorite memory from AGTS?

I greatly enjoyed the faculty and the academic rigor. I love learning, reading, and writing and I was challenged in all three areas. That is one of my deep passions! The professors were awesome and I appreciate everything I learned from them.

How did AGTS help you identify/develop your calling?

Professor Randy Walls in particular was ESPECIALLY helpful in this regard and I can’t thank him enough for the good conversations and good classes that he led. Thank you! My calling was established before AGTS but it began to crystalize (like salt coming out of solution) toward the end of my time there. This kind of formational development doesn’t come without conversation, exploration, and intentionally caring about students.

How did your experience at AGTS prepare you for life after graduation?

As a Pastor and Navy Reserve Chaplain, I do not doubt that my Spiritual ability and confidence to live and walk as a Pastor and Chaplain were settled.

What advice would you give a current student preparing for the workforce?

Get your theology of work figured out ASAP. Once you figure out that you aren’t “working for the man” or whatever nonsense culture wants you to buy into, you can begin living a flourishing life wherever you are working.

What would you look for if you were in a position to hire new graduates from AGTS?

Someone who lives as a bridge between reality and spirituality in a theologically sound way.