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CBC Alumni Perspective: Angel Luis Berrios

Name: Angel Luis Berrios

Graduation Year: 1986

Major: Biblical Studies

Current Position: Chaplain US Army

City and State: Fort Benning, Georgia


Tell us about your career and what you do now.

Before I joined the US Army in 2009, I was a full-time Missionary/Evangelist for 23 years having ministered in 49 states and 45 countries. I am fluent in Spanish.

My first 10 years as an Army Chaplain, I was a Battalion Chaplain, meaning I was able to be with Soldiers as we daily and routinely trained in tactical and “real Army” environments. I deployed to Iraq from 2010 to 2011 with a heavy armor (tank) unit. Ministry is unique, rewarding and challenging. The last three years, my ministry is somewhat the same as above, but now I also mentor and train other junior chaplains, which has been a great blessing.

What is your favorite memory from CBC?

Studying and learning the Word of God and learning how to minister to people. Also, I remember meeting great people, who many I reconnected with later in ministerial settings.

How did CBC help you identify/develop your calling?

I got saved at 14 years old. Called into full-time ministry at 15 years old and I arrived at CBC at the age of 16. I was then at CBC for the next five years, so my very early spiritual life development was on campus. I was very impressionable and eager to learn – and I did. I simply wanted to be an evangelist and preach the Word. All the training, classes, people I met and ministries I was involved with – all helped me be successful in full-time ministry to this day.

How did your experience at CBC prepare you for life after graduation?

From the professors at CBC I learned that in order to be an effective minister, we must always keep our relationship with God as priority. While I was a student I disciplined myself to do my personal devotions (Bible reading and prayer) everyday. To this day, this is priority in my life.

What advice would you give a current student preparing for the workforce?

Have a solid growing relationship with God by disciplining yourself in daily personal devotions. Be teachable and a team player. Don’t be a “know-it-all”. Always remember to acknowledge God with gratitude for all your successes.

What would you look for if you were in a position to hire a new graduate?

Solid relationship with God. Humbleness. Eager to learn. Team player. Genuine character. Personable and approachable. Good work ethics.