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CBC alumni perspective: Dr. James O. Davis

Name: Dr. James O. Davis

Graduation Year: 1983

Major: Bible

Current Position: President/Founder of Cutting Edge International and Global Church Network

City and State: Viera, Florida

Tell us about your career and what you do now.

For nearly 40 years, I have been fortunate to travel, teach, and preach in 123 nations. In 1984, we launched Cutting Edge International and the Global Church Network in 2002. The Global Church Network comprises of more than 2,400 denominations and 560,000 churches. Our synergistic purpose is to help mobilize the entire Body of Christ toward the fulfillment of the Great Commission by 2030. In October 2017, we hosted the Wittenberg 2017 Congress in Wittenberg, Germany. The Wittenberg 2017 Congress convened on the exact dates of the 500th Anniversary of Martin Luther nailing the 95 Theses on Castle Church Door.

What is your favorite memory from CBC?

The day I met Sheri Renee Paul, who became my wife!

How did CBC help you identify/develop your calling?

CBC equipped, enlarged, and empowered me.

How did your experience at CBC prepare you for life after graduation?

CBC helped to bring a greater Biblical understanding for the future.

What advice would you give a current student preparing for the workforce?

Think more than you speak; choose your friends wisely; rise above your critics; reach for the impossible.

What would you look for if you were in a position to hire a new graduate?

Faith in Christ, a foundation in the Word, and fortitude in character – the formula for true success.