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CBC alumni perspective: Duane Durst

Name: Duane P. Durst

Graduation Year: 1972

Major: Bible

Current Position: Superintendent at New York Ministry Network, NE Region Non-Resident Executive Presbyter

City and State: Liverpool, New York

Tell us about your career and what you do now.

My wife, Bev, and I have served at churches in Illinois, Wisconsin/N. Michigan, Ohio, and New York in the capacity of youth, music, associate, and lead pastor. My last pastorate was Bellerose AG in Queens with a congregation comprised of 43 nations of native birth. During that time, I was privileged to serve as the first presbyter for the Queens section of the New York District.

While pastoring Willoughby AG in Ohio, I completed an M.Div. in Counseling and Psychology as well as a D. Min in Administration at Ashland Theological Seminary.

In 1999, I served as the administrative assistant to the superintendent and then moved to assistant superintendent with a portfolio of mission and church planting. Since 2004, I have served as the superintendent and was elected to serve as the NE non-resident executive presbytery in 2015.

What is your favorite memory from CBC?

Directing and traveling with Tempos Choir and classes with Drs. Henderson, Harris, Horton, and Lawrence.

How did CBC help you identify/develop your calling?

Directing Tempos was a developmental step in leadership as the twenty-member choir ministered on weekends and in longer fall and spring tours.

How did your experience at CBC prepare you for life after graduation?

Traveling in ministry gave me an exposure to the variety of AG churches we have. It was an important part of developing a vision of what could be and what could hold back success.

What advice would you give a current student preparing for the workforce?

God will use everything you put on the table before Him, but He can’t use what you can’t give. Develop your gifts, calling, education, and credentials to the highest level so it provides more as a gift for the Lord to use.

What would you look for if you were in a position to hire a new graduate?

I would look for someone who is a self-starter, has vision, is not content with the status quo. Also, I would look for someone who does work with excellence and has a consistent, healthy devotional life.