Name: Michael Alan Ciociola
Graduation Year: 1968
Major: Bible/Theology
Current Position: Lead Pastor
City and State: Yuba City, CA
Tell us about your career and what you do now.
I am currently the Lead Pastor of Calvary Christian Center, Yuba City, CA where I have served for 26 years. I am also the Auxiliary Chaplain at Beale Air Force Base and serve as the Executive Presbyter for Northern California/Nevada District. My wife, Dona (McKinney) Ciociola is a CBC graduate (’68) with a degree in Religious Education. We will be celebrating our 51st wedding anniversary this June!
What is your favorite memory from CBC?
The relationships that have lasted through the years, the Chapel experiences, and a classroom-learning environment, which shaped my future ministry.
How did CBC help you identify/develop your calling?
Classroom professors who gave input into my life and the classroom of the Holy Spirit/Chapel, which gave me experiential knowledge of the work of the Holy Spirit.
How did your experience at CBC prepare you for life after graduation?
It fine-tuned my Biblical knowledge and its application as well as taught me personal disciplines that prepared me for a full-time ministry environment.
What advice would you give a current student preparing for the workforce?
In addition to gleaning everything possible from classroom study, I also learned the balance of practical experience before heading into full-time ministry service. In today’s ministry environment, it is imperative that one receives preparation in business experience.
What would you look for if you were in a position to hire a new graduate?
I would look for someone with one-hundred percent loyalty to the Divine inspiration of Scripture and sound Biblical, theological training. Also, someone with practical ministry experience, outside of the classroom, with either a corporate background or business course. Lastly, someone who knows the importance and understanding of how to be a team player.