Name: Paul R. McDonald
Graduation Year: 1986
Major: Bible
Current Position: Treasurer/Business Administrator at NOMO AG District and Interim Senior Pastor at First Assembly Church in St. Peters, MO
City and State: Columbia, MO
Tell us about your career and what you do now.
I started out at my home church, Tiffany Fellowship (8 yrs), then pastored in rural Iowa (6 yrs) and Fairbanks, AK (12 yrs). In 2011, I came full circle back to MO to work with District Superintendent. Ray Brewer, who had been my home church pastor. As District Treasurer/DBA, I have been in office for almost seven years, and have served in five senior pastor interim positions.
What is your favorite memory from CBC?
Chapel services, hospital/nursing home visitation, wet-towel fights, fire alarm “drills,” street evangelism, Friday night missions services, study “dates” in the library, Spring impact trips, and RevivalTime Choir tours.
How did CBC help you identify/develop your calling?
Rubbing shoulders with giants of the Faith, confirmation through Chapel messages, counseling, and advice from great teachers/mentors/leaders.
How did your experience at CBC prepare you for life after graduation?
Deep Biblical exegesis (and a deeper love for His Word), immersion in Pentecostal worship experiences, solid training in pastoral ministry, and administrative skills. And, I met my wife Cindy!
What advice would you give a current student preparing for the workforce? Integrity is everything in a world of “fake news” and plastic social media profiles. Be authentic and show genuine concern to invest in others’ spiritual wellbeing; use your God-given authority to build others up.
What would you look for if you were in a position to hire a new graduate?
I would look for integrity, spiritual maturity, work ethic, and emotional health and intelligence. All else can be taught and trained.