Name: Stephen L. Harris
Graduation Year: 1974
Major: Bible
Current Position: Arizona District Superintendent
City and State: Phoenix, Arizona
Tell us about your career and what you do now.
Marjorie and I have served as youth pastors, lead pastors of two churches and now district superintendent. It seems that I have served on every sectional and district level of leadership, except WM representative.
What is your favorite memory from CBC?
I have many favorite memories of CBC, but the chapel services stand out. Those services impacted my life – the many times God moved as we spent time in prayer at the altar. The guest speakers who were full time ministry in a church or mission and the faculty (especially, Dr. Donald Johns) who spoke under the anointing of the Holy Spirit also greatly impacted my life.
How did CBC help you identify/develop your calling?
Of course, it is always the personal relationships that stand out. My relationships with faculty helped define my calling and the prayer times made it clear for me. The educational foundation was so important, but it was the experiential education included that made it so impactful.
How did your experience at CBC prepare you for life after graduation?
CBC gave me a foundation for ministry. There was much that CBC didn’t prepare me for, but gave me a foundation to work from. The Bible education was so important for a foundation for preaching.
What advice would you give a current student preparing for the workforce?
Ministry is a heart thing. It is how your heart directs you. You have to love the Lord with all of your heart and then you love His work. We can’t do this ministry without our hearts being in it. The heart separates ministry from just being a job or career. Ministry is a life! It has become my life because of Jesus. I love His work and His work is people. So love God and love people.
What would you look for if you were in a position to hire a new graduate?
Attitude is as important as anything. I try to evaluate the attitude of a person and his or her relationship with the Lord. Those pieces determine many things in the ministry. I rely strongly on references and the direction of the Holy Spirit.