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CBC alumni perspective: Tom Mattiuzzo

Name: Tom Mattiuzzo

Graduation Year: 1978

Major: Bible

Current Position: Pastor

City and State: Flint, MI

Tell us about your career and what you do now.

We served as pastors for 14 years in PA, five as a youth pastor in Bethel Park, and nine pastoring in Edinboro. We are currently serving as pastors at Riverside Tabernacle in downtown Flint, MI, and we are now in our 27th year.

What is your favorite memory from CBC?

Friendships that have continued over 44 years and the moment my current “roommate” said “yes.”

How did CBC help you identify/develop your calling?

CBC gave me many opportunities to more deeply understand and solidify the call of God on my life – four focused years of structured examination and development as a person as well as a Christian leader. 

How did your experience at CBC prepare you for life after graduation?

We entered CBC as kids, really, and we were afforded the opportunity to grow up some, and to explore our callings in preparation for what the coming years would bring. It was a safe place where we could mature a bit (or a lot!) over four years without doing any real damage to the work of God. LOL! Leadership and ministry opportunities were plentiful and valuable. 

What advice would you give a current student preparing for the workforce?

Having been both the supervised and the supervisor, the three areas I’ve come to focus on are: integrity, creativity, and excellence. My advice to anyone at entry-level ministry: Exceed expectations! J Your ministry will make a way for you, and remember you’re called to serve, not to be served.

What would you look for if you were in a position to hire a new graduate?

I would look for someone with a healthy relationship with Christ, kindness, appreciation, integrity, heart to serve, enthusiasm, teachable spirit, strong work ethic, generosity, honesty, and lastly, a balance of talent and ability.