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CBC/EU alumni perspective: Michael and Amy Houser

Name: Michael Houser

Graduation Year (CBC): 1992

Major: Double Major (Pastoral Ministries and Bible)

Current Position: Lead Pastor at Holland First Assembly of God (

City and State: Zeeland, Michigan

Name: Amy (Bricker) Houser

Graduation Year (EU): 1990

Major: Mental Health

Current Position: Multi Unit Manager for H & R Block

City and State: Zeeland, Michigan

Tell us about your career and what you do now.

Michael: I have been in full time ministry since March of 1992 and served as a youth pastor in Illinois, Missouri and Michigan for 15 years. I have now been lead pastor of Holland First AG for 11 years.

Amy: Currently I am working as a Multi-Unit Manager for H&R Block. From January to April, I manage two offices in Holland, MI. After the busy tax season, I am in charge of recruiting and hiring for 24 offices in the Grand Rapids District. I am also in charge of business partnerships and nonprofit partnerships for our District. 

What is your favorite memory from CBC/EU?

Michael: I loved the friends that I made because they last a lifetime. I loved being in the RevivalTime choir and touring, I was a part of a ministry team called, “Phi Beta” and we actually were sponsored by the college to speak at youth rallys and youth services in several states. I loved being a class Vice President and I also loved being chosen to speak at Senior Chapel. These are just a few of the many highlights from my college days.

Amy: Some of my favorite Evangel memories were with the amazing friends I met on my floor!  Spence 3rd South girls! We had a lot of fun together! I also loved just being there, making my personal relationship with Christ, my very own. Being raised in a Christian home, that is all I ever knew. It was important for me to live out what I had learned and to grow in Christ. My favorite memories also include being a part of the RevivalTime Choir and touring all over the country. I met my husband in the choir so obviously that is the best! I can’t leave out going to Billy’s Chili and Bar Bar….and ALWAYS ordering the B 52 Bomber – great times!

How did CBC/EU help you identify/develop your calling?

Michael: I knew I was called to be a pastor as far back as the 8th grade, but CBC enabled me to not only learn a deeper knowledge of God’s Word and prepare for ministry, but the college atmosphere spoke into my life to make sure Jesus was always the Lord of my life and to walk in His anointing.

Amy: Being called into the ministry at age 14, it was something I knew without a shadow of a doubt. Being at Evangel allowed me to “grow up” in Christ and develop my own personal ministry. The friends I met at Evangel were amazing! It was like iron sharpening iron. I can remember our floor devotions, our times of prayer and just being in a place where other people were going after the same goals that I was seeking.

How did your experience at CBC/EU prepare you for life after graduation?

Michael: CBC absolutely prepared me for what I am doing today. I learned under some fine and anointed professors and sat through many anointed chapel service. CBC is like any other institution in the fact that it is what you make of it. I took advantage of the ministry culture that was afforded to me there and it has helped shape the man I am today.

Amy: I learned how to be independent. I learned how to live with others. I also learned that there was a big world out there. Growing up in a small town, I didn’t realize that there was so much more to life. I met and lived with people from all over the world – I learned about their lifestyles and enjoyed growing and adapting to different circumstances. I also learned that, as I followed His voice, He would always lead me and take me to places that I only dreamed about!

What advice would you give a current student preparing for the workforce?

Michael: Always put God first, study hard and know God’s Word. Always know, even though our world is lost and the culture of our world is saturated with evil, that God’s Word is the constant. As we follow it, as a “lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path,” we will be successful – His kind of successful.

Amy: Enjoy your time at Evangel! Make friends, ALL kinds! Surround yourself with those that will make you a better person. Choose wisely in all areas of your life.  Stay connected, do volunteer work, and take a class that you wouldn’t even think about taking. Who knows? It might be the VERY thing that you need. Know and realize that every experience will shape and mold you. I am working in a field I never even thought about but God is using me. I currently have more times of ministry in my secular job than I do at the church my husband and I pastor. Know that your experiences and your willingness to serve the Lord will take you farther than you can imagine. That is what it’s all about! Gain a degree but know that if you serve HIM, wherever you go or work, THAT is your ministry. If you allow Him to, He will use you mightily!

What would you look for if you were in a position to hire a new graduate?

Michael: Someone whose first priority is God. Also, someone with a great work ethic, has an evident calling to ministry, has the ability to relate well to others, and has a desire to glorify God in all they do.

Amy: I would look for someone who has Christian values, for someone who wants to take the world by storm and for someone who wants to use their education to help and minister to others.