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EU Alumni Perspective: Aaron and Olivia Crews

Name: Aaron and Olivia Crews

Graduation Year: Aaron: 2012|2016

Major: Aaron: Physical Education|Exercise Science

Current Position: Aaron: Physical Education Teacher & Head Basketball Coach at Rudy Elementary School|Assistant Swim Coach at VillaSport Athletic Club and Spa, Self-Employed at TipTop Results, Homeopathic Weight Loss, and Mama

City and State: Colorado Springs, Colorado


Tell us about your career and what you do now.



I am entering my fifth year teaching Physical Education in Colorado Springs. I have taught two years of high school PE and two years at the elementary school I am currently teaching at. Our basketball program is now one of the top ranked elementary basketball programs in Colorado Springs. Word spread of my youth coaching success and I was invited to go coach in Denver for the 2019 Emmanuel Sanders ProCamp! My team won the 7 on 7 championship thus earning a team picture with Denver Broncos players Emmanuel Sanders and Phillip Lindsay! I also work as a baseball and softball umpire for local little leagues, high school, and collegiate levels. In addition, I serve as the Colorado State Area Director for the Colorado Springs Baseball Umpires Association. I was selected to umpire for the 2019 Little League World Series Southwest Regional Tournament in Waco, Texas and was chosen to be the “umpire in chief” working behind home plate for the semi-final game, which was broadcasted live on ESPN.



As soon as I graduated EU, I became a summer camp counselor for VillaSport so that I could get to know the club and coworkers. Then, in January of 2017 I was ready to go through the rigorous interview process of becoming a VillaSport Personal Trainer. I absolutely loved the competitive work place and helping clients achieve their fitness goals. When I had my sweet baby Kenny in July of 2018, I decided that the rigorous training schedule would not work with my desire to be home most of the time, so I transferred to the Aquatics Department in August of 2018 and began teaching swim lessons. I was recently promoted to VillaSport Assistant Swim Team Coach. Being a part of the phenomenal exposure that every child should have for sports enrichment brings me so much joy. In January of 2019, I started my own weight loss business, TipTop Results, so that I could be home with Kenny most of the time. I am honored to be a part of the amazing journey to health and weight loss of many wonderful individuals. I enjoy working for a fitness facility that strongly believes in an athletic community built by family commitment. I thrive on the joy that comes from seeing exhausted, yet joyful people of all ages succeed during swim meets or achieving other fitness goals.


My loyalty and keen attention to detail motivates me to make a difference and create the best brand of aquatic sport available with unmeasurable customer service. I believe that an assistant coach should be a knowledgeable, approachable, and genuine leader who fully supports the head coach in leadership. My goal as an assistant coach is to create a safe, supportive, and productive place for children by keeping my eyes, ears, and heart open in every situation. I thrive on the joy that comes from seeing exhausted, yet happy children succeed.


What is your favorite memory from Evangel?



Hard to pick one since I had the best time of my life at EU but I’d have to say definitely EU Zombified, the 2009 Concert Orchestra Europe Tour, the annual K2S Higgins Christmas parties, and the first day I met my lovely wife!



Are you kidding me, just one memory!? Well, if I must choose one favorite memory, it would have to be the privilege of working under Coach Charlie Getty as his Assistant Strength Coach for the EU Softball team. I just loved getting to know all of the pretty ladies while making sure they were lifting correctly and recovering well from strength workouts with flexibility routines. I sure miss all of the laughter and fun! I also deeply appreciate Coach Getty’s mentorship. He gave me so much knowledge and encouragement!


How did Evangel help you identify/develop your calling?



With having a calling for ministering to kids through sports, Evangel prepared me to not only be a successful educator and coach, but also to be a witness for Christ. I am able to impact all the lives I come into contact with through my words and actions, setting me apart from other educators in the public school system. I believe this element is vital for any Christian educator to have in this day and age.



The entire Kinesiology Department was such an amazing place for me to learn and respect all of the knowledge there. If I ever needed assistance in understanding a difficult subject, you would definitely find me in Dr. Keith Hardy’s office. He always said that he couldn’t believe how determined I was for being so perceptively “Type B.” He was so helpful to me and never once made me feel insignificant. I must also recognize Coach Getty. He ignited the spark of joy in me for my personal training profession. Through EU, the amazing professors, and “24 Hour Worship and Prayer,” I truly understood how God could use me to help develop the physical capabilities of clients in hopes that they could better serve Him through their improved quality of life.


How did your experience at Evangel prepare you for life after graduation?



I had many fantastic professors throughout my college life and just about all of them told me teaching positions are very hard to get into, being a new educator.  I was taught to be proactive and go over and beyond to stand out from the rest no matter what kind of job I would be applying for.



Firstly, campus involvement played a huge part in preparing me for life after graduation. I could have just stayed in my room and studied, but that would not have done my resume any good! Working in the Kinesiology Department as a work study, being a part of L3N floor council as the Female Sports Representative, participating in Lewis Hall Council, strength coaching the EU Softball Team, being the President and prior Secretary of the Theta Alpha Chapter of Phi Epsilon Kappa National Honor Fraternity in Kinesiology, and the Global Connections trip to Thessaloniki, Greece definitely taught me about the work place and the world. Grab a profession related hobby or campus activity when you get the chance.


Secondly, my minors in Leadership and Coaching definitely prepared me for life after graduation and supplemented my calling. Dr. Spence plays a huge part in the person that I am today and Coach Getty taught me so much about the expectancies of my personal training career.


What advice would you give a current student preparing for the workforce?



Nothing in this world is given, it is earned! Like I stated earlier, getting the job or position you want requires hard work, dedication, and being able to stand out above everyone else.  How you talk, how you dress, how you manage your time, how you act, and how you engage with others will impact your life whether you like it or not.  Do what you need to do to be successful and God will direct your path and lead you to the perfect job in your life!



Be the person who is loyal and keen to detail, even behind the scenes. You are working for Jesus. Think about God delighting in you, His worthy creation, and when you don’t think what you do matters. It all adds up. God is watching and will bless you for your servant heart. Learn unmeasurable customer service because that cannot be taught in school. Be internally motivated because then, you won’t be disappointed if you are not recognized for your efforts.  You most likely will not receive the job of your dreams on the first “go.” That is completely normal. Make a difference and create the best brand of your current position in the work force that you can. You will get there, champ!


What would you look for if you were in a position to hire new graduates from Evangel?



Again, I am very adamant on being different and standing out from the rest of the world. Ask yourself, what sets you apart from others that walk into that job interview before and after you? You have to be willing to learn new things and grow in your workplace because I believe no matter what profession you are in, learning never stops.  Lastly, being a believer in Christ you already have an advantage!  If God is for you, who can be against you. Go make a difference in this world!



I believe that any interviewee should be knowledgeable, approachable, and fully capable of self-leadership. A teachable spirit is a huge plus. I would also admire someone who gives ideas and input without fearing disapproval and freely asks questions as needed. I also value a good sense of humor. No one likes a boring interview. Let them see some personality! Tell them your qualities and how you are a productive and worthy fit for your prospective work place. Tell them how you will keep your eyes, ears, and heart open in every situation. Tell them of the joy that comes from pursuing work place achievements and how you would value every minute on the job. Bro, show some enthusiasm! You were born to stand out!

Watch: Aaron Crews coordinates star-studded sendoff for fifth grade students at Rudy Elementary