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EU Alumni perspective: Kristin Kubitschek Ahn

Name: Kristin Kubitschek Ahn

Graduation Year: 1993

Major: Sociology, Minors: Psychology, Cross-cultural studies

Current Position: VP Brand & Communications, One Child Matters (formerly Mission of Mercy)

City and State: Live in Denver, CO; Work in Monument, CO

Tell us about your career and what you do now.

VP of Brand & Communications at One Child Matters, a faith-based child sponsorship organization.

What is your favorite memory from Evangel?

I have hundreds of favorite memories from Evangel, and it doesn’t feel right to name just one! However….

One of my favorite experiences was serving as Anchor on ECTV, where it was always far more fun than work! One night our Sportscaster lived out a painful scene from the movie “Broadcast News,” but it was so much worse in real life!

 How did Evangel help you identify/develop your calling?

Evangel offered me wonderful opportunities to explore different areas I’d otherwise never be exposed to. I discovered my passion for all things international while at Evangel – partly because of chapel speakers and my MK (Missionary Kid) friends’ amazing stories.

How did your experience at Evangel prepare you for life after graduation?

I was a new Christian when I attended Evangel. Integrating faith and learning was instrumental in later discovering work as worship. I met my first MK (Missionary Kid) friends at Evangel. I wanted to learn every aspect of their lives overseas, and in some cases think I wanted to live their lives more than they did!

 What advice would you give a current student preparing for the workforce?

Never forget friends and relationships are just as important as academics. Because I know the caliber of Evangel graduates, I’ve never hesitated to help a fellow alum who reached out to me for introductions or other professional help. I myself have been absolutely blessed by others who have done the same — even when we’d never met in person!

 What would you look for if you were in a position to hire new graduates from Evangel?

I’m often in a position to hire new graduates, and I get to hire for what I think are some of the best positions out there — who wouldn’t want to travel internationally to capture stories that tell how God is transforming the lives of kids in developing countries?

While Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSAs) are important, I also screen for attitude, passion, integrity and “stick-to-it-iveness.” Your Social Media footprint also matters.