Name: Paige Shaffer
Graduation Year: 2017
Major: Business Management
Current Position: BKD, LLP, National Industry Marketing Specialist
City and State: Springfield, MO
Tell us about your career and what you do now.
My career started while I was at Evangel with a Marketing Internship at BKD, LLP. After graduating from Evangel, I proceeded to pursue my MBA at Missouri State University while continuing my internship with BKD. During this time, I was also an intern with the Springfield Cardinals and I acted as a Graduate Assistant for the Business Department at MSU. During the second year of my MBA, I participated in an internship in New York City with the Madison Square Garden Company. Upon finishing my MBA, I landed my current role with BKD. BKD is a tax, accounting, and consulting firm. In my role, I help market for trusted advisors in our organization who work in the Health Care Industry, specifically the acute care side (Hospitals and Health Systems, Physicians, and Community Health Centers).
What is your favorite memory from Evangel?
My favorite memory from Evangel is the many relationships that I was able to build with my professors. My professors at Evangel cared for me in a deeply personal way. From helping with tough assignments, to searching for job opportunities, to navigating my personal life as a young adult; they did it all. I had multiple professors pour into and encourage me in ways I never expected. To this day I am connected with professors from Evangel, who even after my time in college continue to help me navigate the twists and turns of being a young professional. I am forever grateful for that.
How did Evangel help you identify/develop your calling?
Evangel gave me the opportunities and resources to discover what I was good at and continue to become better. Upon entering college, I knew I wanted to be a business major, but I had no idea where that might take me. At Evangel I was able to study under professors who helped me explore all my options and were willing to personally cultivate jobs and experiences for me to hone my craft. I was also able to participate in multiple activities outside the classroom that helped to further develop what I was learning inside the classroom.
How did your experience at Evangel prepare you for life after graduation?
My experience at Evangel prepared me for life after graduation by giving me an impressive education and applicable experiences, while also building my spiritual foundation. The education that I received at Evangel prepared me for all my internships and now full-time role. I felt like I was extremely prepared for graduate education and my career. Also, through the spiritual foundation I built at Evangel, I have been better equipped to navigate the business world as a Christ-follower.
What advice would you give a current student preparing for the workforce?
I would tell them to make sure you are finding ways to apply what you are learning. It could be an internship in your designated major, a part-time job, a passion project with your friends, volunteer work, or an extra credit assignment, but the experience is critical. Today, both “getting the degree” and “having the experience” are crucial to your career success.
What would you look for if you were in a position to hire new graduates from Evangel?
I would look for the soft skills; the things employers are unable to teach. These things might include enthusiasm, positivity, hard work, or integrity. Most employers can teach an employee the hard skills to do the job, but it is significantly more difficult to teach the soft skills. My experience has shown me these skills are invaluable in hiring.