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EU Alumni Perspective: Regina Dahl

Name: Regina Dahl

Graduation Year: 2010

Major: Art

Current Position: Author

City and State: Buffalo, MO



Tell us about your career and what you do now.  

I have recently finished my 28th year teaching children, along with some background in business and the medical field. Within the last 10 years, I have written and illustrated four children and family books and have now begun a children’s educational/entertainment book series—all of which are available through U.S. and international online booksellers.


I have also had the opportunity to share some things I have learned in my personal ministry and work experiences over the years, through producing a teaching training video and a couple of mini “seminars” regarding healthy relationships (“HR series”), with emphasis on leadership and purpose. These can be viewed online at: In addition, the website does include a “kids” page which includes some fun, educational videos that I have produced and used, along with other teaching methods, as I have worked with children.


What is your favorite memory from Evangel?

When I think about my experience at Evangel, there are two main professors, alongside the classes they taught, that come to mind. It was obvious that Dr. Randolph Tate and Dr. Glenner Richards were really gifted at knowing and working with people. They expressed a lot of wisdom and understanding along with their knowledge, and I could tell they genuinely thought about the students. It not only showed up in the way they taught their classes with such practicality, common sense, and a passion for what they did, but also simply in conversation with them. It really spoke volumes, and something like that is hard to forget.


How did Evangel help you identify/develop your calling?   

I had already been in the workforce for seven years prior to attending Evangel, so I had a bit of a unique experience attending college. I was enjoying learning and practicing my skills in the workplace while also engaging in a spiritual training process, learning a lot about people, relationships, and how to use my spiritual gifts. Then, when I attended Evangel, I honestly didn’t really know why I was there. But I knew there must have been a reason, otherwise God wouldn’t have placed me there at that time. During the time spent at Evangel, I was continuing in the very same spiritual training process I mentioned before, simply in a different setting. It wasn’t until much later that I realized the correlation between my experiences before, during, and after Evangel. I learned that my experience at Evangel played a role in helping me realize a connection in relationships I had not seen before.


How did your experience at Evangel prepare you for life after graduation?

It had a big impact on the way I was able to see the connection between different ages and stages of people, which has helped me work better with many people who have been in transitional—and often challenging—phases of life.


What advice would you give a current student preparing for the workforce?  

I grew up learning good, strong work ethics that have worked for me (i.e., responsibility, integrity, punctuality, etc.), as well as a Scripture verse that has helped me ever since my very first job experience. It is Colossians 3:23, “Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.” I also recommend tithing. It is something I have enjoyed doing from very early on, thanking God for being my Source and for what He has given me.


What would you look for if you were in a position to hire new graduates from Evangel?

Good work ethics, passion, calling, purpose, and love for people.