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EU Alumni Perspective: Tabitha Eutsler

Name: Tabitha Eutsler

Graduation Year: 2010

Major: Elementary Education with a Concentration in Mathematics

Current Position: 3rd Grade Teacher at Jeffries Elementary

City and State: Springfield, Missouri


Tell us about your career and what you do now.

I currently teach third grade at Jeffries Elementary in Springfield, Missouri. It is the same elementary school I attended as a child. This is my twelfth-year teaching, all in third grade. I also serve as the Curriculum Development Council Math Chair for third through fifth grade teachers in the Springfield Public School District. This position allows me the opportunity to provide support and professional learning opportunities in math instruction for teachers across the district. In addition to those responsibilities, I am an adjunct professor for a local university in the Early Childhood Department.


What is your favorite memory from Evangel?

There are many great memories from my time at Evangel. One that made a huge impact on me was serving as the president of SMSTA on campus under the guidance and leadership of Dr. Huechteman. During Christmas one year, we adopted underprivileged families and provided a Christmas meal, games, a Santa visit, and gave presents to all of the family members. We had so much fun shopping and planning this event. It was also a great opportunity to love others and provide for those in need. Seeing all of those kids smile and laugh and receive new toys, clothes, food, etc. was a highlight. It inspired me to continue to do the same types of outreaches in my classroom.


How did Evangel help you identify/develop your calling?

From a young age I knew I was called to be a teacher. It is what I always wanted to do! Evangel provided an experience for me that taught me how to integrate my faith into the field of education. My courses prepared me to teach every day as if working for the Lord. Our professors taught us how our classrooms are our mission field and each day we have the opportunity to make a huge impact on every single one of our students. As a teacher, we may be the only light in a child’s life during that season.


How did your experience at Evangel prepare you for life after graduation?

Evangel prepared me for life after graduation with a strong foundation in integrating my faith into my everyday life, specifically the work place. My professors modeled how to teach the curriculum and standards along with showing love, grace, and mercy to each and every student. This is something I have taken with me and apply to my students. My goal is for them learn to read, write, and solve math problems but ultimately, I want them to leave my classroom knowing they were loved and cared for by their teacher. My time at Evangel prepared me to do that daily.


What advice would you give a current student preparing for the workforce?

All the courses, preparation, readings, and completed assignments in the world cannot fully prepare you for entering the workforce. You cannot do it all on your own. God can do so much more with your surrender than your control. Step out in faith with the calling God has on your life. It is your job to use the gifts and talents He has given you. However, you cannot do it all on your own. God can do immeasurably more than you can imagine when you surrender our control to Him. Allow Him to work through you and in you daily and you will be in awe of all the ways He will use you.


What would you look for if you were in a position to hire new graduates from Evangel?

In the field of education, there are many skills we look for in future educators. First and foremost, passion. A passion for building relationships with students and teaching, flexibility, perseverance, compassion, and a hard work ethic. Being a teacher requires a dedicated person willing to go above and beyond to be a champion for every student in their classroom.