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Final exam success 5 ways to prep for your finals

It may seem hard to believe, but the fall semester is almost over! In a little over a week, you’ll be taking your final exams. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Be ready for your finals by following the steps below.


Avoid cramming

One of the worst ways to prepare for finals is to wait and cram. Cramming is waiting until the last second to look at your notes for the “important” parts. The problem is that you are not retaining the information like you think. You may remember a few keywords, but you will not have the deeper understanding needed to get a good grade.

Make sure that you are actually reading, processing and comprehending the information.Always choose to study over cramming. Make time in your schedule to learn the information you will need during your exam.

Record your notes and listen to them as you read/write. Use notecards to remember vocab terms or use sites like Quizlet to help organize your notes into a way that you can remember.


Get your body moving

You shouldn’t study, study, study.

Instead of staring at your textbook for two hours, study for about 30-45 minutes, then get up and move around.

Studying is not only for your mind. Try getting up and doing something physical to kick start your brain.

Try doing a 20-minute intensive cardio workout, or simply go for a stroll around campus. When you get your body moving, it helps your brain focus, which leads to better memory.


Change up your study spots

Staying in your dorm room is not always to best way to study. By changing up your study spots, you’re telling your brain it’s time to do something new.

This will help keep your studying fresh. Instead of feeling trapped inside your dorm room, you can relax with a cup of coffee at your favorite coffee shop. You will feel more comfortable, which will help keep stress levels low. Then, you can focus on the information, not the exam itself.


Get plenty of rest

Don’t stay up until 3 a.m. studying. Your body cannot handle that kind of work!

Coffee and energy drinks don’t replace quality sleep. Your brain needs rest in order to process and retain the information you have been studying.

Get plenty of rest to keep your mind in peak form. You will do better on your exams if you take time to sleep, rather than staying up to learn “one more term.”


Find a study group

Studying is great when you have a support group around you.

Everyone learns differently. So, take advantage of the different learning styles to tackle hard exams. Bounce questions off each other, and really delve deep into the material together.

When it’s time to take a break, be sure to avoid talking about the exams. Spend time together as friends to take your mind off of finals. You definitely deserve it!