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Giving thanks

With autumn comes great things like changing leaves, trips to the pumpkin patch and pumpkin spice lattes. Yet, one of the best things to come from autumn is the time to give thanks for all of the great things in your life.

As you prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving this week, think of some ways to show how thankful you are to those around you.

Write out all of the ways you are thankful this year. Are there ways you can show your thanks? We’ve highlighted three ways for you to show thanks this week. Yet, we encourage you to continue giving thanks for the blessings you have beyond the Thanksgiving season.

Thankful for family

When it comes time to prepare for your Thanksgiving dinner with family, jump in and help out!

Pick up a stack of plates and set the table. Help prep the side dishes and desserts. Clear plates after dinner and help wash them.

Or simply sit and talk with your family. Spend some time away from your phone and enjoy the day. Get caught up with the family you don’t see all the time. Don’t worry about getting the best deals or the shopping stress – that’s a project for later! Take advantage of the time you have and let your family know how thankful you are for them.

Thankful for friends

You can also take the opportunity to visit with old and new friends this Thanksgiving break.

Plan a night out with your friends where you can talk and have tons of fun. Go out to dinner to your group’s favorite restaurant. Visit that coffee shop you like, and splurge a little on a yummy dessert.

The important thing is to catch up with your friends’ lives and spend some time together! To keep the focus on your time together, try placing all of your phones in a stack on the table. The first person to reach for their phone pays for everyone’s coffee! If nobody falls to the temptation, then you pay for your own. This will keep the conversation going without distraction from the social world.

Or maybe you can make a difference in the life of a friend. Not everyone gets to go home for the holiday due to location or commitments. Invite these friends to come home with you for the holiday. While it won’t be quite the same as going home, at least they’ll be able to spend time with your family off campus for the weekend.

Thankful for your community

Donate your time to the 417 area this year. Help out at your church or shelter by providing a Thanksgiving meal to those in need.

This season is a time to be thankful for what you have and to pass that along to those around you. Instead of worrying about things like your upcoming finals, give back to your community in a way that matters.

Take the time to sit and talk with those you serve. Be supportive and encouraging. Make a difference this year, and show your thanks and support for your community.

Remember to show how you are thankful and continue to show your thanks beyond the holiday.

[perfectpullquote align=”full” cite=”” link=”” color=”#74233d” class=”” size=””]”I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart;

   I will recount all of your wonderful deeds.”

-Psalm 9:1 (ESV)[/perfectpullquote]

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving,

From your EU Community.