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Tackle those exams! Six ways to prep for your midterms

You’re almost halfway through your semester, and it’s time to take those midterm exams!
Remember: procrastinating is only going to make things worse for you. Stay on top of your studying and prep for midterms with these three pieces of advice.

1 Study, study, study

This may seem obvious, but you need to study for your midterms. Note that there is a difference between studying and cramming, though.

Cramming: waiting until the last second to look at your notes for the “important” parts. The problem is that you are not retaining the information like you think. You may remember a few keywords, but you will not have the deeper understanding needed to get a good grade.

Photo from Evangel archives
Studying is important, but be sure to pick a place you know you’ll study well in!

Studying: making sure you set aside enough time to understand what you need to know. Make sure that you are actually reading, processing and comprehending the information. Always choose to study over cramming. Make time in your schedule to learn the information you will need during your exam.

Also, be sure to know your learning style, and use it to your advantage. For auditory learners, try recording yourself reading your notes, then listen to them as you read through the information. For visual learners, watch tutorial videos or use sites like Quizlet to help study. Find what works best for you to make sure you succeed!

2 Stay organized

When it comes to studying, it’s easy to become overwhelmed with everything you need to know. Remembering complicated math problems or important dates in American history may seem like too much to memorize in a few days.

One way to help take in information is by creating a study timetable. This will limit your time spent studying to focus on remembering information.This will help you remain motivated by reaching more manageable goals. If you need help creating a study timetable, try using a countdown timer on your phone!

3 Don’t stay up too late

One mistake college students make is staying up late to study for exams. The result is usually the exact opposite of what you want.

When you stay up late, you won’t be able to understand the information you are staring at. Then, come test time, you’ll be more likely to zone out or misread a question.

Your brain needs time to rest and process the information you have been learning. Getting a good night of sleep could make the difference in your grade!

4 Find a good study spot

Photo from Evangel archives
Don’t be afraid to go out into Springfield to find a great study spot!

Studying is important, but be sure to find a place that you know will help you get the most from your studying! A lot of students may think that studying at your desk by lamplight is the way to go, but there are tons of other options. Try taking your books and notes out to the quad with a study group. Being outside will help you shake off any nerves and having a group of friends makes it easier to study. Or consider venturing into Springfield to set up shop at a restaurant or coffee shop with study buddies. You’ll be able to have fun and interact with a group of friends that all want to do well on your exams. What could be better?

5 Find the perfect study music

Consider looking for the perfect music to help put you in focus mode. Music can affect your mood and behavior, so be sure to pick something right for you! While some may work well with hard rock or hip hop, others may turn to classical instrumental or jazz genres to get the work done. Find your perfect Spotify or Pandora station and let the studying begin! (Or create your own custom music playlist on iTunes!)

6 Fuel up

When it comes time to study, be sure to stock up on snacks that promote efficient productivity. Going natural is always a good choice, so think of picking up a package of fruit when you take a trip to the grocery store. Here are a few snacks to help get your brain going:

  • Blueberries
    Studies show that blueberries help improve learning and memory.
  • Walnuts
    All nuts are good for increasing memory, but walnuts help improve deductive reasoning. Remember to eat them in small amounts – usually just enough to fit in the palm of your hand.
  • Chocolate
    Before you get too excited, not all chocolate is created equal. Sticking to dark chocolate will help provide non-jittery energy during your studies.

The most important thing to remember is that you have to believe that you will do well! Study hard and conquer those midterms!