Emergency/Crisis Plan
Evangel University’s Emergency Response Plan can be viewed below, or a hard copy may be reviewed in full at the Public Safety Office.
Emergency Notification System
Evangel University utilizes an Emergency Notification System (ENS) for faculty, staff, students, and affiliated university constituents. After responsible personnel have been made aware of an emergency affecting all or part of the Evangel University campus, the ENS is activated without delay by the Department of Public Safety. Initial confirmation for activating the ENS may occur by observation of a public safety officer, notification from an emergency liaison, multiple witness telephone calls, or an alarm system notification received at dispatch.
The ENS message will contain pre-scripted brief messages or tailored content developed by the Director of Public Safety or designated staff member. The information will be shared to help the public take action for their safety. An “all clear” message or follow up information will be disseminated as appropriate.
Localized incidents within a building, such as a small file or hazardous material spill in a lab most likely will not require a mass notification.
In the event of an emergency, the ENS, campus-wide intercom system, fire detection system, email, website, social media sites, and/or phone messages will be activated to notify the campus community, as Evangel University administrative personnel deem necessary, based on the circumstances of the event. The ENS activation will make notifications in the following manner:
- Phone message
- SMS text message
Faculty, staff, and students are responsible for providing all necessary information to insure a successful message delivery. At the beginning of each semester, students have opportunity during registration to change their contact information. Faculty and staff information is gathered upon hire and can be updated through the Human Resources Office. It is the responsibility of each faculty member, staff member, and student to provide the correct information for contact and update the appropriate campus office when contact changes are made.
The following Evangel University officials have authority to activate the Emergency Notification System:
- President
- Vice President for Business and Finance
- Vice President for Student Development
- Provost
- Public Safety Director
- Public Safety Patrol Supervisors
After the appropriate notification system is selected, it may be used to transmit brief urgent messages as quickly as possible. Emergency notifications may include, but are not limited to:
- Campus Closures
- Weather Warnings (Severe Thunderstorm Warnings & Tornado Watches & Warnings)
- Fire
- Natural gas leaks or hazardous material spills
- Natural disasters affecting the Campus
- Campus wide power outages and/or utility failures
- Violent criminal behavior
- Bomb threats or other imminent violent threats
- Explosions on campus
- Terrorism incidents
Dependent upon the contact information supplied by faculty, staff, and students, notification may be made in the following manners:
- Cell phone
- Home phone
- Business phone
- Evangel University email
- Personal email
- SMS text to cell phone
Campus Responses
Attempted/Threatened Suicide
- Take suicide threats seriously.
- Do not leave the suicidal person unattended or allow him or her to leave the building.
- Call Campus Security at 911 or 7000.
- Campus Security will notify the appropriate emergency personnel to assist.
Building Evacuation
The following building evacuation procedures when an alarm is sounded or campus officials give an evacuation order.
- Be aware of all marked exits in the building and proceed to the nearest accessible exit.
- The evacuation alarm is a loud horn, and is audible throughout each building. Every alarm should be treated as an emergency.
- To activate the building alarm system, pull the handle on the red fire alarm boxes located in the hallway.
- When the building evacuation alarm is sounded or when you are ordered to leave, take your belongings and walk quickly to the nearest marked exit and calmly ask others to do the same.
- Assist the disabled with exiting the building and remember that elevators are reserved for their use. If elevators are not operating, assist the disabled to the nearest stairway and help them down the stairway. If the disabled person is in a wheelchair and the elevator is not available, an able-bodied person should stay with the wheelchair user in the platform area of the stairwell while a second person notifies emergency personnel of the exact location of the wheelchair user.
- Resident Assistants and/or campus officials will assist in evacuation of all building occupants.
- Outside, proceed to a clear area that is at least 150 feet away from the affected building. Keep walkways clear for emergency personnel and vehicles.
- Do not return to a building until a Public Safety Officer tells you to do so even if the alarm has ceased.
Campus Threat
- If you see a suspicious person, contact Campus Security (ext. 7000) immediately and provide them with all the pertinent information.
- If you find a suspicious object on campus, do not touch it. Call Campus Security.
- If you observe a person acting in a life-threatening way, call Campus Security immediately.
Chemical Spill
- Evacuate the area if appropriate.
- Notify fellow workers and supervisors. If they are unavailable, call Security at ext. 7000.
- Take action to contain the spill only if it is possible to do so without jeopardizing your personal well-being. Neutralize or absorb the spill and dispose of the spill debris under the direction of the Environmental Health and Safety Coordinator.
- If you have been exposed to chemical materials or have any symptoms, seek medical attention immediately.
- Post a warning sign to keep others out of the area.
- In case of an earthquake, protect yourself in the following manner:
- Kneel under desks, counters, or doorways.
- Move next to and face an interior wall away from windows.
- Bend your head close to your knees in a kneeling position, cover the sides of your head with your elbows; clasp your hands firmly behind your neck.
- Do not lock doors or use elevators.
- People with mobility impairments should be escorted to an area of safe refuge.
- Exit the building after tremors stop.
- Immediately notify emergency personnel about the location and condition of any person(s) (including those with mobility impairments) missing from your group.
- Notify Campus Security at ext. 7000 in the case of any missing persons, injuries or damage.
Fire or Explosions
- Activate any fire alarms in the vicinity.
- Call Campus Security at ext. 7000 and report the fire.
- Use a fire extinguisher before evacuating only if it is possible to do so without jeopardizing your personal well-being, and the fire is small or just beginning.
- In smoky conditions, crawl, staying near the floor; touch closed doors before opening them to see if they are hot from a fire on the other side.
- If there is time, close all windows and doors, turn off all electrical circuits and gas valves.
- Do not lock doors or use elevators.
- Leave the building (assist any persons with mobility impairments out of the building or at least to safe refuges [e.g. stairwell landings]) and assemble outside the building. Immediately determine if everyone is present.
- Inform emergency and security personnel of the locations of any people who may still be in the building (e.g. physically impaired).
- The building may be re-occupied upon issuance of an “all clear” signal by Campus Security.
Serious Injury or Illness
- Do not attempt to move the injured or ill person unless necessary for immediate safety.
- Notify Campus Security ext. 7000; do not leave the person unattended.
- Campus Security will make contact with medical emergency personnel.
- Avoid exposure to the injured person’s blood or other body fluids.
- File an accident or injury report with the employee benefits office within 24 hours.
Telephone Threat
- Attempt to identify the caller to ascertain as much information as possible.
- Write down the following information:
- Time of threat
- Your location
- Identity of the caller (if known)
- Type of threat (be specific)
- Try to listen for familiar background noises such as cars driving by, music, or mechanical sounds.
- Contact Campus Security immediately and provide them with all pertinent information.
- In the event of a bomb threat, do not touch any suspicious objects in or around the building.
- If a determination is made to evacuate the building, the fire alarm signal will be used to do so.
The Midwest is prone to violent weather. Broadcast radio, television and Internet weather sites issue alerts after trained storm spotters determine that there is cause to issue an alert.
Tornado Watch
This is issued by the National Weather Service when conditions are favorable for the development of tornadoes in and close to the watch area.
Tornado Warning
This is issued when a tornado is indicated by the WSR-88D radar or sighted by spotters; therefore, people in the affected area should seek safe shelter immediately.
When a Tornado Watch is issued, if you are in a building on campus that does not have a designated tornado refuge area you should move to a building that has a tornado refuge area. Monitor local news outlets for notification of the watch being upgraded to a warning.
When a Tornado Warning is issued the Springfield – Greene County Office of Emergency Management storm sirens sound or when the department of public safety issues a notification, determine whether or not you have time to move the closest designated tornado refuge area (see maps below.) If time does not permit this, then move to an interior windowless room or hallway.
- Do not lock doors.
- Do not use elevators.
- Stay away from windows and exterior doors.
- Stay away from large, open rooms like the cafeteria and chapel auditorium.
- Assume a squatting position facing a wall, elbows on sides of head and hands clasped behind neck.
- Once you’ve assembled with your group, determine if everyone is present. If anyone is missing, report that information to emergency personnel.
- It is safe to leave the tornado refuge area only after the all clear is given or the tornado warning expires.






Cantrell Student Union






Kendrick Library


Mabee Fitness Center



Campus Violence: Active Shooter Information
While incidents of shootings on campuses across the country are relatively small, it is important for students, faculty, and staff to be familiar with procedures that can help individuals protect themselves and others. The following information is adapted from the Department of Homeland Security.
An active shooter is an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area; in most cases, active shooters use firearms(s) and there is no pattern or method to their selection of victims. Active shooter situations are unpredictable and evolve quickly. Typically, the immediate deployment of law enforcement is required to stop the shooting and mitigate harm to victims. Because active shooter situations are often over within 10 to 15 minutes, before law enforcement arrives on the scene, individuals must be prepared both mentally and physically to deal with an active shooter situation.
Good practices for an active shooter situation:
- Be aware of your environment and any possible dangers
- Take note of the two nearest exits in any facility you visit
- If you are in an office, stay there and secure the door
- If you are in a hallway, get into a room and secure the door
- As a last resort, attempt to take the active shooter down. When the shooter is at close range and you cannot flee, your chance of survival is much greater if you try to incapacitate him/her.
How to respond when an active shooter is on campus or in a different building:
- Stay in or go to a room that can be locked or barricaded.
- Close and lock all the windows and doors, turn off all of the lights.
- Put all phones on silent.
- Identify one person to contact the office of Public Safety (ext. 7000) and advise the officer of what is taking place and your location.
- Remain in place until a police officer or campus public safety officer gives the “all clear.”
How to respond when an active shooter is in your building or classroom:
- If the shooter is in your presence: do not provoke the gunman and try to remain calm. If no shooting is occurring, do what the assailant tells you to do and do not make sudden moves. Consider trying to escape if you are out of sight of the assailant and there appears to be an escape route immediately available.
- Evacuate the premises if there is an accessible escape path. Be sure to have an escape route and plan in mind; evacuate regardless of whether others agree to follow; leave your belongings behind; help others escape, if possible; prevent individuals from entering an area where the active shooter may be; keep your hands visible; follow the instructions of any police officers; do not attempt to move wounded people; and call Campus Security when you are safe
- If evacuation is not possible, find a place to hide where the active shooter is less likely to find you. Your hiding place should: be out of the active shooter’s view; provide protection if shots are fired in your direction (i.e., an office with a closed and locked door that will not trap you or restrict your options for movement.) To prevent an active shooter from entering your hiding place lock and blockade the door to the best of your ability.
- If there is absolutely no opportunity for escape or hiding, attempting to overpower the shooter with force should be considered as a last resort after all other options have been exhausted.
How to respond when an active shooter is in an open space (outside):
- Immediately seek protection- put something between you and the assailant;
- If you know where the assailant is and there appears to be an escape route available, consider trying to escape. If in doubt find the safest area and secure it as best you can.
- Contact Public Safety (ext. 7000) and advise the officer of what is taking place and your location.
- Do not try to drive off campus until advised it is safe to do so by police or campus administrators.
How to respond when law enforcement arrives:
- Remain calm and follow officers’ instructions
- Put down any items in your hands (i.e., bags, jackets)
- Immediately raise hands and spread fingers, keeping hands visible at all times
- Avoid making quick movements toward officers; avoid pointing, screaming, or yelling.
- Do not stop to ask officers for help or direction when evacuating, just proceed in the direction from which officers are entering the premises
- Information to provide to law enforcement or 911 operator: location of the active shooter; number of shooters, if more than one; physical description of shooter/s; number and type of weapons held by the shooter/s; and number of potential victims at the location
- The first officers to arrive to the scene will not stop to help injured persons. Expect rescue teams comprised of additional officers and emergency medical personnel to follow the initial officers. These rescue teams will treat and remove any injured persons. They may also call upon able-bodied individuals to assist in removing the wounded from the premises.
- Once you have reached a safe location or an assembly point, you will likely be held in that area by law enforcement until the situation is under control, and all witnesses have been identified and questioned. Do not leave until law enforcement authorities have instructed you to do so.