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Mark Maine, M.A.


Earned Degrees with School of Issuance & Professional Licensures:

Bachelor of Science, Journalism, Evangel University

Bachelor of Science, Biology, Evangel University

Master of Arts, Missiology, Assemblies of God Theological Seminary

Certification in Cybersecurity, Evangel University

Ministerial Credentials, Ordained, Southern Missouri of the Assemblies of God


Professor Maine joined Evangel University in 2020 to teach Introduction to Personal Computers in the Natural and Applied Sciences department. He received his Bachelor of Science in Biology and Journalism in 1993 and his Master of Arts in Missiology in 2000. From 2002 to 2011, he worked as an Intercultural Missionary to the Hindu and Muslim communities in Chicago, IL. Professor Maine has varied experience in the Biotech industry and the development of processes and training. He began his work as a bench tech in product testing for plasma-derived products. He loves technology and provides resources for developing local non-profits and small businesses in technology. His mission has been to provide training for safe digital use for families and youth and to help users safeguard their digital lifestyles. He has worked since 2014 with at-risk youth in the foster care system of Missouri to provide environments of safety and growth at critical times of their emotional development, helping to provide resources for trauma-informed therapy as the Director of Information Technology for the Good Samaritan Boys Ranch.

Professional Memberships & Noteworthy Community Involvement:

Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences, Member

Springfield Tech Council, Springfield, MO, Member and Council Member