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Nathan H. Nelson, Ph.D.


Org Memberships: American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies
Associates of the James Ford Bell Library
Midwest Modern Language Association

Courses Taught: Senior Seminar (ENGL 497)
Seminar: Poetry & Theology of the Psalms (ENGL 496/BIBL 365)
Seminar: Technologos (ENGL 496)
Directed Readings: Hardy and Conrad (ENGL 490)
Directed Readings: BEOWULF and THE CANTERBURY TALES (ENGL 490)
Directed Readings: Barbauld, Baillie, and M. Cowper (ENGL 490)
Contemporary Literature (ENGL 455)
Christian Thought and Modern Literature: C. S. Lewis (ENGL/THEO 440)
Modern American Authors (ENGL 373)
The Novel and Short Fiction (ENGL 344)
English Literature Survey II (ENGL 313/314, ENGL 302)
English Literature Survey III (ENGL 303)
American Literature after the Civil War (ENGL 272)
Composition and Rhetoric for English and Bible Majors (ENGL 212)
Composition and Rhetoric (ENGL 211)
Introduction to Literature (ENGL 123)
CSI Literature: Classic Detective Fiction (ENGA 293)
C. S. Lewis: The Chronicles of Narnia in Adult Perspective (ENGA 293)
Introduction to Poetry (ENGA 123)
College Success (GNST 111)

Publications: SPIRITUAL DEVOTION: INTIMACY WITH GOD (Springfield: GPH, 1996; 2nd ed. 2000); AMOS PROJECT website (1999- ); assorted articles and poems

Started Work: August 1988

Favorite Thing About Work: The daily opportunities I have for discussing literature and philosophy with Christian students, especially those who (a) love learning enough to find great value in every field they study and (b) try hard to integrate all of their learning–not just a narrow field’s-worth of it–with their faith

Originally From: Minneapolis, MN

Personal Information: Here’s a selection of mostly non-academic interests: during the summer, I play competitive softball with a Triple-A tournament team that travels in several states. I also enjoy backpacking, mountain-biking, and kayaking. I write poetry and play mandolin, usually not at the same time. I’ve been a ham radio operator since 1965 and still have some equipment, but I’m not on the air very often these days. My wife, Juli, and I have two grown children. Tyler, with a master’s degree in Secondary Education from Evangel, is an English teacher at Republic (Missouri) High School; Courtney, an Evangel alumna with a law degree from the University of Arkansas, is an attorney working for a consulting firm in Washington, DC. Juli, a graduate of AGTS and of Phillips Theological Seminary, is the pastor of First Christian Church of Clever, Missouri, and the director of the Springfield non-profit agency called Children Taking a Stand.

Other: Faculty Advisor to the staff of EPIPHANY, the campus literary magazine
Recipient of the Governor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2002
