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Student Handbook

Student Handbook


Welcome to Evangel University!

Mike Rakes, President

I am so excited to welcome you back. So many have been working to prepare for your arrival. We want this handbook to provide direction and introduce or remind you of some of the community standards and rules that will be of importance to you this coming year!

Spiritual journeys are both communal and individualistic! We will be doing life together this
year, but the greatness of any community is built upon individuals who take personal
responsibility for themselves. Boundaries mark all journeys, and this handbook provides you
with the essential boundary markers to help keep your future in view while embracing and celebrating life together. Handbooks are not exciting reading but are indexed intentionally to help you get quick direction on questions that might surface. I believe this entire year will be full of “defining moments” for you personally and opportunities for us as a community.

We pledge to you that we will do what’s best for you in every situation. Darla and I look forward to connecting with you this year as we get to know each other.

President Mike Rakes

Evangel University is a comprehensive Christian university committed to excellence in educating and equipping students to become Spirit-empowered servants of God who impact the church and society globally.


Rev. Mark Entzminger
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. (The Holy Bible: English Standard Version (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2016), Eph 2:10.)

Before you were born God set into motion all that would be required to bring you into right relationship with Him through Jesus Christ. But that is only the beginning! He not only created the plan to rescue you, but has prepared in advance everything you need to fulfill His purpose in your life. It is no accident you are at Evangel University! The social, spiritual, intellectual, and emotional growth that will take place during your time on campus will forever impact your future. EU is not just a stop on a way to a preferred future, it is a place where the Holy Spirit shapes you more into the image of Christ.

The environment at EU is spiritual at its core. It is from this foundation all other aspects of the

university build. To be fully prepared for the future God designed for you, take advantage of
every opportunity to engage the Bible, participate in chapel and small group devotions, talk about the things of God with your classmates, pray, worship, and respond to the leading of the Holy Spirit. This is a key to the transformational aspect of EU.

In the words of my predecessor, Dr. Johns, “your preparation is more about who you are becoming (in Christ) than what you know or what you can do.” The team in Student Development joins with the President, the faculty, and staff to help you walk in the good works God has already prepared for you. It is my great pleasure to participate in your growth journey and WELCOME you to Evangel University!

Rev. Mark Entzminger

The Division of Student Development partners with students toward holistic development to engage in Christ-centered living.

1. Welcome to Evangel University

Welcome to a place of opportunity and growth. We know you are ready to reach the world through the passions and pursuits God has put inside you. Knowing that God remains faithful to the work He has begun in you, we take our mission seriously. Your experience here is a launching point for your life. You will discover professors who personally care about you, mentors who believe in you, community that nurtures your strengths, and fellow students who become lifelong friends. The Handbook is meant to acquaint you with Evangel University’s mission and religious beliefs as well as set forth student rights and responsibilities as we do life together.

Mission Statement: Evangel University is a comprehensive Christian university committed to excellence in educating and equipping students to become Spirit-empowered servants of God who impact the church and society globally.

Religious Beliefs: General: Evangel University holds to the beliefs of the General Council of the Assemblies of God as defined in the Statement of Fundamental Truths and their associated Position Papers in operating the university.

Sexuality: We believe that God wonderfully and immutably creates each person as male or female. These two distinct, complementary sexes together reflect the image and nature of God. Rejection of one’s biological sex is a rejection of the image of God within that person. (Gen. 1:26-27).

We believe that any form of sexual immorality (such as adultery, fornication, cohabitation, homosexual behavior, rejection of one’s biological sex, use of pornography, etc.) is sinful and offensive to God. (Matt. 15:18-20; 1 Cor. 6:9-10).

We believe that God offers redemption and restoration to all who confess and forsake their sin, seeking His mercy and forgiveness through Jesus Christ. (Acts 3:19-21; Rom. 10:9-10; 1 Cor. 6:9-11).

We believe that every person must be afforded compassion, love, kindness, respect, and dignity. Hateful and harassing behavior or attitudes directed toward any individual are to be repudiated and are not in accord with Scripture nor the doctrines of the ministry. (Mark 12:28-31; Luke 6:31; 1 John 3:14-15; Eph. 4:31).

Marriage: We believe the term “marriage” has only one meaning: the uniting of one biological male (“man”) and one biological female (“woman”) in a single, exclusive union, as delineated in Scripture.

We believe that marriage between one man and one woman, for life, uniquely reflects one of the most sacred truths of our faith: Christ’s relationship with His Church.

We believe that God intends for sexual intimacy to occur exclusively between a man and a woman who are married to each other, and that no sexual activity should take place outside of this marital union. (Gen. 2:18-25; Eph. 5:21-33; 1 Cor. 6:18; 7:2-5; Heb. 13:4)

Sanctity of Human Life: We believe that all human life is sacred and created by God in His image. All human life, from conception to natural death—including pre-born babies, the aged, and the physically or mentally challenged—holds immeasurable value and dignity. We are therefore called to defend, protect, and value all human life. (Gen. 1:26-27, 9:6; Psalm 139; Matt. 9:36, 14:14, 18:1-6).

For additional information on Evangel’s religious belief see Marriage and the Sanctity of Human Life), and Sexuality and Gender Identity

Our Commitment to You: We believe God is preparing you for more than you can imagine. You are here for a purpose, and we want to prepare you for your unique calling. We will equip you with the education, spiritual support, and necessary skills to do what you love while encountering Christ in all you do. Your call extends beyond your time at Evangel. Our alumni are creating change and hope in communities through a variety of vocations including ministry, science, education, business, and art, among others. We produce Spirit-empowered servant-leaders who are making a difference in the church and society globally.

Student Handbook: Annual updates are compiled and made by the office of the Vice President for Student Development, approved by the President’s Cabinet, and made available online and by distribution to students through university email. On occasion, changes are made during the academic year, the updated document will be published, and students will be notified through university email. Questions regarding contents of this handbook can be directed to Resident Directors and other members of the Student Development staff.

The Student Handbook, the Academic Integrity Policy, Title IX Policy, and Title IX Resolutions Procedures are distributed to all students by email and delivered to the university-assigned email address unique for each student. For the full list of university policies, and those updated after the release of the handbook, please visit Whenever an update is posted online it is considered the most up to date version and replaces the version within the Student Handbook. Policies and procedures are subject to updates and/or modifications at any time without prior notice and are effective upon publication. The current published Student Handbook supersedes and replaces all previous versions.

The Student Handbook and related policies are distributed exclusively in digital format; however, students can request a printed version from the office of Student Development by emailing The master location of all relevant policies is online at, though a few policies will also be published in additional locations.

Throughout this document, the institution known as Evangel University shall be referred to as Evangel, the University, university, or EU.

2. Directory of Services



2.1. Campus Map

2.2. Service Locations

To call any office below, use the University phone number (417-865-2815) and, at the prompt, say the service or faculty/staff member you would like to contact.

Ashcroft Center

  • Auxiliary Gym

Assemblies of God Theological Seminary

  • Administrative and Academic Offices, 100-106
  • Burnett Library, 117
  • Vern Clark Veterans Center, 127
  • College of Online Learning & Digital Learning Office, 109
  • Dr. Khoo Kay Peng World Prayer Center, 231
  • Seymour Chapel, 118

Barnett Fine Arts Center

  • Art Gallery, 1st Floor NE entrance
  • Art Department, 201
  • Choral Hall, 123
  • Instrumental Rehearsal Hall, 143
  • Music Department, 104
  • Recital Hall, 160
  • Theater Department, 140
  • Theater, 144

Cantrell Student Union

  • Activities Board, 204
  • ATM, 1st Floor SE entrance
  • Barracks Coffee Shop, 1st floor
  • Bookstore, 1st floor lobby
  • Community Life Office/Dean of Students, 106N
  • Counseling Services, 107
  • Dining Hall, 1st floor SE entrance
  • Health Services, 106
  • Student Development & Title IX, 106N
  • Student Engagement, 204
  • Student Government, 204
  • Student Ministries, 204
  • Student Programming, 106N

Mabee Student Fitness Center

  • Aerobics Room, 104
  • Indoor Running/Walking Track, 2nd floor
  • Exercise/Weightlifting Equipment
  • FMX Workout Room, 1st floor
  • Hammock/Equipment Checkout, front desk
  • Racquetball Courts, 1st floor
  • Student Basketball Court, 1st floor

Riggs Administration Hall

  • Admissions & Enrollment, 202
  • Alumni/University Advancement, 301
  • ATM, West entrance
  • Business & Finance, 309
  • Cashier, 204
  • Class Changes (Drop/Add), 304
  • Chief of Staff, 313
  • CLEP Test Information, 304
  • Event & Conference Services, 104
  • Financial Aid, 202
  • Graduation Papers, 304
  • Housing Office, 104
  • Human Resources, 309
  • IT Help Desk, 102
  • Mail & Print Services, 201
  • Marketing & Public Relations, 106
  • Prayer Chapel, 308
  • Office of the President, 313
  • Chief Academic Officer/Academic Affairs, 313
  • Public Safety/Prox Cards/Lost & Found, 208
  • Records & Registration, 304
  • Sign & Poster Approvals, 104
  • Vehicle Registration, 208

Spence Chapel

  • Chapel Auditorium
  • Event Production

Trask Hall

  • Behavioral & Social Sciences Department, 303
  • Center for Compassion, 208
  • Communications Department, 105
  • Education Department, 201
  • Ephraim Media Center & TV Studio, 106
  • Global Cultures & Compassion, 214
  • Humanities Department, 312
  • KECC, Campus Radio Station, 103
  • Leadership Program, 303
  • Theology & Global Church Ministries, 214
  • The Write Place, 202

AGFinancial Arena & Randy Rowden Training Facility

  • Team Offices, Athletic Director, Locations Pending

Zimmerman Hall

  • Academic Coaching/Career Services, 208
  • Business Department, 107
  • Center for Student Success, 208
  • Disability Support & Accommodations, 208
  • Instructional Resource Center, 204
  • Kinesiology Department, 201
  • Nature & Applied Science Department, 312
  • CliftonStrengths Finder Program, 208
  • Withdrawals, 208

2.3. Campus Services and Helpful Information

Academic Coaching: For free help with study strategies, tutoring, academic accommodations, or time management, the Center for Student Success (ZM 208) staff will help you get on track for a successful semester! x8215

Assistance or Service Animals: Assistance Animals and Service Animals may be an effective accommodation for qualified students with disabilities. For detailed information, see Assistance or Service Animal Policy. x8271.

Deans of Students: The Dean of Students leads the team focused on building community among students. This team consists of residence directors, resident assistants, and a commuter coordinator, under the direction of Steve Gause (SU 106M, x7409).

Athletic Venues (General): The Randy Rowden Intramural Field is for scheduled intramural games and, when not in use, may be used for impromptu games of soccer, football, or similar sports. Additional venues include the Mabee Center (Basketball, volleyball, racquetball), Sand Volleyball Court (between Walther Hall and Spence Hall), Disc Golf course (construction details available in the Mabee Center), and AGFinancial Arena (west of the Clock Tower). Students are encouraged to use the general athletic venues as often as possible. Damage, over and above normal wear and tear, from abnormal use of the field will be charged to the appropriate student account.

Athletic Venues (Varsity): AGFinancial Arena, the Ashcroft Center, Coryell Field, baseball and softball fields are for varsity athletic team use only.

ATM: Two ATMs are located on campus. The Assemblies of God Credit Union provides one at the southeast entrance to Cantrell Student Union. The Central Bank ATM is inside the West entrance of Riggs Hall.

Bookstore: Upon request, the EU Bookstore staff will price-match Amazon prices and pre-package your textbooks for pick-up prior to the start of each semester. Regular hours: M-F: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.; Sat: 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. x7343

Bicycles: The most secure place to store a bicycle when not in use is in the student’s room. However, bicycle racks are also located outside the residence halls and can be secured with a personal lock. As with all personal belongings, the student assumes all risk of damage or theft.

Campus Shield: The Public Safety App provides our students with information such as maps, emergency procedures, and safety regulations. It also has options to request vehicle assistance, access Residence Halls, or to submit anonymous tips. The Department of Public Safety uses this app to send emergency alerts for the campus, immediately notifying you about danger, tornado warnings, and other immediate safety hazards. Parents of students are also able to sign up. (Download for iOS, Android)

Career Help: Located in ZM 208 (x8217), Students and alumni can access resources, such as: career
guidance, career/strengths assessments, career fairs, on-campus recruitment, student job service, and resume writing. Students can also check out clothing to wear during an interview at no cost.

Cashier: The EU Cashier provides a personal touch for check cashing ($200 daily limit) and school account payments. The cashier’s window is in Riggs Hall, 204. Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. weekdays except during chapel/lunch hours.

Center for Compassion: Collaborating with Convoy of Hope, this center offers students practical ways to engage the community through service, education, and research. Opportunities may be local, national, or global, through an event, practicum and/or internship, and support a lifetime calling to compassion. Students looking for educational information can contact Stephen McMichael, or for ways to get involved reach out to Donnie Marsh in the Student Ministries office.

Center for Student Success: This one-stop office (ZM 208) can help students navigate college life. Services include assistance through individualized coaching, getting a job, discovering your calling, finding your strengths, academic coaching, disability accommodations, and/or learning about leadership x8215.

Chapel: Evangel has a focus on the students’ spiritual growth, particularly through chapel services. Attendance is required for full time, traditional, undergrad students. University chapels are held Wednesday and Friday at 9:45 am in Spence Chapel. Special services, student-led chapels, and small group devotions are also available. Students with certain conflicts can apply for partial or full attendance exemptions. Follow @EUSpiritualLife on Instagram for more information.

Churches in the Area: The Springfield area has over 400 churches, including dozens of Assemblies of God congregations.

Class Cancellation Notification: In the event of an inclement weather class cancellation, students will be notified via text through the emergency alert system and university email.

Class Schedules: Class schedules, and other important items can be found in your Student Portal (see Computer Information, below). Insider tip: when the course shows “TR”, that means you have class on Tuesdays AND Thursdays.

Computer Information: Evangel has computer labs in all the academic buildings and the Student Union, as well as a mini lab in each residence hall. As an EU student, you can also install a free copy of Microsoft Office on your computer! Wireless internet is available throughout the campus using your student username and password. For support issues, call x4357 or email The systems below can be accessed with your EU email and password:

  • Student Portal: Evangel’s customized intranet that has all your academic, financial, and service information.
  • Course Commons: Used for academic coursework. Access through your student portal or install the Canvas app.
  • Evangel Connect App (See below.)

CliftonStrengths Assessment: Evangel University is committed to a strengths-based program of education, which offers students an understanding of their unique strengths and how they can use them in academics, relationships, leadership, and career. Students take the CliftonStrengths assessment during their Essential Christianity (BIBL 111) course. Transfer students, who do not need to take this course, can go to the Center for Student Success (ZM 208) to receive an access code and learn more information.

Contact Evangel Faculty or Staff via Office Phone: Call the Evangel number, 417-865-2815. You will be prompted to search by name of the individual or department, or connect with the operator during the day.

Counseling Services: The Counseling Center (SU 107) is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (closed over the lunch hour and during University Chapel), and is staffed by licensed professional counselors and graduate-level practitioners to provide confidential Christ-centered counseling in individual and group settings. Call x7222 to schedule an appointment or to learn about the group sessions available. Services are included as part of the General Student Fee and are offered on campus. Sessions are intended for short-term care.

Disability Services: The Center for Student Success (ZM 208) assists students with documented disabilities. Contact the Disability Services Coordinator (x8213) for special needs related to academic life, or the Housing Director (x7335 or Riggs 103) for special needs related to housing and/or meals. This office ensures Evangel stays in compliance with ADA regulations.

E-Mail Access: The University e-mail system is the official means of daily communication between faculty, staff, administration, and students. Add your email to your mobile device for real-time access.

Emergency Assistance on Campus: If emergency medical or other services are needed, dial 911 and then call Public Safety on the university line or 417-575-8911, their direct line. Public Safety can direct emergency services to the location of the emergency.

Evangel Connect (Online & Mobile App): Evangel Connect is your hub for involvement. Features include groups, events, attendance tracking, forms/applications, polls, service hours tracking, etc. Download Evangel Connect to your mobile device for access on the go (iOS, Android). Access it online at for more features. Simply log-in with your campus credentials to get further connected.

Event Services and Facility Reservations: University clubs and organizations can reserve space on campus for a variety of activities. Each club advisor is trained to help you with the online system to reserve rooms and determine any logistical and/or food charges. Note: Work with Sodexo (x7425), for any food service needs.

Food Services: Students and paying guests may enjoy meals in the Valor Dining Hall and Joust, and Starbucks coffee and snacks in The Barracks Coffee Shop. Find more information at

Everyday App: Students should download the Everyday App by Sodexo to get menu and health information. Purchases can be made with the meal plan, a credit card and Valor Dollars.

Culinary Council: The success of Evangel’s dining program is based on feedback and input from student leaders across campus. The Culinary Council is made up of students who represent their peers and collaborate with Sodexo leadership regarding menu options, meal-related programming and more. Students interested in serving on this council can learn more by contacting Christy Rowden in the Office for Student Engagement.

Meal Plans: Resident students have meal plan options for the Valor Dining Hall. These plans are purchased in advance and charged to the student’s bill. Meal plans, Valor Dollars and Bonus Bucks are designed to service the student for an entire semester and unused balances will expire at the end of each semester. (See below) To see what is included in each meal plan, please see Food service is not available during Thanksgiving, Christmas and Spring breaks.

Meal Exchange: Meal plans are available for the Valor Dining Hall as it is the best option for a balanced and healthy variety of food. However, to allow flexibility, a meal exchange program is available which allows students to exchange a select number of meal swipes each week for entrées in the Joust. Each Prox Card scan at the register will deduct a meal from the student’s meal plan. Once a Prox Card is swiped in the Joust for a Meal Exchange, it will not be able to swipe in the dining hall for the same meal period. Each student must have their own meal plan or purchase a meal individually as Prox Cards and meal plans are not transferable. Valor Dollars (see below) may be used for guests.

Valor Dollars (VDs) and EU Bucks (EUBs) are used like cash in any dining location at any time. BBs may not be used for bottle beverage purchases and expire at the end of each semester. EUBs are discounted dollars loaded onto your Prox Card, used for any food expense, and expire at the end of an academic year.

To-Go: Students with limited time to eat have options. 1) Use the Eco-To-Go program in the Valor Dining Hall uses sustainable containers for a nominal one-time fee to participate. 2) Use the Everyday App to place an order for pick-up. 3) Consider the grab-and-go options in the Barracks and the Joust. Additionally, meal trays are available for ill students per request of the Health Center or Residence Hall staff.

The Joust: Sodexo Food Services provides a variety of retail options. These restaurants provide a different atmosphere for dining for lunch, dinner, and late-night meals and may be changed periodically throughout the academic year based on input from the Culinary Council. See the hours of operation for when these locations are available.

General Guidelines: Other than ice cream and Eco-To-Go orders, all food must be consumed in the dining hall. People must wear shoes and shirts in all dining facilities; be respectful and courteous; throw trash in receptacles. Students with specific dietary needs or allergies can contact the Sodexo Dietitian Katlyn Ryder, MPH, RD, LD ( for a consult. See the Nutrition page for information regarding occasions when Sodexo is unable to accommodate certain dietary restrictions.

General Sodexo operating hours are listed below. Seasonal hours are posted on Evangel connect and the website

Valor Dining Hall Hours
Meal Monday-Friday Saturday Sunday
Breakfast 7:00 to 9:00 a.m. (continental until 10 a.m.) 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. (continental)
Lunch 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (lite lunch until 2 p..m.) 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (brunch)
Dinner 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. 4:30 to 6:00 p.m.


General Hours
Location Monday-Friday Saturday Sunday
The Joust – Standard 10:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Closed Closed
The Joust – Late Night 8:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. (Mon-Thurs) Closed Closed
The Barracks Coffee Shop 7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Closed Closed

Hammocks: There are several seasonal hammock pods on campus for you to hang hammocks and relax. Students may either use a personal hammock or check one out from the Mabee Center for on campus use only.

Health Services: Students who have paid the general student fee may schedule free appointments with the on campus licensed Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) who can diagnose and treat most non-emergency health conditions. EU charges nominal fees for immunizations, laboratory tests, medications, and some procedures which are paid at time of service. We do not file insurance claims. The FNP may offer referrals for off-campus physicians, specialists, etc., as needed, at the student’s expense. Located in SU 106, hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (Last patient taken at 3:45 p.m. and closed during University Chapel). Call x7280 for an appointment. For a campus emergency, call 911, contact a Residence Director or Public Safety Officer–x7000.

Housing: The student housing office is located in the lower level of the Riggs Administration building and is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (See Housing Policy below for additional information).

ID Cards: See Prox Cards

Insurance: Each student is encouraged to secure the following two types of insurance while at Evangel:

  • Medical/Hospitalization – All students should have medical insurance. It is recommended for international students and intercollegiate athletes–contact Admissions Director for questions (x7432; Riggs Hall 203).
  • Personal Property LiabilityThe protection of personal property is the responsibility of each individual student and is not covered by Evangel University insurance. If you are a resident student or renting any unit off campus, we HIGHLY recommend purchasing renter’s insurance to protect against damage or loss. Most renter’s policies can be obtained for a few dollars a month. Contact an insurance agent for details.

Libraries: Kendrick Library (north of Zimmerman Hall) and Burnett Library (inside AGTS) are available for study and research. Students also have access to online professional databases. Copy and scan services are available for student use in Kendrick library. Standard hours are (may be adjusted during breaks, holidays):

  • Kendrick—Mon.-Thurs. (7:30 a.m. to 11:45 p.m.); Fri. (7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.); Sat. (closed); Sun. (4:00 p.m. to 11:45 p.m.)
  • Burnett—Mon.-Fri. (9:00 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.); Sat. (10:00 a.m. to 6 p.m.); Sun. (closed)

Mabee Fitness Center: Students can exercise and relieve stress using the basketball and racquetball courts, jogging track, aerobics room, and equipment (fixed/free weights), treadmills, and stationary bikes. The fitness center is open during school year: Mon.-Thurs. 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.; Fri. 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.; Sat. 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.; Sun. 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Mail and Print Services: Outgoing mail is picked up at 3 p.m. For intra-campus mail, use the person’s name, building, and room number/department. Resident student mailboxes are in the first-floor lobby of their hall. If packages received at the EU Post Office appear questionable (for campus safety/community standards), the University can require addressee to pick up/open package within staff view. Location: West entrance of Riggs Hall. Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., M-F.

Multiculturalism & Diversity: Evangel values the diversity of students and encourages learning through perspective taking, respect, and care, fostered through open-dialog and student programming. Evangel’s global student population also have intentional support, hosted by the Director of Student Programming (SU106) & Student Ministries (SU203). The Veterans and International Center (AGTS 1st floor, ext. 8841) offer support for student visa and related issues.

Parking: Students with vehicles should take care to lock their vehicle and take all valuable items with them to reduce the risk of theft. Parking in spaces reserved for faculty, staff, or other restricted spaces may result in a fine.

Prox Cards: Student ID badges are issued and activated by Public Safety during the check-in process each semester. These cards are intended to be used for the duration of a student’s time at Evangel and must be with them at all times when on campus. Prox cards provide access to authorized campus buildings, computer labs, and your residence hall by holding the card near the proximity sensor. It is also used for food service and for checking out resources in the Library.

Posters and Publicity: Signs/fliers/posters must be approved by Event & Conference Services (Riggs Hall, 104) and can be posted only in designated areas (not on windows, glass doors or painted surfaces). Exceptions are made for Homecoming, Harvest Fest, Spring Fling and officially designated ESGA election campaign periods.

Prayer Chapels: There are prayer chapels in Riggs Hall (308), AGTS (231) and each residence hall.

Pregnant and Parenting Students: Pregnant students qualify for accommodations for temporary medical conditions. The coordinator for disability services (Riggs 208, x8271) can assist with academic/campus accommodations, such as medically required absences due to pregnancy or childbirth, tutoring, medical leave, and/or spaces for nursing mothers. If temporary disability parking is needed, contact Public Safety. For questions, contact the Title IX Coordinator.

NOTE: In general, babies or children are not allowed in classrooms or lab facilities.

Public Safety: Campus safety is the responsibility of everyone. The Evangel campus is staffed 24/7 with a focus on the protection of the students, faculty, staff, and property. Officers oversee access control and safety systems, vehicle registration and enforcement, parking/restricted area monitoring, self-defense training, investigations, and emergencies. Students in need of a parking decal or a Prox Card, should visit the office in person.

Suspicious persons or concerns on campus should be reported immediately to Public Safety by using the Campus Shield Public Safety app (iOS, Android). This service also allows a student to request an officer to accompany you across campus (safe-walk program) jump-start your vehicles, and assistance with unlocking vehicles. The office publishes the Annual Security Report (Clery) on the EU Website, as required by federal law.

Emergency calls requiring response by Springfield authorities (fire, police or ambulance) should be made by first calling 911 and then as soon as possible contacting Public Safety by calling 417-575-8911 (save in your contacts) which will aid the authorities finding the correct location as quick as possible. Public Safety can also be reached through the CampusShield App, at x7000, or in-person at Riggs 208.

Student Programming: Evangel is focused on developing the whole person through a variety of tools to help each student grow socially, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. The Director of Student Programming makes a variety of programs available to help students be fully prepared for the world ahead.

Reporting Assault or Other Crimes: If you have witnessed or been subject to a crime, the Department of Public Safety can assist in providing campus support personnel or local law enforcement responses, 24/7. Immediately report all thefts or burglaries to Public Safety. For sex-based offenses, students may contact the Title IX Coordinator (Mark Entzminger) or Deputy Coordinator’s (Gina Rentschler or Steve Gause) to initiate a report. To report a crime anonymously, click here. We value all reporting; however, anonymous reports may limit outcome of investigations. Our primary goal is to keep you safe!

Vehicle Registration: Students must register their vehicles annually with the Department of Public Safety and correctly display the registration decal on the driver’s side rear window (please use the windshield, driver’s side, if there is heavy tinting in the rear). See the Motor Vehicle Regulations on your Student Portal for full information.

Vehicle Safety: See Parking above.

Veterans Center: The Vern Clark Veterans Center, located inside the west door of AGTS, provides a full service, one-stop entry point. Veterans can get information regarding GI benefits, billing/financial aid, university and/or government service agencies, as well as enjoy a cup of coffee and snacks. A military chaplain is available to minister to individual and family needs of veterans. Call 417-268-1041 for information.

Voter Registration: Students desiring to register to vote in the State of Missouri, Greene County and the City of Springfield may register to vote online at

3. Student Involvement & Leadership Opportunities

Evangel has many opportunities to get involved. Check Evangel Connect for more information.

3.1. Extracurricular Activities

Activities Board (AB): AB creates campus-wide activities to build school spirit, unity, and community. AB is comprised of executives and members at-large, and their advisor is Christy Rowden. Leadership offices are in the Student Union (Suite 204). Follow @EU_AB on Social Media.

Club Sports: EU club sports offer a great way to meet friends, get some exercise, and flex your competition muscles. These non- varsity athletic options are new to EU, and more will be added soon. Choose from bass fishing, beach volleyball, bowling, CrossFIT, and disc golf. To get started, visit and a coach will follow up with you soon!

CROSSwalk Student Ministries: See Student Ministries for updated information.

Evangel Student Government Association (ESGA): Student senators (i.e., residence hall/commuter/class presidents, departmental and at-large representatives, and executive officers) write and vote on bills from policy recommendations to campus improvements. They represent student needs and concerns to the VP for Student Development and the President’s Cabinet. Their advisor is Professor Eugene Arnold. Leadership offices are in the Student Union (Suite 204). Follow @senateesga on Social Media.

Hall Governments: Each residence hall and the Commuter Council elect and appoint student officers, selected each spring for the following year. They work closely with their director to promote activities, socials and fund-raising projects.

Intercollegiate (Varsity) Athletics: Evangel is in the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA). Men’s and women’s teams compete in basketball, cross-country, golf, tennis, track & field, and soccer. EU Also provides women’s volleyball and softball, and men’s football and baseball.

Intramural Sports: Intramural sports are voluntary athletic competitions that are open to all current EU students. Contact the Campus Recreation Coordinator, x7745, or your Residence Hall/Commuter Sports Rep for information on sports offered and registration deadlines.

Leadership Development: Evangel is committed to developing leaders to positively impact this world for the cause of Christ. The Leadership Program (also an academic minor) is facilitated through Behavioral and Social Sciences. (TR 303).

Music: Students may participate in a variety of instrumental and vocal ensembles, including Marching Band, University Band, University Chorus, University Orchestra, University Chorale, Concert Orchestra, Concert Choir, Jazz Ensemble, worship teams, and other ensembles. Contact the Music Department.

Student Ministries: Many students desire to engage in ministry opportunities during their time at Evangel. Student Ministries is a student-led organization that houses three main areas of ministry: Belonging, Discipleship, and Impact. Belonging Ministries serve students by helping them build the concrete connections that make Evangel home. Discipleship Ministries provide opportunities for spiritual growth through small group community, student-led chapels and more. Impact Ministries help equip and deploy students into service using their unique gifts, passions, and abilities. Get involved in a small group as the first step towards learning more!

Theatre: The Humanities Department’s Theatre Program provides opportunities for acting, directing, set design and construction, etc.

3.2. Departmental Clubs, Honorary Societies and Interest Groups

Departmental Groups:

  • Art Group
  • Club de Español
  • EU Nursing Society
  • Future Business Leaders – Collegiate
  • National Association for Music Education
  • Psychology Club
  • Healthcare Society
  • Social Work Club
  • Student MO State Teacher’s Association
  • World Changers Mission Fellowship

Honor Societies

  • Alpha Psi Omega – Theatre
  • Kappa Mu Epsilon – Mathematics
  • Phi Alpha – Social Work
  • Pi Omicron Chapter of Delta Mu Delta – Business
  • Psi Chi – Psychology
  • Sigma Alpha Sigma – Honor floors
  • Sigma Zeta – Science/mathematics
  • Society for Collegiate Journalists
  • Theta Alpha Chapter of Phi Epsilon Kappa – Kinesiology
  • Alpha Epsilon Chapter of Theta Alpha Kappa – Religious Studies & Theology

Interest Groups

  • Activities Board
  • Chess Club
  • Christians for Biblical Equality
  • Class Councils
  • Medieval History Club
  • Made for More
  • Maroon Mob
  • Senate (ESGA)
  • Student Ministries
  • Student Veteran’s Association

Student Media

  • Evangel Valor Media
  • EUTV – Television Station
  • Epiphany – Fine Arts Magazine
  • EU Films
  • Excalibur – Yearbook
  • Intercollegiate Forensics
  • KECC “The Vibe” – Radio
  • Lance – Newspaper

Officially recognized student groups are listed if they meet the annual renewal criteria of the Student Engagement Office. Only officially recognized student groups are eligible for ESGA Senate funding.

3.3. Roles of Student Officers and Faculty Advisors

Student officers and faculty advisors provide leadership within university policy. The Director of Student Engagement (SU 204A, x7318) assists student leaders, faculty advisors, as well as students or faculty interested in forming new clubs/organizations. Student officers are responsible for supporting their organization’s vision and programs, planning events, managing finances responsibly using University accounting procedures, and contacting the Student Engagement Director regarding any questions about organization activities. Faculty/Staff advisors serve on every recognized Evangel club/organization/interest group. They mentor officers and provide oversight for an organization’s events.

3.4. Valor Scholars Academy

The Valor Scholars Academy is an interdisciplinary honors program that empowers students to draw from all fields of study making their personal and academic goals a reality. It includes mentorships, personalized courses, and potential for an interdisciplinary major of the student’s creation. The program consists of two tiers of commitment depending on the amount of time and course load a student wishes to invest in the program.

4. Safety Standards and Information

The Department of Public Safety, Riggs Hall, 208 is open 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p. m. Monday-Friday. A Public Safety Officer is available 24/7, 365 by calling (417) 575- 8911.

Access Control and Camera Systems: Evangel’s buildings are access-controlled and
camera surveillance is used to promote a safe community. The residence halls
(students’ Prox Cards open their hall only) and Mabee Fitness Center are secured
24/7; Dining Hall, Cantrell Student Union, and academic buildings are secured after 5 p.m. Do not tamper with, prop doors, or try to bypass access system or cameras.

Alcohol or Other Drugs on Campus: Public Safety Officers follow campus, local, and state regulations. In suspected alcohol use, an officer may administer a Personal Breathalyzer Test (PBT) to determine if alcohol has been consumed. Refusal to take a PBT, field sobriety test, or drug test, shall be considered in violation of the University’s Drug Testing Policy. State law requires police to be notified for minors in possession or under the influence of alcohol, or for any student in possession or under the influence of illegal drugs. The officer will document indicators of intoxication or usage in a report, confiscate evidence, notify police if needed, and contact Community Life staff for follow-up. See also Room or Vehicle Search.

Access/Identification Cards: Always keep your university identification (Prox Card) with you on campus. The Prox Card activates the proximity-based entry system allowing access to various buildings on campus. This card is also used for food services, check cashing, athletic games, library books, activities, etc. The Department of Public Safety issues Prox Card. Lost or stolen cards should be reported to Public Safety immediately. Students can get one replacement card each semester; additional cards are $25 each. Once a new card is activated, any previous cards will no longer function.

Bicycles, Skateboards, and Racks: Be healthy, ride your bike or skateboards! Just remember, pedestrians have the right of way! Bicycle racks are behind each residence hall, on the east side of the Mabee Student Fitness Center, and between Zimmerman and Trask Halls. Make sure to lock them up. Skateboard racks are outside the Student Union. The University is not responsible for the security of bikes, skateboards, and/or scooters. Register your bicycle with Public Safety. AirTags or other GPS tracking devices, are recommended to recover items of value which may be misplaced or stolen.

Closed Campus/Curfew: The campus closes at curfew (1:00 a.m. nightly; 2:00 a.m. on Friday nights and during student breaks and summer school). All non-resident students or guests must leave campus by curfew. After curfew, the campus is closed, and students may only work on academic projects in campus buildings if prior approval has been given to Public Safety by the respective faculty member (See Curfew Exemptions Guidelines for additional curfew privileges).

Drones: Drones are banned from all campus property and airspace for safety concerns and to prevent privacy intrusion. Permission to use a drone for a specific project/event must be obtained in advance from the Public Safety Director.

Emergency Procedures: Evangel uses a Timely Warning system (texts, emails) to notify the campus of possible threats which may require individual protective measures. Test notifications are sent at 10:55 a.m. on the third Friday of each semester to allow members to verify functionality. To verify and update your contact information, just go to your student portal (click on My Info) and follow the instructions to change your number. The system is updated each semester. Students and employees are required to follow all evacuation procedures from Public Safety and/or law enforcement officers (see Emergency/Crisis Plan).

  • Active Shooter or Bomb Threat: Armed Public Safety officers will respond and local law enforcement are contacted. The emergency notification system is activated as soon as practical alerting the community of a threat. Virtual trainings for the campus family are available upon request to inform on best ways to mitigate injury and loss of life.
  • Tornado Warning/Watch: A tornado watch means that conditions are favorable for a tornado. A tornado warning means that a tornado has been sighted in the area. In the event of a tornado warning, the Springfield warning alarms will sound, and Public Safety will send a notification alert. Students in campus buildings should follow instructions of a faculty/staff member. See designated shelter areas.

Fire Alarms and Fire Safety on Campus: City code requires that anytime a fire alarm sounds the fire department must be alerted, and all occupants MUST evacuate the building immediately. Students should gather at a site designated by the RD or a Public Safety Officers and remain there until further notice. A Public Safety Officer will ensure a building has been evacuated and investigate reason for the fire alarm if a fire is not evident.

  • Fire Doors: According to the City Fire Marshal stairwell, doors in a building must not be propped open.
  • Fire Systems: Misusing or pranks involving fire safety systems (e.g., building or floor alarms, fire extinguishers andelectrical panels) is a serious offense and typically results in suspension. The city declares these a violation of city ordinances and carries a penalty of up to six months in jail and/or a $500 fine. The Fire Marshal has declared that pulling a fire alarm as a prank which causes the evacuation of 10+ persons from a building can be considered a “terrorist threat,” which is a Class “C” Felony.
  • Fireworks (Possession or Use) or Setting Fires: Students may not possess, use, or store fireworks, snaps, poppers, and/or smoke bombs on Evangel’s property, including in automobiles. It is illegal in the city to “store, offer for sale, expose for sale, sell, use or explode any fireworks, except as provided in the rules and regulations issued by the code official for the granting of permits for supervised public displays of fireworks by the City, fair associations, amusement parks and other organizations”.

Firearms/Explosive Devises & Weapons (Possession or Use): Evangel University has a zero-tolerance policy regarding the use or possession of weapons, firearms or other explosive devices on campus, including in automobiles. Carrying open or concealed weapons on campus is prohibited. Upon verification individuals storing or possessing a firearm or other explosive device will be removed immediately from campus and subject to interim suspension pending review.

No Contact Directive: A No Contact Directive may be issued by the VPSD or the office of Public Safety between two or more students in response to alleged disruptive, violent, aggressive, threatening, harassing and/or discriminatory contact. This order prohibits any contact, whether in-person, electronically (e.g., e-mails, phone calls, text messages, social networking site messages, blog comments, etc.), indirectly (e.g., leaving a note), and/or others acting on behalf of the student to initiate contact with the other party.

Pedestrians: Evangel prioritizes pedestrian traffic. People driving motorized vehicles, bicycles, etc. should yield to pedestrians at all roadway crossings.

Restricted Areas on Campus: Generally, include all roofs and walls (no climbing, skateboarding, etc.), as well as opposite- sex residence hall stairwells, lobbies, basements, hallways, floors, and rooms (except for scheduled hall visitation times, see Hall Visitation in Section VI. A).

Right to Enter: EU reserves the right for authorized personnel to enter any room/office at any time for purpose of inspection, repairs, or other official business. Personnel will knock and announce themselves before entering.

Room or Vehicle Search: Student rooms and vehicles on EU property may be searched with cause. Searches are typically conducted by a Public Safety Officer, with authorization from the VPSD or his/her designee. Items in violation of university standards/policies may be confiscated. If item is illegal, city law requires notifying Springfield Police to remove. Subsequent police investigations are subject to city and state laws.

See Something, Say Something: Evangel relies on every member to alert the Public Safety office of safety concerns on campus. If something doesn’t look right, take appropriate steps to intervene, and alert the Public Safety Office.

Theft/Vandalism: Taking, assisting in removing, or willfully destructing tangible or intellectual property without permission of the owner (including pranks) is prohibited. This also includes Internet downloading of copyrighted material [see Copyright Laws]. Students should immediately report all thefts and/or vandalism to the Department of Public Safety.

Vehicles and Parking: All vehicles and bicycles on campus must be registered during the first week of school or within three days of arriving on campus. Student overnight parking is limited to Lots A, C, and E. Restricted areas behind the residence halls should be clear at all times for emergency vehicles and Facilities staff.

Weapons: See also Firearms standards above.

5. General Information for Residential and Commuter Students

In addition to academics, life at Evangel includes the incredible relationships that you will have opportunity to build, and the spiritual development that God wants to do in your lives. We care deeply about students and offer programing and attention that promotes holistic development. Check Evangel Connect for activities. See IX University Policies, Housing Policy for additional information.

Items noted with an asterisk (*) denote an RH fine is $25, payable to the RD within 7 days of notification. Repeat or multiple violations of offenses will result in an escalation of status and increased sanctions.

5.1. Residential Students

This information is specific to resident students who will help you align with residence hall (RH) living:

Animals: Only fish, confined in small aquariums with proper cleaning, and approved by the Residence Director, are permitted. Aquariums will be part of regular room inspections. See also Assistance and Service Animals.

Appliances: See Cooking and Community Kitchens below.

Babysitting: Childcare (caring for a child without presence of a legal guardian) is not permitted in the hall. Children under the age of 12 are not permitted past Quiet Hours.

Bicycle Storage: Bikes/scooters may only be stored in a student’s room or locked to a bike rack outside. The University is not responsible for security of bikes/scooters. RH fines are issued for improper storage (See Bicycles in Safety).

Candles and/or Incense: There can be no open flames in the residence halls due to the fire hazard and/or allergic responses. Candles and incense are not allowed.

Ceiling Surfaces: Do not attach anything to or scrape material from ceilings (See Hazardous/Noxious Materials).

Check out: All non-curfew exempt (see Curfew Exemptions Guidelines) students must properly check out of RH when staying out of the hall past curfew. The Overnight Checkout Procedures are at the front desk in each RH.

Co-Ed Halls (AKA Mixed Gender): Lewis, Scott and Walther Halls provide housing for both males and females. Disciplinary incidents that arise from inappropriate behavior toward the opposite sex and are considered a safety risk will result in a housing review. Students involved in this misbehavior may lose the privilege to remain in the co-ed hall indefinitely.

Contacting Parents: See Missing Students.

Cooking & Community Kitchens: Students are granted permission to store and prepare food within the residence halls provided it meets certain university standards.

    1. Appliances: Rooms are not designed for standard meal preparation. Small refrigerators (3.2 cu feet max) and appliances without an open heating surface are the only acceptable room appliances. With several appliances, use a UL approved power strip attached directly to wall outlet, as multiple extension cords are fire hazards. Appliances must be cleaned and sanitized to meet room inspection standards.
    2. Food Storage & Cleanliness: The presence of open food, food waste, and spills can attract pests into the room. Food should be stored in air-tight containers, trash taken to dumpsters, and spills cleaned. Sink and bathtub drains are not food disposal options.
    3. Community Kitchens: Some halls are equipped with community kitchens which require additional guidelines as outlined by the appropriate Resident Director. Food and personal appliance storage must remain in the student’s room when not in use. Appliances, food, and containers left in the community room kitchen may be discarded and the student/hall may lose access to the community room kitchen. Students may bring ingredients and meals to the community room kitchen for preparation and consumption provided each resident cleans up and sanitizes after themselves to allow the next resident a clean space when they arrive.

Curfew & After-Hours Entry/Exit: Curfew begins at 1:00 a.m. Sunday through Thursday and, 2:00 a.m. Friday and Saturday nights, student breaks, and summer school. During curfew (until 4:45 a.m.) access to the halls is restricted. To enter your hall after curfew simply scan your Prox Card at the main entrance. RDs receive a weekly report of all students who enter after curfew for follow up and possible accountability measures. See Curfew Exemptions Guidelines for more information. Improper/unauthorized entry and exit are prohibited.

  • Improper Exit: Setting off an alarm after curfew without following proper exiting procedures.
  • Unauthorized Entry/Exit: Any means of bypassing the access system, includes, but not limited to:
    • come in/go out through a window.
    • let someone in/go out after curfew.
    • entry/exit not through an unlocked door.
    • entry/exit after curfew not through the main front entrance (“fishbowl”).
    • enter a room suite via the bathroom, without permission of resident.
    • prop doors: grant access to anyone other than a guest you are hosting; and/or
    • use someone’s ID card or permit another to use yours to access hall.

NOTE: Do not open exterior doors to give access to persons you do not know. RHs are restricted to Prox Card access of residents for the increased security of you and your belongings. Non-residents of a RH may not follow student(s) into a hall apart from their personal host.

Damage or Repairs: Contact the Facilities Department using the Maintenance Request link to report A/C, heating, plumbing or electrical problems, broken doors, locks and windows, ceilings, suspected mold, the presence of insects and rodents etc. For emergencies after business hours, call Public Safety (417-865-2815, ext. 7000).

Decorating Rooms: Students who personalize their room must do so in ways that are compatible with university standards. Upon checkout, rooms must be returned to the same condition as it was received upon arrival. The following guidelines will assist you in knowing the parameters of room décor:

    • All University furniture must stay within the occupant’s room only. University furniture from outside of the room may not be moved into student rooms. Violations are treated as theft.
    • Painter’s tape, sticky tack, and Command StripsTM may be used on carpet or painted surfaces. Nails, staples, screws, glue, or duct tape may not be used on surfaces including doors and ceilings.
    • Painting or wallpapering is not allowed. If a mirror is already attached to the door, it is to remain there permanently unless it is damaged. Evangel does not fix or replace these mirrors.
    • Small (4 feet or less) artificial trees are permitted. No cut/living Christmas trees are allowed.
    • Electrical ornaments and additional lights must be connected via circuit breaker protected power strips only. The university reserves the right to limit the number of additional lights in use based on electrical capacity.
    • Electrical cords can only be placed on the perimeter of the room and not taped to the floor or placed under rugs in the middle of the room. Only one power strip may be used per outlet connection.
    • Alterations involving the electrical supply are prohibited.
    • A shower curtain rod will be provided by the university, students the ability to provide their own shower curtain.
    • No outward facing objects (e.g., flags, posters, signs) visible from the window to the outside.

Devotions: Small groups will be hosted by Student Ministry leaders at various times and locations around campus. These are incredible opportunities to grow spiritually, build relationships, and pray for each other.

Emergency Procedures: Annual fire drills, and other safety measures will be called by Public Safety and/or the RD. Students are expected to participate in these life-saving activities.

Floor Traditions: Appropriate floor traditions must not include any elements of hazing or initiation. See also Hazing. Appropriate residence hall floor tradition activities must comply with ALL of the following:

  • Completely voluntary. No coercion (requiring participation by pressure or threat–implied or stated).
  • Not put any student at risk of physical, spiritual or psychological harm.
  •  Not involve retaliation or harassment (verbal or physical), against any students not participating.
  • Honoring and affirming of students, as brothers and sisters in the body of Christ.
  • Not single out any individuals or classes of individuals.
  • Planned and conducted by the respective Floor Councils that support University standards. Due to employee liability issues, Resident Assistants may not plan, approve or conduct floor tradition activities and must promptly report to the Residence Director any violation of these guidelines.

Food/Cooking in the Hall: See Cooking & Community Kitchens above.

Food Delivery: When ordering food, make sure to meet the delivery person at the front doors (in the fishbowl). Food delivery must be received before curfew as delivery vehicles are not allowed on campus after curfew. Students, curfew-exempt or not, may not order food delivery on campus after curfew.

Food Services: [See Food Services in Section II C for details]

Gaming: Electronic game systems which require network access should us top port in the room. Games rated AO (Adults Only) are prohibited on campus. Games rated M (Mature 17+ and lower) are permitted unless they contain strong language, sexual content, sexual violence, nudity and/or mature humor (as defined by the ESRB). The Community Life staff reserve the right to prohibit games deemed inappropriate.

Guests: Residents hosting guests (student or non-student) are responsible for making sure their guests understand Evangel’s conduct and dress expectations while on campus or at university-related events (NOTE: During move- in/out, family members and friends may assist students during the posted times. Once school begins, student must obtain a visitor pass for their family from an RH staff member and make notification on the floor, except during scheduled visitation times).

  • On arrival, student hosts must register the guest at front desk, so hall staff is aware of who is in the building.
  • Student hosts must come to front lobby to bring guest into building as guests are not issued ID cards.
  • Guests may not enter/depart the residence hall during curfew hours. The RDs may approve exceptions to this rule (e.g., a guest arriving on a late flight) if they are consulted 24 hours beforehand.
  • Only platonic, same-sex friends may stay overnight and must not share a bed.
  • Guests not staying overnight must leave before curfew.
  • Guests (including EU commuters, EU residents of another hall, non-students) staying more than two consecutive nights incur a $10/night charges (payable to RD in advance) and may stay in the residence hall no more than five nights per semester. This limitation also applies to residence hall students staying in their own halls but in rooms other than the ones assigned to them. The RD, upon his/her sole discretion, has the right to disallow any guest.

Hair Cutting: Students cutting opposite gender students’ hair in the Residence Hall, may ONLY do so in the laundry room and only during hall visitation hours. Cleaning up is required.

Hall Visitation (on campus): Hall visitation provides opportunity to have non-resident students and guests of yours to visit in your room! These friends are required to: 1) sign in at the front desk, leaving their student ID cards (or photo ID for non-students) and identifying who they are going to see; and 2) sign out by 11:00 p.m., picking up their ID card. (See Lobbies for more information) Here are the guidelines:

  • Hours–Monday 9:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., Thursday and Friday 7:00 p.m. to 11 p.m.
  • Guests and/or hosts should not act in ways that could cast doubt on their behavior. There is to be no PDA.
  • Guests may visit only the room for which they register and not enter rooms of other students uninvited.
  • Doors must remain fully open at least 90 degrees.
  • Leave lights on while guests are in a room, even while watching movies (minimum-overhead sink light).
  • Students must observe Courtesy Hours (See Section V.A.1).
  • Both roommates must agree to participate in room visits voluntarily, without coercion or concern for retaliation.
  • No one is to enter a room without the occupant(s) being present.

There is no hall visitation during Spiritual Emphasis week, Harvest Fest and Spring Fling, school breaks, mid-term week, finals weeks, and summer school.

Hazardous/Noxious Materials: Do not disturb ceiling and pipe insulation materials due to asbestos risks (this includes not hanging or taping anything on ceilings). Additionally, students may not bring perm or acrylic nail application materials into the hall, nor may they store flammable items or materials that could have an open flame. See Hazardous Materials, Section VIII. University Policies.

Hazing/Initiations: Hazing is against the law and the university has zero tolerance for any activities that fit under this definition. See Hazing.

Housing Selection: Each semester, students can request their room and roommate. All students, even those not returning to the hall must complete the Housing Form by the deadline. Failure to submit the housing form will result in a $10 per day fine, up to $50, payable to the RD within seven days, and potential loss of current room assignment, if returning. See also Room Changes below.

Ice Machines: All Residence Halls have ice machines in the second-floor lobby or landing. Do not place personal items in machines as it contaminates the ice.

Insurance: Personal Property Liability: Personal property damage is not covered by Evangel University insurance. We HIGHLY recommend that you purchase renter’s insurance! It is typically very inexpensive, has a low deductible, and should cover damage to personal belongings, in case of water leaks, fire, theft, etc. For further information, contact the Student Development Office.

Internet Access: Wireless internet is available on campus. Students are not allowed to use personal Wireless Access Points as it interferes with service. Each room is equipped with two network ports and one phone jack. The top port is for gaming; the other is for general Internet.

Keys: Room and mailbox keys are issued at hall check-in and should not be duplicated. For lost keys, notify Public Safety immediately and contact your Residence Director to order a replacement. For safety, the entire lock is changed when keys are lost. A $100 replacement cost is charged to your student account for room keys and $10 for a mailbox key. At no time should students let anyone else use their room or mailbox keys.

Kitchen Policies: See Cooking and Community Kitchens above.

Laundry: Free laundry machines are available off first floor lobbies for exclusive use of its residents. To maintain a clean facility (and prevent theft), promptly remove your clothes when machine stops. Sorting bins are located in each laundry facility for residential use. After 24 hours, unclaimed items may be donated. Liquid bleach is not allowed, except as approved by your RD.

Lobbies: These are like living rooms in your home. 1st floor lobbies are more formal, and it is not appropriate to lie or sleep on the couches. 2nd floor lobbies are more casual and open only to residents, except for scheduled hall visitation times. Generally, musical instruments and rowdy activities are prohibited.

  • ALL guests/non-residents of the hall, must exit the hall by curfew
  • ALL guests must be accompanied by a host resident of that hall at all times
  • 1st floor lobbies of the halls are open to non-residents from 8:00 a.m. to curfew
  • 2nd floor lobbies of all halls are only open to guests/non-residents from 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.
  • Each Residence Hall Council reserves the right to reduce 2nd floor lobby guest access. See your respective RD for details

Lofts: Personal lofts and decks are not permitted.

Mandatory Meetings: Occasionally, the RD will approve mandatory meetings, whereby vital information is presented to the students via hall and/or floor meetings. Students are given at least 48 hours of advance notice and must receive an excused absence from the RD or RA or receive an RH fine.*

Movies: In keeping with federal copyright laws, streaming movies (EU’s community standard is: R or MA and under)may be viewed in private living spaces, such as a room or suite. See Copyright Laws for information about groups.

Musical Instruments and Vocals: Except in floor devotions/hall chapels, instruments (including voice) should not be heard outside your room at any time of day or night. Music should be EU appropriate and only be played when resident is in his or her room. Vocal and/or instrumental rehearsing or performing (individual or band) is not permitted in the hall. Students may schedule practice rooms in the Fine Arts Center.

Power Failure: In the event of power failure, use flashlights or phones, not candles or lighters (no open flames). You will receive instruction via your RD, RA or from the 911Cellular text alert from the Public Safety Office.

Quiet Hours on Campus: 11:00 p.m. to 9:00 a.m. daily. Quiet hours are to be observed both inside and outside the residence hall rooms/buildings. During quiet hours, moving in or out of the residence hall room during the semester (including final exams) is prohibited. “Courtesy Hours” (being aware and respectful of others need for study and rest) are 24/7. Violations can result in an RH fine*.

Residence Hall Student Leaders (Hall Council): Each hall has Student Ministries leaders and Residence Hall student officers (President, VP, Secretary, Treasurer, PR Rep). Each floor has a Resident Assistant (RA), and floor officers. These student leaders are there to help you grow and develop holistically.

Residence Hall Entry/Exit during curfew hours: See Curfew & After-Hours Entry/Exit

Restricted Areas in Halls (out of bounds): See Safety Standards and Information, Restricted Areas on Campus.

Right to Enter: EU reserves the right for authorized personnel to enter any room for room inspection, repairs, or other official business. In such cases, personnel will knock and announce themselves before entering.

Right to Search: If there is reasonable cause to believe that a student has contents in a room/vehicle on campus that are inconsistent with University’s standards and policies, University personnel (authorized by Vice President for Student Development, or designee) may conduct a search and proceed according to policy. If an illegal substance is found or if a minor is found to consume/possess alcohol, university policy is to call Springfield Police, in accordance with Missouri statute 311.325. Any subsequent police investigations are subject to city and state laws. See also, Section V.E. Safety Standards, Right to Search.

Room Changes & Consolidations: Room changes are made with written approval from the RD during the first full week of classes or at semester. To encourage community, freshmen students are encouraged to have a roommate. Any student in a double-occupancy room without a roommate may be required to move to another room on the same floor. When moving, follow checkout procedures for the old room and check-in procedures for the new room. RH changes may occur at semester, with approval from respective RDs, once the $25 room change fee has been paid. RDs have authority to grant or deny mid-semester requests, based on extenuating circumstances. To request a residence hall change for the next school year, submit a housing form by the deadline in the Spring. See also Housing Selection. Housing selection guidelines is provided by the Housing Department each semester.

Room Inspections: Since residence hall living involves sharing facilities with others, roommates/suitemates are jointly responsible for maintaining a clean-living environment. Resident Assistants (RAs) will post schedules and every two weeks inspect rooms for cleanliness, damages, and/or community standard violations. Room inspections may include, but not be limited to, walls, ceilings, floors, doors, windows, university furnishings/fixtures, closet areas, and residents’ food storage and preparation equipment. Reasonable room inspection expectations will be communicated during the first floor/hall meeting. RAs will give students 48-hour notice as a reminder. Students who fail a room inspection are issued a $10 fine per occupant and room is re-inspected within 24 hours. If the room fails to meet expected standards upon re-inspection an additional fine is issued per occupant, payable to the RD within 7 days.

  • RH staff, or designated official, may confiscate restricted materials (e.g., alcohol, tobacco; illegal drugs and or paraphernalia; pornography; fireworks; weapons; inappropriate movies, music and video games; burned candles; vaping products, etc. that violates Evangel’s standards) seen in plain view during routine room inspections or visits. Springfield law enforcement confiscates illegal material.
  • Outward facing objects (e.g., flags, posters, signs), with pictures or symbols that are visible in the window from the outside, are prohibited and will result in failure of the room inspection.
  • Financial liability stemming from:
    • Room abuse is the responsibility of the student/s identified.
    • Unclean common areas in the room (i.e., sink, university flooring, and mirrors) is the responsibility of both roommates unless otherwise determined by RA; and
    • Abuse of, or not cleaning the entire bathroom is the responsibility of all suitemates, unless RA can verify that one specific occupant was assigned to clean the object in question.

Roommate Conflict: When two people room together, it is inevitable to experience conflict at some point. Respectful communication can usually thwart negative behavior. But if you need help, talk to your RA and/or RD. They have tools and resources to help! You don’t have to manage this alone!

Selling/Fund Raising: Selling products door-to-door, conducting sales meetings inside the halls or advertising products via student mailboxes is prohibited. RDs, at their discretion, may permit students to use hall bulletin boards to advertise products and announce meetings conducted outside the hall. Fundraising within the hall is permitted for approved clubs or missions/service trips of residents only.

Smoke detectors in residence hall or room: Tampering with smoke detectors, including removing the batteries or disabling them in any way, is prohibited. Please contact the Facilities Department, via your student portal, if you feel there is something wrong with your detector. See also Fire Safety standards.

Stairwell doors: Propping or taping stairwell doors is prohibited. Stairs are fire exit pathways in the halls.

Storage Rooms: These locked rooms can be opened by your RA. A limited number of personal items may be stored, and the university is not responsible for the items. Fire code requires a clear path to a breaker box at all times. On- campus storage is not available for the summer and items left are donated.

Tornado Watch/Warning: Go to designated safety zones upon hearing tornado-warning siren: See designated shelter areas. Students who do not comply with EU officials accept responsibility for potential physical harm.

Trash/Littering: Put all personal trash items in the outdoor trash bins (behind the Residence Hall) and keep floor hallways clear of any obstruction. Don’t put personal trash items bags outside the room or in the lobby receptacles, etc. Due to health issues, fines are issued for improper trash disposal.

Water fights, water balloons and water guns: Unapproved water activities on campus are prohibited; damage is considered vandalism. Activities Board may sponsor events using water balloons/guns, approved by the Director of Student Engagement, that don’t cause damage to EU property, affect unwilling participants, or violate quiet hours.

Vacant Residence Hall Rooms: Other than to adjust the thermostat, students may not enter and/or use an empty room, and may be subject to disciplinary consequences, including but not limited to a fine.

Vending Machines: All RHs have machines in the lobby. Report issues to the RA or OA on nightly duty for refund.

Wellness Checks: When Student Development staff have reason to be concerned for the wellbeing of a student they reserve the right to conduct a room check for verification purposes. The parents/or designated contact will be notified if the student’s location cannot be verified as outlined in the Missing Students policy.

Windows (Throwing items): No items are to be thrown from or moved in/out through a window.

Window Screens in the Residence Halls: Removal of or damage to window screens is prohibited. Repeat or multiple violations of any listed offenses will result in an escalation of status and increased sanctions.

5.2. Commuter Students

Commuter students are a significant and valuable segment of the Evangel community. Special assistance, services, and activities are under the direction of the Community Coordinator 7996; office- Cantrell Student Union 106). Your Commuter Council is your link and primary go-to people when you have questions!

Announcements: To keep up with events, activities, and happenings on campus, see the bulletin boards across from the Commuter Lounge. Also, make sure to check Evangel Connect and University email.

Commuter Council: Comprised of commuter students and the Commuter Coordinator (who serves as the advisor), your student leaders develop projects and create activities that meet the diverse needs of commuter students. To get involved or for questions, please contact the Commuter Coordinator for details.

Commuter Lounge: The Fireside Room, SU 2nd floor, is set up as a commuter lounge. Hours are Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. This is a comfortable room where current commuters and their guests eat and socialize. Outside of these hours, the room is available to reserve through EMS. There is a designated study area available for current commuter students and their guests in the 2nd floor of the Library. Ask for the location of Commuter quiet zone at the front desk.

Commuter Devotions: In addition to university chapels, commuters are encouraged to join a small group of their choice. Commuter students may qualify for a revised chapel attendance requirement based on their academic schedule. See complete statement on the Chapel Program for details.

Food Service for Commuters: Commuters may use the fridge and microwave in the Commuter Lounge for food they bring from home. Commuters have options if they wish to eat in any of the Sodexo locations on campus including; paying cash, purchase block meal plans or Valor Dollars. For more information, go to your Student Portal or contact the Housing Director. [See Food Services in Section 2.3 for details]

Housing Forms: Each semester, students who wish to attend Evangel as a Commuter Student must submit their request to the Housing Office. Failure to submit the housing form will result in a $10 per day fine, up to $50, payable to the Commuter Coordinator within 7 days. See the Housing Policy for details on commuter eligibility.

Intramural Sports: Commuters are encouraged to form teams to participate in intramural sports. Contact your Commuter Sports Representative or the Intramural Sports Coordinator (x7745) for information.

Lockers: Lockers are available at no charge for commuters. These are located on the 1st floor of the Student Union, next to the Barracks Cafe. Commuters must provide their own lock which must be removed by the end of the Spring semester each year.

Personal Emergencies: If you are ill for an extended time or have an emergency that will keep you out of classes, call the Student Development Office at 417-865-2815, ext. 7316. They will notify your professors.

Snow Days: Occasionally the Ozarks has snow conditions that cause a class cancellation, move to online coursework, or delay to the start. See Class Cancellations for information on how to receive these notifications. There may be days that classes are not cancelled but road conditions make it unsafe for some Commuters to travel to campus. Please use your own discretion in determining your ability to navigate the roads in these instances and work with individual professors regarding your mode of participation.

Visiting in Residence Halls: All commuter students are responsible for knowing and abiding by the residence hall guidelines, when visiting a resident student. When commuters visit the halls they will be required to comply with all residence hall policies as detailed the Student Handbook.

6. Code of Conduct

Much like any community, Evangel supports policies, procedures, and actions to facilitate healthy, godly living among its members. These boundaries are guided by our commitment to uphold biblical principles of conduct, our Assemblies of God denominational conviction, and practices that promote considerate community interaction. As such, EU students are responsible for knowing and abiding by the religious beliefs and standards of conduct. Evangel seeks to nurture an environment where our lives reflect Christ in all that we do. The Code of Conduct guides students away from destructive behaviors and to embrace positive behaviors within the context of the Evangel community. (See VIII § B. Types of Accountability)

Students who have questions about the fundamental doctrines or the theological position regarding specific cultural topics are encouraged to review and research the information found online to better understand the Assemblies of God and Evangel University perspective.

6.1. Making Choices

We desire to empower students to exercise spiritual discernment in daily choices that honor God through personal thoughts, actions, and lifestyles. The reality of college life, both on and off campus, is that we make small decisions every day that move us either closer to or farther away from God’s guidance. Our goal is to be self-disciplined and to hold each other accountable in our Christian walk. As such, Evangel University reserves the right to provide counsel and/or discipline to students who, in the University’s sole judgment, do not affirm or respect EU religious beliefs or follow the stated policies of student conduct or the expressed principles and expectations of the University.

6.2. Biblical Foundations

We recognize that there is much we hold in common as a community of believers. We also understand that we come from a variety of cultural backgrounds, convictions, and perspectives that influence the way we think about inward convictions and outward behaviors. As a community, Evangel is founded on historical Biblical principles that guide us in being the people of God so that we may do the work of God.

Being the People of God…

We love God… We live our lives to the glory of God, daily conforming ourselves to the image of Christ and recognizing the Lordship of Christ in everything (1 Corinthians 10:31; Colossians 3: 17). Our actions reflect our love and accountability to God (Matt. 22:36-38; 2 Corinthians 5:10).

We love others… Following Jesus’ example, love guides and determines our relationships with others (Matthew 22:39-40; John 15:12-17).

We live by a different standard… Christ calls us to be in the world but not of the world. We don’t have to conform to attitudes that run counter to Biblical guidance (Romans 12:1-2; Titus 2:11-14; John 2:15- 17).

We live for Christ… We cannot live the Christian life simply based on our own moral character and strength. As we study and obey the Scriptures, allow the Holy Spirit to guide us, and pursue counsel from the people of God, He guides our path (Proverbs 15:22; 2 Timothy 2:22).

Doing the Work of God…

We serve others… We serve our neighbors, responding and working to alleviate, such pressing worldwide problems as poverty, hunger, human trafficking, disease, illiteracy, and racism (Matt. 7:12, James 1:27).

We are accountable to others… Christ desires to restore us to Himself and our community. We have a responsibility to each other, thus Christian freedom includes personal avoidance of some behaviors in order to contribute to the good of the larger community and promote Christian strength (1 Cor. 9:19-23, 10:23-11:1).

We respect others… Certain actions are expressly prohibited in the Scriptures and are, therefore, wrong. Scripture also guides us to understand that some actions that are matters of individual convictions based on a given situation and we must take care to not condemn one another or ignore our conscience (Romans 14:1- 23).

We effectively use our resources… The community as a whole and members individually are responsible for intentionally using their abilities, strengths, assets, and opportunities to honor God (Romans 12:3-8)

6.3. Community Covenant

Responsibilities of Membership in the Evangel Community:

As the Assemblies of God (AG) national university of arts, sciences and professions, Evangel’s commitment to the integration of faith, learning and life attracts students from a wide variety of Christian religious backgrounds. We treasure this diversity as we educate and equip students to become Spirit-empowered servants of God who impact the church and society globally. Joining together, we build on our common belief in the Lordship of Christ and in our desire to holistically serve Him mind, body, and soul. Further, we support the distinctive mission of our heritage to proclaim the good news of Christ, worship God, disciple believers, and show compassion. These beliefs, alignment with our parent organization regarding interpretation of Scripture, as well as a focus on healthy and safe living, provide a framework for the spiritual and behavioral expectations at Evangel University. All members willingly choose to become a part of this community, and upon making that choice, commit to growth as they purposefully and intentionally live to love God and serve others. Additionally, for the duration of their tenure at Evangel, when a person is enrolled as a student, regardless of their proximity to campus, all students pledge to abide by the following community standards:

  1. Demonstrate personal, social, academic, and professional integrity: avoiding behaviors such as lying, plagiarism, cheating, slander, profanity, intimidation, fighting, violence, abuse, gambling, hazing, violations of local, federal, and/or state law, etc.
  2. Maintain a healthy lifestyle: abstaining from the possession or use of: alcoholic beverages, tobacco and/or smoking/vaping products, narcotic and/or hallucinogenic drugs (outside of a legal prescription), marijuana/cannabis, paraphernalia, etc., as well as refraining from attendance at bars, clubs, and/or lounges.
  3. Uphold standards of sexual integrity: maintaining modest appearance standards; not engaging in sexual activity outside of marriage—as recognized in the biblical covenant between a man and woman, including cohabitation, same-sex sexual relationships, genital contact, intercourse, sexting (chats or video), sexual exploitation, sexually explicit dancing, pornography, entering into personal relationships for financial gain (“sugaring”), etc.
  4. Strive to grow in personal relationship with Jesus Christ: prioritizing a private prayer and devotional life, attending and participating in church, and involvement in ministry/service opportunities. For traditional undergraduate students, part of spiritual formation is also addressed through chapel attendance and Biblical studies coursework.

These responsibilities are further defined in Behavioral Standards and Community Ideals of the Student Handbook. Evangel University standards differ from other worldviews, and we do not seek to antagonize or disrespect those whose views differ from our interpretation. However, we expect that all members, voluntarily choosing to be a part of Evangel, will be able to live within these standards. Activism against or disregard of these community standards is a violation of that commitment. Students who engage in behavior that conflicts with the community standards will be provided an opportunity to course correct through disciplinary sanctions as outlined in the Student Handbook.

We seek to care for all persons in ways that convey respect, concern, support, and accountability and pray that Evangel can be a place of healing, mentoring, guidance, and restoration. We further expect this community of believers to extend grace and care as we strive to honor God in all we say and do. Feel free to contact the Office of Student Development with any questions.

6.4. Behavioral Standards and Community Ideals

This section provides details of the community covenant and responsibilities within in the Evangel community. Every human being faces struggles, temptations, and habits that are not beneficial to their growth and development. Any student who seeks help for areas outlined in this manual will be met with a caring and compassionate support system. This support should not be feared or avoided, but rather embraced knowing that course correction, while at the time may be painful, will result in a more fulfilling life.

Students seeking help: Evangel seeks to be a redemptive community that assists students facing difficult issues, who experienced momentary lapses in judgment, or addictive behaviors, with course correction outside of the regular student conduct process. Students who come to a professional staff member (Resident Director, Dean of Students, or Vice President for Student Development) for help related to lifestyle behaviors prior to staff becoming aware of a Community Covenant violation (except in situations where the university is required by law to take appropriate disciplinary action; or behaviors could endanger others) may be offered support and help outside of the regular student conduct process.

6.4.1. Strive to Grow in Personal Relationship with Jesus Christ

Spiritual life: At Evangel, we are committed to offering space for spiritual growth. We know that in a Christian university, with the pressures and demands of academics and community living, the danger is to study about God without really knowing Him. All members of the community are encouraged to grow in seven dimensions of spiritual discipline including daily Bible engagement, surrender to the Holy Spirit, living on mission, daily communication with God, expressing adoration and worship, serving others, and generosity.

Chapel attendance: EU’s commitment to Christian higher education and our Assemblies of God heritage prioritizes chapel attendance. These services are required for all full-time, traditional undergraduate students. See Chapel Program for more details.

Church attendance: Whether you are more comfortable attending and serving in a casual or formal, small or large, traditional or contemporary setting, we strongly encourage you to find a church home in the area and engage in volunteer service. Since Evangel is a faith community, we expect that students attend church services and set that pattern in their lives. For assistance finding a church home, reach out to faculty, staff, or student leaders.

Discipleship: Discipleship revolves around building relationships that support and encourage each other as followers of Christ in loving God and serving others. Together, we learn about God, learn to know God, to pray for one another and to serve others. Evangel Student Ministries leaders facilitate devotional opportunities at multiple locations and times around campus. These are times of prayer, spiritual support, and Biblical discussions.

Mentors/Biblical Studies Coursework: Evangel seeks to help students integrate every aspect of their lives to serve God holistically. You will find faculty and staff who deeply care about students and are committed to mentoring students as they connect their callings with education in pursuit of a life well lived. Faith-filled conversations and biblical references are a normal part of the academic pursuits.

Outreach and Service: We are most like Jesus as we serve the needs of others. Evangel, as a community, encourages students to be involved in outreach, missions, and service through Student Ministries, Global Cultures and Compassion, Center for Compassion, departmental service trips and volunteering, music performance groups, and other ministry involvements. We partner with many local and national nonprofit groups, such as Convoy of Hope, Habitat for Humanity, I Pour Life, and the City of Springfield, to care for needs of those in our community and beyond. Individually, students are involved in church ministries and other volunteer service that provide incredible opportunities for our students to literally be the hands and feet of Christ.

6.4.2. Demonstrate Personal, Social, Academic and Professional Integrity

Academic Integrity: Students are expected to maintain high levels of academic honesty as people of Christ. Submitting someone else’ work as your own (without proper citations, identifying particular research, copying, etc.), or otherwise cheating is dishonest and is not congruent with a Christian life. References to the Academic Integrity policy and procedures refer are subordinate to the official Academic Integrity policy.

Conflict Resolution: We follow the Biblical direction as found in Matthew 18 to resolve conflicts. If you have concern about the behavior of another member of the Evangel community, go to that person for resolution. If that is not possible or it has not resolved the situation, then we encourage you to talk with your Resident Assistant, Resident Director, or Commuter Coordinator. If the matter is not resolved satisfactorily within a reasonable period, then contact the Dean of Students.

Conduct Unbecoming of an Evangel Student: We maintain expectations we believe every student should aspire to reach. Students involved in behavior that reflects negatively on their Christian character or on the university are subject to accountability that guides towards redemption and reconciliation.

Complying with Sanctions or a Directive: Students are expected to immediately and fully comply with a legitimate directive from an EU official (including administrators, faculty, staff and RAs), as well as community/state law enforcement personnel.

Gambling: Students are not to participate in any activity in which money or other consideration is required for participation with the prize acquired mainly by chance and with risk of total loss to the participant.

Harassment, Intimidation, or Bullying: Subject to the United States Constitution, and all applicable state and federal laws, the University prohibits any gesture, image, written, verbal or physical act (including social media and texting) that (a) is motivated by any actual/perceived characteristic such as race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, gender, and mental or physical disability; and that (b) is understood by a reasonable person to have the effect of mentally or physically harming a student, damaging the student’s property, or placing the student in reasonable fear of harm to his person or damage to his property; or that (c) has the effect of insulting or demeaning any student or group of students. See Title IX Policy and Title IX Resolution Procedures

Hazing/Initiations: Hazing and initiation are not tolerated at the University. Violators are subject to criminal prosecution in addition to university accountability.

Inappropriate Language, Pictures, or Media: Inappropriate written, spoken, or posted words (including pictures, photos, clothing, or language) are not acceptable. This includes, but is not limited to, possession or display of pornographic and/or sexually suggestive material, derogatory racial/ethnic material on university property. Social Media and Internet Standards Policy.

Lying/Withholding Information/Fraud: We expect students to be honest and truthful. Purposefully misrepresenting information, withholding requested information and/or filing false information undermines your integrity and may result in suspension or dismissal, depending on the severity of the lie.

Physical Aggression/Assault: Pushing, striking, or physically assaulting another person is prohibited. The University reserves the right to review alleged physical aggression as an act of self-defense.

Pranks: Activities that could be interpreted and/or motivated by a desire to be degrading to others or potentially endanger individuals, animals, cause damage to personal or university property, are designed to target or embarrass individuals, interfere with university work and programming are prohibited.

Respectful Behavior: We expect all community members to show respect to each other. Conduct that is disrespectful or intentionally disruptive is unacceptable. When a student or guest exhibits behaviors that cause concern or could be considered a threat to others or to university property, Evangel reserves the right to restrict access to the campus. Students have a right to ask questions, seek information and assistance, or to express dissent in a respectful way that maintains dignity and rights of others in the educational community.

Unauthorized Recording: No student may make an audio or video recording of any person(s) on university premises in bathrooms, showers, bedrooms, or other premises where there is an expectation of privacy with respect to nudity and/or sexual activity. Students are also expected to respect the reasonable expectations of privacy of other individuals within the University community. Accordingly, students are not permitted to make an audio or video recording of private, nonpublic conversations and/or meetings on university premises, without the knowledge or consent of all persons in the recordings.

University/Athletic Spirit: Members of the Evangel community should take pride in the university programming and athletic events. Students are encouraged to show up in support of athletic events to cheer on their peers. To maintain Christian witness during athletic events, students are allowed to cheer for Evangel Valor teams and athletes. The Evangel community should not target their cheers against other players, officials, or fans.

6.4.3. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

Alcohol and Other Drugs: Maintaining our personal health and mental well-being is an essential part of our commitment at Evangel University to serve Christ. Students, while on or off university property, are not to manufacture, possess, use, or distribute: (a) illegal drugs; (b) synthetic drugs, including K2 and other synthetic cannabinoids, bath salts, or products used in a similar manner; (c) marijuana/cannabis or alcoholic beverages; (d) cigarettes, cigars or tobacco products; (e) hookah; and/or (f) e-cigarettes, inhaled handheld nicotine devices, and any object resembling vaping pen products (a-f hereafter referred to as “unauthorized substances”). Providing or purchasing (as well as facilitating or attempting acquisition) of unauthorized substances or attending house parties, clubs, etc. where unauthorized substances are being used is prohibited. Students are considered “in possession” and responsible for unauthorized substances that have been determined to be on their person or in their residence or vehicle. Evangel supports students in recovery to live a drug and alcohol-free lifestyle. See also Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy.

Bar/Lounge/Club (Attendance or Participation): Attending a place, even for concerts, where unauthorized substance use is the primary purpose of the establishment is prohibited. A business may be a bar/lounge/club if it: (a) requires an ID for admission and (b) advertises alcohol prominently. Additionally, visiting establishments where gambling, lewd or nude activity, or other sexually oriented behavior takes place is prohibited.

Dancing: Modest group-based dancing activities may be pre-approved through the Community Life office. Couples dancing is not permitted on campus or at university events unless it is choreographed within an approved and supervised University program. Sexually provocative dancing or dancing in settings where alcohol is the primary influence is prohibited.

Movies and Music: R-rated movies and explicit music is not permitted in public areas on campus. In determining appropriateness or inappropriateness of movies, music, video games, and internet, consider appropriate content (no nudity, vulgar language, sexual content and/or gratuitous violence). See also Copyright Law and Network Use Policy for federal guidelines regarding public and private showings.

6.4.4. Uphold Standards of Sexual Integrity

Appearance standards: As representatives of the university and future leaders, students are to wear age, sex, and setting appropriate clothing, evaluating what they wear in terms of modesty and neatness/hygiene. Modesty involves not bringing undue attention to the body and neatness/hygiene includes daily grooming and cleanliness. Since this a subjective area, here are some guidelines: Wear appropriate tops, bottoms, and shoes in all public places including athletic activities. Avoid wearing clothing that is too tight, too short, or provocative (e.g., tops to cover midriff/torso and straps to cover undergarments; bottoms to cover mid-upper leg; clothing to not expose posterior and/or front cleavage, nor show undergarments—boxers, sports bras, etc.). In addition, students are to avoid clothes and tattoos with slogans, logos, or pictures that contradict Evangel community values. Swimsuits should not be worn on campus.

    • Women: During formal occasions, modest strapless or spaghetti-strap gowns may be worn.
    • Men: In chapel, head coverings (hats, caps, etc.) should be removed during times of prayer.
    • Note: Individual departments, faculty, or sponsors may have additional standards that apply to students’ appearance while participating in class, practicums, internships and/or representing the University. Faculty may require students to leave class and to return in appropriate attire. In such cases a tardy or absence may be assessed, at the sole discretion of the faculty.

Displays of Affection: See Public Displays of affection below.

Gender Identity: Evangel regards gender as the biological sex recognized at birth and do not support efforts to identify as any other gender based on thoughts or feelings (gender dysphoria). This statement is not meant to reflect our stance in rare situations concerning congenital disorders of sex development. Students experiencing gender identity issues may access confidential university resources within the Counseling Center. See also Sexuality and Gender Identity.

Overnight in Mixed Company: To maintain the highest standards, students should not be overnight in mixed company in private settings (including but not limited to camping, tents, homes, apartments, cars, hotel rooms, residence hall rooms) without advisors (e.g., adult relatives, church leaders, EU faculty or staff, including a male and female RA—with prior RD approval).

Pornography: Avoid possession, distribution, viewing, reading, or use of material that encourages erotic behavior, sexually immoral thoughts, or presents the body in a degrading or compromising manner. Students viewing or reading pornography, which has been found to be highly addictive, may access confidential University resources in the counseling center.

Pregnancy: We believe in the sanctity of life and support a student’s decision to carry her unborn child to birth. We strongly oppose elective abortion. If unmarried, a student is encouraged to talk with a Residence Director or trusted faculty/staff member for help in navigating the complex emotional, physical, and environmental needs that a pregnancy presents. Confidential counseling and health support is available through the campus Wellness Center and the Pregnancy Care Center (417-877-0800).

Public Displays of Affection: Students in romantic relationships are allowed modest displays of affection including holding hands, a brief hug or kiss. Excessive displays of affection (i.e. making out, lying against or on one another, hands under clothing articles, caressing, etc.) are prohibited.

Sexual Integrity and Behavior: We believe that sexual intimacy was created by God as an expression of love between a woman and a man in a life-long marriage commitment. Students are expected to abstain from premarital or extramarital sexual behavior, including, but not limited to intercourse, cohabitation, same-sex sexual relationships, genital contact, oral or anal sex, lewd or nude activity, sexting (or sharing provocative electronic images via cell phones, computers, or webcams). Confidential University resources are available through a campus counselor.

Sexual Violence: Evangel University does not tolerate sexual violence or retaliation (threatened, attempted, or actual) against any individual for making a complaint. Evangel encourages students who have experienced sexual violence to obtain emergency medical attention immediately if needed. Students are encouraged to report a possible violation to the Title IX Office, Public Safety, counselor, or nurse for assistance. See the Title IX Policy and Title IX Resolution Procedures for more information on sexual violence.

7. Community Accountability Program



7.1. Goals

Mission: The Community Life Accountability Program (CLAP) provides a biblical response to student violations of policy as outlined in the Student Handbook; to offer an opportunity for growth in an environment conducive to living and learning within a distinctively Christian community; and to assist in the social, behavioral and spiritual development of students through self-discipline, peer accountability, and community accountability.

Philosophy: As members of the Evangel University community, students participate individually and corporately to uphold specific behavioral standards, designed to serve the best, yet sometimes competing, interests of the person and the community. Therefore, individuals are accountable to other community members in highly significant ways.

Consistent with the biblical model found in Matthew 18:15-17, the following is a practical expression of our philosophy: We are Christian in character, developmental in understanding, redemptive in nature, and biblical in approach.

  • Christian: Evangel is concerned with a student’s inner spiritual walk and helping each to make wise decisions. Genuine concern and love are the motivation for maintaining a redemptive and restorative accountability process.
  • Developmental: Whether making decisions on appropriate consequences or setting parameters to encourage growth, a primary goal the development of the individual.
  • Redemptive and Restorative: Our desire is for the student to be restored to relationships damaged through the action which violated policy. The disciplinary process that may require confrontation with consequences, but ultimately with a goal of community restoration.
  • Biblical in Approach: We guard student’s confidentiality to the best of our ability, within the context of the law. Although students may share their personal experience discussing violations and discipline with those not directly involved may complicate the process and a just outcome. Discretion is advised. Students may not malign, slander, or retaliate against students, faculty, staff, or administration of the university.

A Just Process: Evangel follows established procedures when applying accountability and discipline. Note: Evangel is a religious organization that operates according to its Biblical beliefs and standards of conduct. It is not a court of law, and state, or federal legal rules of procedure and burdens of proof to not apply for cases of discipline. Nothing herein shall be interpreted to limit Evangel’s ability to bypass one or all disciplinary steps in rare circumstances and to immediately discipline a student up to and including dismissal. For complaints involving sexual violence, the formal resolution process is utilized, in accordance with federal standards of Title IX and VAWA – See Title IX Policy and Title IX Resolution Procedures.

7.2. Types of Accountability

When a member of the community fails to meet the standards that he or she has agreed upon by enrolling at the University, then our duty is to care for the student and hold her/him accountable.

Self-Discipline: As students become less dependent on rules and regulations, and more dependent on biblical principles and their own ability to discern/examine best decisions, they self-discipline. Evangel encourages students to reach for the highest level of self-discipline, which is reflected as individuals seek to glorify God by conforming to the image of Christ. For this reason, students who self-report a conduct violation prior to a complaint/report against them often merit consideration for reduced discipline or support outside of the discipline system. (See V. § D. Behavioral Standards and Community Ideals)

Peer, Faculty, and/or Staff Accountability: We, as individuals, are responsible to care for one another, and when necessary, to confront one another lovingly. If you observe (or have first-hand knowledge about) a student violating Evangel’s community standards, privately confront that student and communicate the incident to the Residence Director or Commuter Coordinator, as applicable by completing the confidential Mentoring Report (an employee may communicate directly to the Dean of Students).

  • Students who, prior to any university knowledge of a violation, seek accountability from an EU community member (other than someone directly involved in the incident), is repentant, makes necessary restitution, and does not repeat the violation, then no further accountability is necessary. (See V. § D. Behavioral Standards and Community Ideals)
  • When an EU community member observes a violation that is: (a) illegal, (b) harmful to the student or others, (c) a repeated violation by the offending student who was previously confronted privately, or (d) denied by the offending student upon confrontation; then, the member should submit an Incident Statement (available in the Community Life office) for community accountability. Counselors, healthcare professionals and credentialed ministers who are faculty and staff and are operating in the capacity of a minister, will need to reconcile accountability with professional and legal obligations to maintain confidentiality.

Community Accountability: Continued inappropriate behavior results in escalated community accountability.

7.3. Goal of Community Accountability

Accountability is designed to acquire truth and achieve a just outcome, congruent with University and Biblical principles. Cases are often complex due to unique circumstances involved however a redemptive and defined process has been established. Thus, disciplinary decisions may not always appear “fair” or “consistent” to those outside of the process. Development of students’ personal integrity is the goal and corrective measures are intended to restore students to be responsible and contributing community members.

7.4. Levels of Community Accountability

In general, accountability for violations of the Code of Conduct (Also referred to as a community standard, policy violation, or violation of the Student Handbook) standards happen best in the context of relationship. Thus, the most common violations begin with the RA, RD or Commuter Coordinator inquiry of the student(s) involved. As the serious nature or frequency of violations increase, the issue is escalated for additional investigation and university leadership involvement. The process outlined below serves as a guide to inform students regarding expectations if they need accountability.

Incidents occurring during the last two weeks of the semester are reviewed by Dean of Students to determine the outcome which will be sent to the student via university email. Alleged violations at all levels are resolved using the standard of proof, preponderance of the evidence, more likely than not to have happened.

7.4.1. Level 1: Minor Violations (Verbal Reminders & Behavioral Agreements)

Infractions of the Code of Conduct determined to be a lower-level violation are handled by the Resident Assistant (RA) and/or the Resident Director (RD). Repeated violations of a lower level may result in escalation of discipline. Behavioral agreement accountability is created by the RD based on the seriousness of the violation, how the violation became known, and the perceived remorse of the student. The behavioral agreement is a written document that outlines the policy violation and the sanctions appropriate to the violation. This document is signed by the student and RD and is kept on file in the Student Development office. This behavioral modification must be followed for the duration of time enrolled at the university to avoid an escalation of consequences.

Students who take responsibility for the alleged violation, agree to typically imposed disciplinary status and sanctions, and sign the contractual behavioral agreement will begin the restoration process immediately. There is no formal process of appeal for Level 1 violations.

7.4.2. Level 2: Heightened & Repeated Violation (Probation Levels 1 & 2)

Students with repeated minor violations, and students committing more egregious infractions of the Code of Conduct are subject to the process which generally results in Probation. This level of accountability is under the leadership of the Community Life Accountability Panel (CLAP) which is comprised of the Dean of Students (Chair who votes only in the case of a tie), the Resident Directors, and Commuter Coordinator. This panel meets regularly throughout the semester to review violations which may result in a discipline status of Probation and the accompanying sanctions.

Students accused of a violation being presented to the CLAP will be informed, in writing, of the alleged policy violation and possible sanctions which may result. Students involved in the violation will receive a 48-hour notice of the CLAP meeting and may, by request of a committee member or at their own request, attend to answer questions and present information about the violation.

The outcome of the panel will also be communicated in writing once a determination has been made. After the determination has been received, students who believe they have grounds for appeal may follow the outlined process (See H Appeals).

NOTE: Code of Conduct violations which are considered Title IX are handled through a process consistent with federal regulations so long as those regulations are not in conflict with Evangel’s religious beliefs.

7.4.3. Level 3: Separation Related Violations (Suspension and Dismissal)

Upon recommendation of the CLAP, or based on the alleged violation, the Code of Conduct Committee will convene to review the facts of the violation and determine the outcome. The Code of Conduct Committee is comprised of the Vice President for Student Development, the Dean of Students, the Director of Public Safety, and the Director of the Counseling Center. They will meet to discuss investigative process, review evidence collected, witness statements, and to ask questions of the involved parties before determining the outcome. Impact statements provided by the students involved may be consulted in determining the appropriate sanctions.

Students accused of a violation being presented to the Code of Conduct Committee will be informed in writing, of the alleged policy violation and possible sanctions which may result. They will receive notice to appear at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting called to determine an outcome. The outcome of the panel will also be communicated in writing once a determination has been made. After the determination has been received, students who believe they have grounds for appeal may follow the outlined process (See H Appeals). NOTE: Code of Conduct violations which are considered Title IX are handled through a process governed by federal regulations.

Students involved in the violation may invite one support person to attend the meeting with the Code of Conduct Committee. This support individual may not participate in the meeting unless specifically directed to by a member of the Code of Conduct Committee. The process will be overseen by the VPSD who can ask any attendee to leave if they feel their presence is influencing the outcome toward bias in any degree.

In all levels of accountability: The Vice President for Student Development or Dean of Students oversees the process to preserve confidentiality and promote consistency. Decisions are rendered based on the preponderance of evidence; the incident was more than likely to have taken place.

For information about sexual violence, see information regarding Title IX.

7.5. Record Keeping



7.5.1. Terms

Incident/Damage Statement: Provides a snapshot of what occurred; form is available from RA, RD or CC. if possible, all persons involved fill out a report privately and independently. Anyone may complete this document and submit it to an RD/CC or DCL.

Impact Statement: A written statement by involved individuals which records the personal impact of the violation. It is intended to inform the sanctions applied to the violation and is not relevant to determination of preponderance of evidence. It can include a summary of emotional, social, economic, physical, etc. impact. The impact statement is not mandatory and is only used on Level 2 or Level 3 accountability.

Preliminary Report: A member of Community Life staff will contact students of a reported situation by email, written, or by making verbal notice which outlines the known details of the charges, the community standards which has been reported to have been violated, and the possible sanctions. Once contacted, the student will have 48 hours to schedule an appointment with the RD/CC to review report and provide a written response. If the student fails to respond, the situation will move forward without their input, the determining body will examine the situation, decide appropriate proceedings, and notify the student. In these instances, appeals are restricted only to process error.

Accountability Contract/Hearing Waiver: Students who take responsibility for the alleged violation (potential of Probation level 1 or higher) and wish to waive the right to a hearing with the Community Life Panel and/or the Code of Conduct Committee will meet directly with the sanctioning body. Their determination is final and binding and may result in the maximum sanctions being applied. The student will be provided with the behavioral contract and will have 48 hours to agree and sign. Without a contract, the appropriate panel is scheduled.

Notice to Appear: Students and/or witnesses will be issued a notice by university email at least 48 hours before the scheduled meeting. The notice will include a written Preliminary Report, and the time and place of meeting.

Community Life Accountability Panel and Code of Conduct Committee Outcomes: Once final, the written outcome become part of the student’s discipline record.

Discipline Letter: Outlines the decision of the Panel

7.5.2. Informational Items

Confidentiality: To protect privacy, parties are expected to keep details confidential during discipline proceedings. To the extent possible, efforts will be made to protect a student’s identity. Reporting students who wish to remain anonymous must understand the University will be limited in the ability to investigate a report. Students responding to a claim of a policy violation have a right to know who is making a report and what was said. The University will take measures to protect witnesses through the Department of Public Safety and has zero tolerance for intimidation or retaliation.

Consideration of Past Community Standards Violations: As a private university, Evangel takes a holistic approach and may consider past disciplinary records in decision-making when not prohibited by law.

Due Process: Caring well and equity of treatment for any student involved in accountability is the goal at all levels. In the case of possible suspension or dismissal from the University, a just process provides the following for the student responding to a complaint:

    • written statement of alleged misconduct and the rule or policy which forbids the misconduct.
    • written notice of the accountability meeting, at least 48 hours before the meeting.
    • opportunity to have a support person and to review the evidence, including Incident Reports upon request.
    • accountability meeting before the person(s) having the authority to suspend or dismiss.
    • opportunity to speak in his/her own defense, hear the evidence against him/her, and present witnesses.
    • impartial determination of facts of the case; and
    • written statement of the findings of fact and decision.

Outcomes: Discipline status does not generally appear on a student’s transcript, unless otherwise noted. Incidents occurring during the last two weeks of the semester are reviewed by the Dean of Students in consultation with the Vice President for Student Development. Final determination of consequences is sent to the student via university email. Violations brought to the University’s attention between semesters are reviewed by the Dean of Students and determination of consequences is sent to the student via university email.

Recording of Accountability Meetings: Meetings may be recorded for the purpose of review, exclusively by accountability personnel and by any potential appeals officer. These recordings are the private property of Evangel University and are considered confidential.

Role of Resident Assistant in Accountability Meetings: The function of the RA is to serve as a resource, an advocate or support for the student.

7.6. Accountability for AGTS, Online/Graduate Studies

The process for accountability of alleged violations of standards by students enrolled as a student other than Traditional Undergrad shall be supervised by the Vice President for Student Development and implemented by the appropriate individuals below.

  • AGTS – the appropriate Program Director and the Dean of AGTS (or Designee)
  • Online/Graduate Studies – the appropriate Program Director and the Dean of COL (or Designee)

These schools will follow the accountability program according to the terms of their handbooks. (

7.7. Community Accountability Status

Conduct Status: The disciplinary classification assigned to a student. (e.g., probation, suspension). Note: Students who self-report addictive behaviors or those that violate community standards, prior to confrontation may have consideration for a lower disciplinary status. However, status may be escalated in the case of repeat or multiple violations.

7.7.1. Verbal Reminder (RA)

Mainly used as an initial reminder, this is an official warning that may include, but not limited to first-time violations for (primarily of residence hall standards, but could include other university standards): Babysitting in Residence Hall, Bike Storage, Chapel Attendance violation, Closed campus, Conduct Unbecoming – Reproach to EU, Copyright infringement, Courtesy hours, Curfew violation, Dress code, Failure to sign-out properly, Guest privileges, Improper entry or unintentional exiting, Improper behavior or language, Open flame, Public Displays of Affection, Quiet hours, Restricted areas (stairwell/lobby), Storage room violations, Trash in the hall or public hall trash cans, Athletic spirit violation.

A record is kept in the residence hall or commuter office but is not part of a student’s discipline file.

7.7.2. Behavioral Agreements (RD)

Written agreements, typically two to four weeks in duration, for violations which may include, but not limited to, repeated verbal reminders; as well as minor violations of: Access control tampering or misuse, Animals in RH, Bar/Club/Lounge attendance (no drinking), Computer network router violation, Dancing: Sexually explicit or Couples, Failure to comply w/an EU official, Falsifying chapel attendance records, Fire alarm/Tornado warning noncompliance, Hall visitation violation, House party attendance (AOD present), ID card or Meal plan misuse, Inappropriate music, movies or games, Lying/withholding information, Overnight in mixed company, Pornography, Pranks (reported as disturbance), Relocating residence hall furniture, Restricted areas access, Screen removal (+damage fees), Smoke detector tampering, Throwing items out a window, University Chapel non-participation, Vacant room use, Water fights/waving (+damage fees)

Additional fines and/or charges may be assessed for damages. A record is kept in the student’s discipline file.

Students in violation of these types of heightened/repeated issues will receive the following consequences along with the agreed upon support for behavioral change:

  1. Loss of curfew exemption
  2. Receive a housing review for possible change.
  3. $25 RH/Community Life fine, payable to RD or Dean of Students within 7 days. Additional fines for multiple violations and/or charges may be assessed for damages on student account.
  4. Peer mentoring/accountability may be considered.
  5. A record is kept in the student’s discipline file

7.7.3. Probation Level 1 (CL Panel)

May include, but not limited to repeated or heightened/repeated issues from above violations; as well as for: Academic dishonesty (higher infraction), Alcohol and other drug possession/use (considered legal), Fire safety equipment tampering, Fireworks (lower level), Harassment/Hazing/Discrimination & Pranks (not considered illegal), Off-campus housing violation ($200 Fine), Physical aggression, Prescription drug misuse, Sexual integrity violations (consensual inappropriate touching, cuddling, lewd behavior and/or nudity), Smoking/Vaping/Tobacco use/possession, Theft (taken from an unlocked or open area), Vandalism. A record is kept in the student’s discipline file. Students on Probation Level 1 remain on status for four (4) to five (5) weeks from date of decision, and:

  1. Cannot represent the university in any official capacity (including ministry teams, performance groups intercollegiate activities, campus leadership positions, writing for university publications); and
  2. May lose performance-based scholarships tied to such activities/positions, at the discretion of the respective academic department chair or Athletics Director.
  3. $100 fine added to the student’s account. **$200 fine for off-campus housing eligibility violation.
  4. Loss of curfew exemption (if applicable) and housing review.
  5. Can receive additional sanctions and/or restrictions, which may extend up to an additional semester.
  6. Students may receive a written restorative plan to aid with accountability and reduce the duration of sanctions.

7.7.4. Probation Level 2 (CL Panel)

May include, but not limited to, violations for repeated issues from above offenses; Alcohol possession/use (considered illegal), Burglary (by breaking and entering), Fire safety system tampering, Fireworks/explosions on campus (higher level), Illegal drug possession/use, Sexual misconduct (not considered Title IX). A record is kept in the student’s discipline file.

Students on Probation Level 2 remain on status for six (6) to twelve (12) weeks and:

  1. Cannot represent the university in any official capacity (including ministry teams, performance groups, intercollegiate activities, campus leadership positions, writing for university publications); and
  2. May lose performance-based scholarships tied to such activities/positions, at the discretion of the respective academic department chair or Athletics Director.
  3. $200 fine added the student’s account.
  4. Loss of curfew exemption (if applicable) and housing review.
  5. Can receive additional sanctions and/or restrictions up to an additional semester.
  6. May be required to notify parents in the presence of RD/CC, if a dependent student or involved in illegal activity.
  7. May be required to attend a Counseling Services assessment.

7.7.5. Reduction of Suspension Duration Option

Departments (Athletic and Academic) may request and work with students to earn a 2-week reduction in the length of their suspension from representing the University.

The requesting department must implement and oversee a formal Accountability Plan which includes:

  1. Mandatory small group or student-led chapel attendance with a completed written summary of the spiritual impact;
  2. Mandatory class attendance for all courses verified by a Weekly Academic Report; and
  3. A weekly meeting with an assigned mentor to verify compliance with the Accountability Plan.

The Accountability Plan must be overseen by the Department (Athletic or Academic) which is requesting a reduction in a student’s probation period. Verification of student compliance with the Departmental Accountability Plan must be submitted to the Dean of Students for approval to represent the University. If approved, the student must continue to comply with the Accountability Plan through the end of the probation period to remain eligible to represent the University.

Note: Students admitted to Evangel while on probation, parole, or a suspended imposition of sentence from a federal, state or municipal court or correctional system, as well as students placed on probation, parole, or suspended imposition of sentence by a federal, state or municipal court or correctional system during their enrollment at Evangel University, are placed on Probation Level 2 and provided appropriate mentoring /counseling support. Failure of a student to disclose such probation, parole, or suspended imposition of sentence status to university officials may result in denial of admission or suspension from the University.

7.7.6. Suspension (Code of Conduct Committee)

Temporary separation from the university may result from repeated violations which led to probation as well as, but not limited to: Abuse, Academic Integrity violations (multiple), Firearms/explosive devices, Harassment/Hazing/Discrimination, Illegal drug distribution/sales, Perjury, No-Contact order violation, Sexual misconduct (non-Title IX), or Title IX violations.

Suspension is the involuntary, complete separation from the University, which may be immediate or delayed until the end of the semester. A record is kept in the student’s discipline file. Suspension may be for one semester, one year, or longer depending on the severity of the behavior.

  • If suspension is immediate, academic work is forfeited. The standard institutional policies will be applied for the refund of tuition, room, and/or board.
  • Parents of dependent students may be notified by the Student Development Office.
  • Suspended students are not allowed to be on university property (including the campus and Evangel-owned residential rental properties) or in attendance at University-sponsored events until the start of the semester following their readmission as students (except with special written permission from the Vice President for Student Development). Those violating this provision may be charged with trespassing.
  • Contact the Dean of Students for specific requirements to be readmitted

7.7.7. Dismissal (Code of Conduct Committee)

Permanent separation from the university may result from but is not limited to the following violations: the taking of someone’s life including elective abortion (personal choice), Felony conviction, Title IX Violations (depending on the severity), and Violent acts. Multiple suspensions may result in dismissal. Dismissal means that the student is permanently separated from the university with an appropriate notation of the reasons for such termination being placed in the student’s file.

  • If Dismissal occurs before the end of the term, academic work is forfeited. The standard institutional policies will be applied for the refund of tuition, room, and/or board.
  • Parents of dependent students may be notified by the Student Development Office.
  • Students dismissed from the University are not allowed to be on university property (including the campus and Evangel-owned residential rental properties) or in attendance at University-sponsored events. Those violating this provision may be charged with trespassing.

7.7.8. Withdrawal

Prior to disciplinary proceedings, students may request permission, to withdraw from the University without the privilege of return until a time specified by the Vice President for Student Development. A record of the alleged violation is kept in the student’s discipline file and would need to be addressed prior to consideration for return.

  • Parents of dependent students may be notified by the University.
  • If withdrawal occurs before end of the term, academic work is forfeited. Standard institutional policies, per the Evangel University Academic Catalog, will be applied for any refund of tuition, room, and/or board.
  • If student withdraws prior to an accountability proceeding, in some cases, the accountability process may proceed to conclusion in the student’s absence, particularly for alleged violations that could result in dismissal.
  • Withdrawn students are not allowed to be on university property, at University-sponsored events, or re-apply for admission (except with special permission from the Vice President for Student Development).
  • When students display signs of a mental disorder indicating they may be a threat to harm to self or others (based on an individual violence risk assessment), their withdrawal from the university may be initiated by university administration. A copy of this complete policy is available upon request in the Student Development Office.

7.8. Community Accountability Conduct Sanctions

Conduct Sanctions: Corrective and restorative measures.

In most circumstances, students who have violated EU standards will be assigned a status with one or more sanctions. This section does not identify every possible scenario or conclusively state what behavior will result in what status; it is provided to help students recognize a level of progression based on the severity of a particular misbehavior. At minimum, students can generally expect violation of EU standards to fall under these statuses; however, the university has the sole discretion to implement status and sanctions outside of these general categories based on specific situations.

Representative, but not exhaustive list of resources used with a Conduct Status.

Alcohol/Drug Educational Group: Students who violate the alcohol and/or drug policy and do not appear to be consistent users or addicted to substances may be required to attend a counseling assessment facilitated by a counselor on campus. This session enables students to process feelings, understand the biological and social components of alcohol and/or drug use, as well as live a healthy lifestyle.

Alcohol and/or Drug Treatment Programs: Mandatory participation in programs for assessment, treatment and rehabilitation. A report from licensed professional needs to be provided to the Student Development Office. The cost of an off-campus assessment and/or treatment is the responsibility of the student. Student must agree to comply with recommended treatment plan to continue at Evangel.

Behavioral Requirement: Includes, but not limited to, academic counseling, mental health counseling assessment, substance abuse screening, writing a letter of apology, etc. Any services off-campus are incurred at the student’s expense.

Confiscation of Prohibited Property: Items in violation of university policy are confiscated and become property of the university. Prohibited items may be returned to the owner at the discretion of the Office of Student Development.

Damage/Repair Costs: When University property is damaged, repair costs are determined by Facilities staff and charges are added to the account of the student/s determined responsible.

Drug Screens: Students violating university standards related to illegal or abuse of substances may be subject to supervised, random drug test using a hair or urine sample at a medical facility, at the student’s expense.

Early Curfew: Resident students who violate protocols for curfew, check out, or entry/exit procedures, and students who are on a probation or higher status may be required to be in their halls at 11 p.m. for 4+ consecutive weekdays.

Educational Program: Requirement to attend, present and/or participate in a program related to a violation. It may also be a requirement to sponsor or assist with a program for others on campus to aid them in learning about a specific topic or issue related to the violation for which the student or organization was found responsible. Audience may be restricted.

Fines: Fines must be paid by the appointed due date. Typical fines include but are not limited to: $25 for a RH violations; $100 for Probation Level 1 violations; $200 for Probation Level 2 violations.

Housing Review: Formal review of a student’s residence hall room assignment or off-campus status. A student may be reassigned to a different room, floor or residence hall; or may be required to move back on campus. If reassigned to another hall, student must have permission from the former RD to gain access into the former hall for visits, including hall visitation. In some instances, the housing review and change is an issue of safety rather than discipline. In this regard, the outcome of the review by the VPSD is final and the student must have written permission from the VPSD to enter the vacated hall.

Research and Writing Assignments: Read and give report (written or oral) on relevant books or conduct research into relevant literature and/or the potential legal, spiritual, and ethical consequences of the violation.

7.9. Appeals

Students may seek review of a finding of responsibility by making an appeal. All status/sanctions imposed will be in effect during an appeal unless a specific request is made to the Vice President for Student Development (or the Chief Academic Officer, in cases violating Academic Integrity) to delay implementation, but the presumptive stance is that status/sanctions will go into effect immediately. Graduation, study abroad, internships, conferences, etc. do NOT in and of themselves constitute exigent circumstances, and individuals may not be able to participate in those activities during their appeal. In cases where an appeal results in resumption of privileges or reinstatement to the university, all reasonable attempts will be made to restore the individual to his/her prior status, recognizing that some opportunities lost may be irreparable. Appeals must be in writing and submitted to the appropriate Vice President (Student Development, SU 106, or Chief Academic Officer, Riggs 304—see below) during regular business hours (M-F 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) within three business days of the decision notification. If the appeal is for an initial decision from the Vice President for Student Development, the Chief Academic Officer will review the request and vice versa. Only one request for an appeal may be submitted. Appeal requests must meet both the Grounds and Criteria to be reviewed.

7.9.1. Grounds for Appeal

  1. A procedural [or substantive] error occurred that significantly impacted the outcome of the hearing (e.g., substantiated bias, material deviation from established procedures, etc.).
  2. To consider new evidence, unavailable during the original hearing or investigation, that could substantially impact the original finding or sanction. A summary of this new evidence and its potential impact must be included; and/or
  3. The sanctions fall outside the range designated for the offense and the cumulative conduct history of the responding party.

7.9.2. Criteria

  1. Appeals must be in writing and submitted to the appropriate office for processing, during regular business hours (Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) within three (3) business days of the decision. After this time, the original decision is final. Code of Conduct violation appeals are submitted to the Office of Student Development (SU 106), appeals for academic integrity violations are submitted to the Chief Academic Officer (Riggs 204) [See Academic Integrity]
  2. Clear error or compelling justification must be shown, as findings/sanctions are presumed to have been decided reasonably and appropriately during the original proceeding. It is not enough to simply assert one of the grounds for appeal. The written appeal must provide information that specifically supports grounds upon which the individual bases the appeal. If an appeal does not contain sufficient information to support the grounds upon which the appeal is based, review of the appeal will be denied.
  3. Only one request for an appeal may be submitted.

7.9.3. Appeal Consideration and Decision

Based on written requests/responses or on interviews, the appeals officer will send a letter of outcome for the appeal to the parties. In response to a request, the appeals officer can take one of three possible actions:

  1. Dismiss an appeal request as untimely or ineligible,
  2. Grant an appeal and remand the finding and/or sanction for further investigation or reconsideration at the hearing level, or
  3. Modify a sanction.

A written decision concerning the appeal will be provided in person, mailed to the mailing address of the respective party as indicated in university records, and/or emailed to the parties’ university-issued email accounts. Once received in person, mailed, or emailed, the notice of decision will be deemed presumptively delivered. The procedures governing the hearing of appeals include the following:

  1. All parties are timely informed of the status of requests for appeal, the status of the appeal consideration, and the results of the appeal decision.
  2. Every opportunity to return appeal to the original hearing body for reconsideration should be pursued.
  3. Appeals are not intended to be full re-hearings of the allegation (de novo). In most cases, appeals are confined to a review of the written documentation or record of the original hearing, and pertinent documentation regarding the grounds for appeal.
  4. Appeals decisions are to be deferential to the original hearing body, making changes to the finding only where there is clear error and to the sanction only if there is a compelling justification to do so.
  5. An appeal is not an opportunity for appeals officers to substitute their judgment for that of the original hearing body merely because they disagree with its finding and/or sanctions.

The appeals officer will typically render a written decision on the appeal to all parties within five (5) business days from hearing of the appeal. The appeals officer decision to deny an appeal request is final.

7.10. Parental Notification

The University reserves the right to notify parents/guardians of dependent students regarding any conduct violation. The University may notify parents/guardians of non-dependent students regarding illegal violations. Parental notification may also be utilized discretionarily by administrators when permitted by FERPA or consent of the student.

8. University Policies & Guidelines

Some of the policies below have related/master versions which are available online at While the information below is deemed accurate, occasionally a policy will be updated after the handbook has been released. To ensure the copy being reviewed is most current, please review the information online. Each policy available online contains the information of the responsible department, and the date of publication. Policies available online.

8.1. Academic Integrity

Standards of Academic Integrity for Evangel University

As an institution of higher education committed to excellence in educating and equipping students to become Spirit-empowered servants of God who impact the church and society globally, the Evangel community is committed to the highest levels of academic integrity. In practice, this means staff, faculty, and students:

  • Deal openly and honestly with one another.
  • Conduct and produce accurate and original research according to professional standards and in pursuit of Truth.
  • Choose and use academic sources appropriately, being careful to cite the work and ideas of others.
  • Submit academic work as an accurate representation of their own learning and ability, expecting to receive feedback, correction and/or further instruction as part of their evaluation.
  • Diligently adhere to and consistently apply the disciplines and methodologies appropriate to their professional fields.
  • Complete assignments, projects, and papers according to the explicit guidelines of their professors and the implicit expectations of the academic integrity policy.

The integrity of our community, above all other factors, establishes the reputation of Evangel University, the value of our academic degrees, and the legitimacy of our students’ learning experiences. As people of Christ, members of the broader academic community, and future professionals, it is incumbent upon every member of the Evangel community to employ and encourage integrity in all our academic and professional pursuits.

Obtain the full Academic Integrity Policy online at

8.2. Academic Probation

Students on academic probation: may participate only in public “audience” events that are either necessary that semester for their degree or are grade components for courses being taken as part of their degree requirements; and may not hold campus leadership positions of any kind. Students on academic probation may be subject to loss of scholarship and/or financial aid.

8.3. Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Prevention

Maintaining our personal health and mental well-being is an essential part of our commitment at Evangel University to serve Christ. As a demonstration of that commitment, we expect students, while on or off University property, to refrain from alcohol and other drug (AOD) use: The possession, use, manufacture, sale, and/or distribution of the following is prohibited:

  • Illegal drugs (also includes any form of marijuana/cannabinoids containing THC though legal in the state of Missouri).
  • Synthetic drugs (K2, other synthetic cannabinoids, bath salts, or products which, when consumed mimic effects of cannabis).
  • Alcoholic beverages (including alcohol vapor).
  • Vape, tobacco products, e-cigarettes, and all inhaled handheld nicotine devices and any object resembling vaping pen products).
  • Drug paraphernalia.

Further, students are to avoid the misuse of prescription or nonprescription drugs. Providing, purchasing, attempting to purchase, or facilitating the purchase of alcoholic beverages/drugs is likewise prohibited. Students are considered “in possession” and responsible for alcohol/drugs that have been determined to be on their person or in their residence or vehicle. The University reserves the right to check for compliance with this policy by various means, including active and passive alcohol sensors.

We offer support services to students who may be struggling in this area of their life. They can seek professional Christian counseling services and health services at the Student Union Wellness Center (865-2815 ext. 7280). There is no charge for these short-term counseling and health services, and confidentiality is guarded carefully. No information is shared with anyone without the client’s permission. Students needing long-term therapy generally are referred to professionals off campus at their own expense. Students are encouraged also to seek prayer, guidance and encouragement from members of the faculty and staff and off-campus support systems.

Students may obtain a copy of the University’s complete Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program policy on the Student Portal or from the Office of Student Development, which includes a listing of off-campus community counseling and treatment facilities; a description of local, state and federal legal sanctions; plus, University consequences for violations.

Those who violate University standards, city ordinances or state or federal statutes regarding the above products will be subject to disciplinary action, ranging from probation to dismissal for students. If found in violation of university standards but permitted to continue on a disciplinary status, the student may be subject to mandatory counseling/education (on or off campus), periodic inspections, and/or supervised, random drug tests at a medical facility. The student will be responsible solely for costs of the drug screens and off-campus counseling.

Any member of the Evangel University community who refuses to take a field sobriety test, Breathalyzer test, or drug test, and/or refused to provide consent for Evangel to be apprised of the testing results, shall be in violation of the University’s Alcohol and Other Drug Policy. “Reasonable cause” for testing may include, but are not limited to: the odor of alcohol on a person’s breath, slurred speech, glassy eyes, being unsteady or unstable on a person’s feet and/or similar observations; incoherent, erratic or violent behavior; repeated tardiness and/or absenteeism; drug-related odors on person, clothing, room or vehicle; sudden unexplainable drop in academic or work performance; possession of drug paraphernalia; previous positive drug screen results; being cited for substance abuse violations by University or municipal authorities; or a report that is provided by a reliable and credible source regarding use of illegal substance.

For drug testing, the university works with a local lab to assure trustworthy technology and accurate test results. Often, the test will require a urine sample or a small sample of hair. Results are available within 2-3 days, with negatives typically identified within 24 hours. The university pays for the cost if a student tests negative. Students, whose tests come back with non-negative results, will face consequences within the community accountability program. Failure to participate in a required drug test will result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from the university.

Student organizations are under the same legal requirements as individuals concerning local, state and federal laws. Any violation of these laws in conjunction with a student organization activity constitutes a violation of university policy. Violations of policy could result not only in disciplinary action against the individual(s) involved, but also in suspension or loss of university recognition of the organization.

Clarification about Marijuana: Although marijuana is legal in Missouri with certain restrictions, possession and use of marijuana remains illegal under federal law. Consistent with federal law, including the Controlled Substances Act, Drug Free Schools and Campuses Regulations [EDGAR Part 86], marijuana is never allowed on campus. Evangel University Code of Conduct, prohibits the use and/or possession of marijuana for all Evangel students on or off campus.

8.4. Campus Safety and Crime Statistics

Evangel University enjoys relative safety that is enhanced by professionally trained and equipped security officers in the Department of Public Safety (DPS) who maintain surveillance of the campus 24 hours a day, every day. Personal selfdefense classes may be offered to students throughout the year.

In compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Public Safety Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, Evangel’s annual campus crime statistics reports for the two most recent calendar years are available from the Public Safety Department and at In cases of criminal activity (including but not limited to burglary, unlawful possession of a firearm, physical assault, etc.) committed by a student, he/she may be removed immediately from the campus and subject to interim suspension by administrative action pending accountability review.

The Public Safety App: The CampusShield app provides our students with information such as maps, emergency procedures, and safety regulations. It also has options to request vehicle assistance, access Residence Halls, or to submit anonymous tips. The Department of Public Safety uses this app to send emergency alerts for the campus, immediately notifying you about dangers, tornado warnings, and other immediate safety hazards. Parents of students are also able to sign up. (Download for iOS, Android)

Crime Reporting: Evangel University encourages and expects victims and witnesses of crimes to report crimes to the Springfield Police Department (911 from a mobile phone) and to the Department of Public Safety (417-865-2815, ext. 7000) or the CampusShield App, even if the victims do not want to pursue action within Evangel University’s Community Accountability Program or through the local or state criminal justice system. With such information, the Public Safety Department can keep an accurate record of the number of such incidents; determine where there is a pattern of crime with regard to a particular location, method, or assailant; and alert the campus community to potential danger. Reports filed in this manner are counted and disclosed in the annual crime statistics for the institution.

Timely Warning: Evangel uses a timely warning system (texts, emails) to notify the campus of possible threats which may require individual protective measures. Test notifications are sent at 10:55 a.m. on the third Friday of each semester to allow members to verify functionality. To verify and update your contact information, just go to your student portal (click on My Info) and follow the instructions to change your number. The system is updated each semester. Students and employees are required to follow all evacuation procedures from Public Safety and/or law enforcement officers (see ⤻ Emergency/Crisis Plan ( The Director of Public Safety or designee is responsible for preparing and issuing timely warnings. The Director of Public Safety will make the decision to issue a timely warning on a case-by-case basis considering the facts surrounding the incident, including the continuing danger to the campus community and the possible risk of compromising law enforcement efforts.

When the Director of Public Safety issues a Timely Warning, it will be through text message, university email system to students, faculty, and staff, and the CampusShield app. Depending on the circumstances of the warning, especially in all situations that could pose an immediate threat to the community and individuals, the Public Safety Department may activate the Emergency Management System, Intercom System, or other means of communication, providing the community with more immediate notification. Anyone with information warranting a timely warning should report the circumstances to the Public Safety Department, by phone (417-865-2815 ext. 7000) or in person at the Public Safety Office, Riggs 208.

8.5. Chapel Overview and Attendance Policy

University Chapel is a vitally important aspect of the Evangel University traditional undergrad experience to educate and equip students to become Spirit-empowered servants of God who will impact society and the Church worldwide. Most students prioritize chapel participation, but to ensure that the entire student body remains engaged in the chapel experience, attendance is required.

University Chapel is held twice each week during the semester plus additional evening chapel services during the Young Adult Conference. Students are allowed to miss two chapel services during the semester for any reason. Additionally, excused absences and partial/full chapel exemptions are considered for situations beyond the control of the student. The university also provides additional ways students can grow spiritually as part of the Evangel Community. Contact the Student Ministries office for more information.

University Chapel is held from 9:45 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. each week on Wednesday and Friday. Morning classes resume at 11:00 a.m. so students are expected to remain in their seats until dismissed, even if chapel extends a few minutes beyond the posted conclusion time.

To record chapel attendance, students will use their Evangel Connect app to scan the QR code on the monitors in the lobby of the chapel. Students who are more than 10-minutes late will be counted as absent as well as those who leave early. To receive credit for attendance at each chapel, students must check in at the beginning of chapel using a provided QR code on the monitors and check out once dismissed. Instructions on how to check-in will be provided during the first week of chapel.

The Chapel Attendance Coordinator manages and maintains all attendance records including exemptions, excused absences, and completion reports. However, it is the student’s responsibility to track their attendance through Evangel Connect. Students should contact if there are any attendance discrepancies.

Students who miss more than the number allowed will be expected to meet with their RD to discuss a plan to bring them back into alignment. Continued violation of this policy is a violation of the Code of Conduct and may result in corrective measures and/or disciplinary sanctions.

8.5.1. Chapel Guidelines Summary

Chapel is a community event which means the success of the time invested depends on everyone’s participation and active engagement. Therefore, students are expected to be on time, avoid distractions or being a distraction to others, and remaining in the auditorium until dismissed. Students who are more than ten minutes late or who leave early will be counted absent. Additionally, any technology being used should be for the purposes of enhancing the chapel participation and must not become a distraction to others. This is most commonly used for accessing scripture references or taking notes. Accessing Course Commons, doing academic work, or other similar activities during chapel is prohibited.

The balcony is reserved for overflow once the main level has been filled or for students who have received special approval. It is therefore closed until a member of the Student Development team authorizes.

8.5.2. Chapel Exemptions

Traditional Undergraduate students who have specific situations for the duration of the semester may qualify for a FULL or PARTIAL attendance exemption. For students who have occasional absences for issues beyond their control, please see the information related to Excused Absences.

FULL Exemptions: Students who do not have a chapel attendance requirement are encouraged to attend as much as possible and/or view the services online to receive the ministry benefit. To qualify for a full exemption, students must provide detailed information to the Chapel Attendance Coordinator through the Evangel Connect App to request the exemption at the beginning of each semester.

The following circumstances qualify a student for a FULL attendance exemption: Students with 9 or fewer credit hours during the semester, Commuter students with no classes before noon on both days of University Chapel, Students fulfilling their full-time student teaching requirement and student teaching internship, Upper-level nursing students whose coursework is primarily at Cox, Students studying abroad. Additionally, students with weekly employment commitments of 30+ hours each week (not including work study, student leadership, or campus employment hours), certain students participating in practicum or internship requirements (i.e. Social Work, Education – depending on the weekly hour commitment) may qualify for a full chapel exemption.

Students enrolled in fully online studies only (not seated) who do not reside on campus, AGTS, Graduate and Doctoral students, Adult Studies students, and Dual Enrollment students are exempt from the University Chapel attendance requirement.

PARTIAL Exemptions can be requested by students for the following reasons, and if approved, will be excused from one chapel day each week for the semester; Students with weekly employment commitment of 20-29 hours (not including work study, student leadership, or campus employment hours), Commuter students with no classes before noon on one of the days of University Chapel, Certain students participating in practicum or internship requirements (i.e. Social Work, Education – depending on the weekly hour commitment).

Exemption Request Process: Students requesting an exemption should file their request before the end of the first full week of classes or as soon as the exemption qualification is met. Exempt students whose conflicts are eliminated (i.e. no longer working the required number of hours), should notify the chapel attendance office and begin attending each chapel service as required. Students who are discovered to no longer have the conflict and are not attending chapel may be subject to discipline.

When requesting exemptions, supporting documentation is required for authentication and record keeping purposes.

  • Employment: (one of the following); The most recent pay stub showing the number of hours worked, the most recent work schedule showing the number of hours assigned, A written notice from the employer stating the agreement for the appropriate number of hours each week. Employment documentation should include the name of the employer, be from a current semester, and have the employees name and hours and dates worked. The Chapel Attendance Coordinator reserves the right to authenticate the status with the organization/supervisor at any point during the semester.
  • Practicum: Student verification records will be provided to the Chapel Attendance Coordinator by the department practicum office.

Exemptions must be requested each semester. Approved exemptions in one semester does not guarantee future approval.

8.5.3. Excused Absences

Each semester, students are permitted two absences from University Chapel for any reason. These can be taken at any time and without advance notice or follow-up explanation. Though it is the student’s responsibility to keep track of their absences, the Chapel Attendance Coordinator may provide a courtesy email to provide an update.

Absences for situations beyond the control of the student may be excused, and if approved, will not count against the student’s attendance record. In most cases these are related to occasional off-campus medical appointments and emergencies, family emergencies, etc. Leaving early for an out-of-town trip, participation in voluntary local activities, or scheduling weekly appointments are not generally considered beyond the control of the student and may be counted against the student’s two absences.

The Spiritual Life Department group on the Evangel Connect app contains a form students can complete before or after each absence as a communication tool with the Chapel Attendance Coordinator. The form will request specific information from the student and, in some cases, supporting documentation to verify the reason for the absence.

8.5.4. Attendance Verification

The University realizes there are times when a student may forget to scan in or out, experience an unknown technology failure etc. which does not result in credit for attending chapel. At the close of each chapel service, students should verify their chapel checklist. Any uncompleted item where the student attended the service in its entirety can be requested for manual completion from the Chapel Attendance Coordinator. In this case a student should complete the Attendance Verification form in Evangel Connect within 48 hours of the receipt of the email notifying them of the absence.

If a student is repeatedly requesting excused absences from University Chapel, please see the section marked “Unusual Situations” below

School-related Absences: Students who are part of athletic, ministry, or academic activities who have program-related absences may not need to submit any documentation for the absence provided the coach, sponsor, or professor submits a full list of students to the Chapel Attendance Coordinator. These absences are not counted against the student’s attendance record. Students should verify each absence which will be noted as the missed day is marked complete in the checklist.

Students who miss more than three University Chapel experiences due to their participation in school-related activities should make it a point to watch the missed chapel live online, or the online archived message. No written verification will be required by the Chapel Attendance Office. The faculty, staff, sponsor or coach is encouraged to follow-up and/or facilitate a group discussion regarding the impact of the message on the student’s spiritual growth.

Unexcused Absences: The third absence without approval is considered the first unexcused absence. If this happens, the student may be required to meet with the Resident Director to better understand their absence and create a restorative plan for continued participation in the University Chapel experience. Continued failure to participate will be considered a violation of the Code of Conduct.

Unusual Situations: Any student who has a situation they believe merits special accommodations/permissions should communicate the issue to the Chapel Attendance Coordinator by submitting the request through university email to Please provide as much information as possible when submitting the request.

Evangel University strives to be a community of honor. Using any method to falsify attendance records violates the standard of honesty expected of Evangel students.

For all questions related to chapel attendance please contact

8.6. Computer Network Use

With the freedom of access provided by the Evangel University computing network comes the responsibility of good citizenship and good stewardship. In connecting with the Internet, all students must use the EU network and may not use modems. View the details of Evangel’s Computer Network Use Policy on your student portal.

8.7. Communicable Diseases & COVID-19 Protocol

Everyone should be mindful of contagious illnesses that may spread through the campus community. Individuals with fever, vomiting or diarrhea should not attend class and should avoid contact with others. They may return to class and other activities when they feel better and when their temperature has been under 100 degrees F for 24 hours (without fever-reducing medications). Ill students may contact the Health Services office for assistance (417-865-2815, ext. 7280). EU COVID-19 protocols are established with guidance from the Springfield Greene County Health Department (SGCHD) and the Center for Disease Control (CDC). Because of the changing nature of the coronavirus, the standard of care will be updated as necessary and posted online at

8.8. Copyright Law for Movies on Campus

Federal Copyright law governs the use of movies (or any other audio-visual work) on campus, whether bought, rented, or borrowed. Purchasing a personal copy of a movie or having a subscription to Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, etc. gives the owner personal viewing rights but does not give public performance rights (PPR license).

Without a PPR license, a movie must meet the qualifications for a PRIVATE SHOWING, EDUCATION EXEMPTION, or PUBLIC DOMAIN to be shown on campus. All other showings require a PPR license. Contact Christy Rowden, Director of Student Engagement, for further information.

Determining a PRIVATE SHOWING.

If the answer to ALL parts is “yes”, then the movie qualifies as a PRIVATE SHOWING and no PPR license is needed.

  1. The movie is being shown to family members or a small group of friends (no more than one floor of students); AND
  2. The movie is being shown at no cost to its viewers.
  3. The movie is only publicized to floor members or not at all.
  4. The movie is being shown in one of the following private spaces:
    • Residence Hall Rooms
    • Study Rooms on individual floors
    • Designated residence hall TV Rooms – residents only, may use by permission
    • Scott Hall Basement – residents only, may use by permission

Any group larger than a residence hall floor does not qualify under this exemption. Public spaces (such as residence hall lobbies, classrooms, Student Union, Joust or Joust West, commuter lounge, ESGA Conference Room, chapels, theatre, recital hall, dining hall, Mabee Center, outside, etc.) do not qualify under this exemption.


If the answer to ALL parts is “yes”, then movie qualifies under an Educational Exemption no PPR license is needed

  1. A legal copy of the movie is obtained (purchased from a reputable vendor, checked out from a library, etc.). A movie taped or recorded from television or copied without permission may not be used; AND
  2. The copyrighted movie is to be used in face-to-face teaching activities by a professor at a non-profit educational institution in a classroom or similar place devoted to instruction; AND
  3. Discussion/Teaching regarding the film takes place. The Educational Exemption never applies to performances for recreation or entertainment, even if there is cultural or academic appeal.

Determining PUBLIC DOMAIN.

If a movie is in the Public Domain, it may be shown without a license. “Public Domain is an intellectual property designation referring to the body of creative works and knowledge in which no person, government or organization has any proprietary interest such as a copyright. These works are considered part of the public cultural and intellectual heritage of content that may be freely used by all” ( Most public domain movies are older, and copyrights have expired or were never issued. A list of many popular titles can be found at


Various companies offer PPR copyright certificates for a fee. The Student Engagement office commonly works with Swank Motion Pictures and Criterion for movies they host on campus. Other companies offer access to Christian films, etc. Contact Christy Rowden, Director of Student Engagement, for further information. The Department of Events and Conference Services will require proof of a PPR copyright license before a public movie showing can take place on campus.

8.9. Curfew Exemptions Guidelines

Eligibility for curfew exemption requires that a resident student not be on any disciplinary status higher than a Verbal Warning and meet at least ONE of the following standards:

  • Completed at least 26 credits with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better
  • Completed at least 56 credits with a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or better
  • 21 and over years of age with a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or better

Exiting or entering a residence hall during curfew hours. Curfew exempt students may exit/enter their own respective residence halls after curfew. Only use front doors for exit/entrance. Students should try to leave the residence hall before curfew if they plan to be out past the curfew hour, or if in the building after curfew, plan to stay in for the night. While entering and exiting the building, please observe Quiet Hours. For security and safety, the campus officially closes at curfew. Therefore, students may not loiter anywhere outside or be in buildings which are not their place of residence after curfew, even if curfew exempt.

Out of the hall all night. Students must check out in the Overnight Checkout Log at the front desk, by 2:00 a.m. if they are not going to be staying in the residence hall that evening.

Staying in another building on campus overnight. No students may be inside campus buildings (other than residence halls) after curfew without written permission submitted to Public Safety from a faculty or staff sponsor.

Staying with a friend in another residence hall overnight. Curfew-exempt students may request permission from the RD to stay with same-sex platonic friends provided they respect the officials and all guidelines of that hall.

Food Delivery. Because the campus is closed at curfew, students (curfew exempt or not) may not have food delivered after curfew.

Eligible for curfew exemption halfway through the semester. If during the semester you think you become qualified for curfew exemption, check your Student Portal.

Additional Information. Occasionally you may receive a “Curfew Violation Notice” due to an administrative oversight. In that case, just state that you are curfew exempt, and return the form.

Curfew exemption forfeited. Students lose the curfew exemption and be assessed a $50 fine for letting others in or out of a building after curfew, allowing others to “tailgate,” and/or improper entry into or exit from a building. Students on Behavioral Agreement status (or higher disciplinary status) or attaining less than required semester GPA will be expected to adhere to the curfew guidelines.

8.10. Dependent Status

It is the policy of Evangel University that traditional undergraduate students are presumed to be “dependent” students, as defined by the statutes of the United States and, specifically, the Internal Revenue Code, for all parental notification purposes, unless written proof, sufficient to rebut the presumption, is filed with and approved by the Office of the Vice President for Student Development.

8.11. Diversity & Belonging

Evangel University is a community where we seek to understand, appreciate, and celebrate ethnic and cultural differences. In all areas, we strive to be the people of God so that we may do the work of God. This resonates throughout the University mission and guides our thinking toward pursuing and practicing reconciliation.

We believe that Scripture, from beginning to end, teaches that humanity is created in the image of God (Genesis 1) and that the Kingdom of Heaven is portrayed as a global kingdom, including people from every tribe, language, and ethnic group (Revelation 7:9), diverse in its makeup, and unified in submission to Christ. We embrace the beauty of this diversity and unity to honor God who fashioned both. The University is committed to nurturing a community where all members have value, the opportunity to develop their callings, and practice respect and mutual regard for differences. Together, we better represent Christ’s kingdom here on earth and together we grow our capacity to become more of who God created us to be.

We are committed to representing the good news of Christ in all that we do, whether it is at Evangel University, or in local, regional, national, and global communities. Effective representation happens as we unite with one another in devotion to Jesus Christ, obedience to His Word, and service to one another. As we foster a community of belonging and unity, we begin to better understand our differences and our bonds, allowing us to build transformational relationships that impact this world for Christ.

At Evangel University, there is no place for racism, bias, or discrimination based on race, age, socio-economic background, or sex, etc. We boldly proclaim that all men and all women bear the image of God – the imago Dei – and thus are worthy of dignity, respect, and love. We stand as men and women who proclaim the Good News of Christ. The Bible says that Christ is the light of the world and, as His sons and daughters, we bear His image, His light, and the hope of salvation and life.

8.12. Drug Testing

If reasonable cause exists, the University may require a student to participate in testing to determine the use or abuse of drugs. The university works with a local lab to assure trustworthy technology and accurate test results. Often the test will require a urine sample or a sample of for the test and collection will be from the head unless there is no hair, then face, arms, legs, chest, etc. Results are available within 2-3 days, with negatives typically identified within 24 hours. The university pays for the cost if a student tests negative. Students, whose tests come back with non-negative results, will be disciplined within the community accountability program. Failure to participate in a required drug test will result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from the university. Student’s participating in varsity athletics should refer to the additional requirements produced by Evangel University which ensure compliance with NAIA standards. Contact the Associate Athletic Director for details. See also Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Prevention Policy

8.13. Emergency Notifications and Response

Evangel University’s Emergency Response Plan is available online or at the Public Safety Office. Students are notified of emergencies through our Timely Warning System and may receive texts, emails, and/or phone calls which require immediate attention.

8.14. Fasting Guidelines

The practice of fasting as described in Scriptures refers to abstaining from food for spiritual and health benefits. Both as it is described in the Scriptures and as it has been modeled in the Christian tradition, fasting is properly differentiated from other types of activities that involve abstinence from food. For example, fasting differs in purpose from hunger strikes (which typically serve political or social purposes) and fad diets (which may be undertaken solely to affect physical appearance). The forms of fasting described in Scripture are always motivated primarily by spiritual purposes. The Scriptures do not establish fasting as a required discipline for everyone. However, they do provide numerous accounts in which persons that were called by God to fast, received spiritual guidance or some other spiritual benefit through the discipline of fasting. Evangel University faculty, staff and administrators affirm the spiritual importance and value of fasting when undertaken in a free and informed way by persons whose energy and attention are centered on God and who seek spiritual guidance or motivated by another spiritual purpose.

The University faculty, staff and administrators recognize that the discipline of fasting can sometimes be improperly motivated, misunderstood or abused. For this reason, the University recommends the following guidelines for students who are considering undertaking a fast. Fasting is a spiritual discipline approved by God. Although the Scriptures do not establish fasting as a requirement for everyone, God does unquestionably call some individuals to fast at particular times for particular reasons. As a general point of guidance, therefore, fasting should always be entered into as a response to God’s call and should always have some spiritual purpose as its primary motivation. The discipline of fasting should be entered into freely; externally imposed expectations (such as peer pressure) as well as self-imposed expectations are both improper motivations. The discipline of fasting should be entered into knowingly, anyone who feels called to fast should seek to understand what the Scriptures say about fasting. It also means that information and advice should be sought from spiritual authorities as well as health and mental wellness experts. Moreover, as a university community, we advise students who suffer from health disorders or who have other physical or psychological conditions that could limit their activity or require monitoring not to engage in fasting.

8.15. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords eligible students certain rights with respect to their education records. (An “eligible student” under FERPA is a student who is 18 years of age or older or who attends a postsecondary institution.) A Student educational record is any record that is directly related to a student and maintained by the university, with the exception of personal records. Student rights include:

  1. The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days after the day the Evangel University receives a request for access.
    1. A student must submit to the registrar, head of the academic department, vice president, or other appropriate official, a written, signed request that identifies the record(s) the student wishes to inspect.
    2. The school official will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where records may be inspected. If records are not maintained by the school official to whom the request was submitted, official shall advise the student of the correct official to whom the request should be addressed.
  2. The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the student believes is inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy rights under FERPA.
    • A student who wishes to ask the University to amend a record should write the appropriate official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record the student wants changed and specify why it should be changed.
    • If the University decides not to amend a record as requested, the University will notify the student in writing of the decision and the student’s right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing.
  3. The right to provide written consent before the University discloses personally identifiable information (PII) from the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. Students may provide written consent for a parent, guardian, spouse, or another person by notifying the university through their online student portal during registration or anytime throughout the semester (go to My Info, then Records Portal; click on Edit to update disclosure preferences). FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent for the following general exceptions:
    • School officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by Evangel University in an administrative, supervisory, academic, research, or support staff position (including, but not limited to, Public Safety and Wellness Center staff); a person serving on the Board of Trustees; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary committee or grievance committee. A school official also may include a volunteer or contractor outside of Evangel University who performs an institutional service or function for which the school would otherwise use its own employees and who is under the direct control of the school with respect to the use and maintenance of PII from education records, such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent; or a student employed or volunteering to assist another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibilities for Evangel University.
    • Officials at another school where the student seeks to transfer. Upon request, the University discloses education records without consent to officials of another school in which a student seeks or intends to enroll.
    • Financial aid. The university may disclose personally identifiable information from education records without consent when the disclosure is in connection with financial aid for which the student has applied or which the student has received, if the information is necessary for such purposes as to: determine the eligibility for the aid; determine the amount of the aid; determine the conditions for the aid; and/or enforce the terms and conditions of the aid.
    • To Parents: of a “dependent student”, in an emergency, and/or violation of laws concerning minors with regard to alcohol or controlled substances. Generally, if either parent identifies that the student is a dependent on the most recent year’s income tax statement, the university may disclose the eligible student’s education records. The university may also notify parents when there is a health or safety emergency, or when the student has committed a disciplinary violation with respect to use or possession of alcohol/controlled substance if the student is under 21 years old.
    • Directory information, which is information generally not considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if released, can be disclosed to outside organizations, as permitted by law. The primary purpose of directory information is to allow the university to include this type of information from a student’s educational records in certain publications. The university may release the following information without authorization from the student unless the student specifically requests that directory information be withheld. However, FERPA does not require that directory information be released to third parties—it is at the discretion of the University if and when directory information is released.
      • Evangel University has designated the following information as directory information: student’s name; address; telephone number; university email address; electronic images/photographs; major field of study; enrollment status; participation in officially recognized activities; dates of attendance; degrees, honors and awards received; previous educational institution(s) attended; and press releases for various athletic (including hometown, weight and height of team members), music, theater, and/or similar public activities.
      • Students have the right to withhold the disclosure of any or all of the categories of Directory Information. To withhold disclosure, students must notify the university through their online student portal during registration or anytime throughout the semester (On the Student Portal, go to My Info, then Consent and check the appropriate boxes to update disclosure preferences).
  4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the University to comply with requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA is: Family Policy Compliance Office; U.S. Department of Education; 400 Maryland Avenue, SW; Washington, DC 20202

FERPA also permits the disclosure of PII from students’ education records, without consent of the student, if the disclosure meets certain conditions found in §99.31 of the FERPA regulations:

  • to authorized representatives of the Comptroller General of the United States, the Attorney General of the United States, the U.S. Secretary of Education, and State and local educational authorities for audit or evaluation of Federal or State supported education programs, or for the enforcement of or compliance with Federal legal requirements that relate to those programs.
  • to organizations conducting studies for or on behalf of the school making the disclosure for the purposes of administering predictive tests, administering student aid programs, or improving instruction. • to comply with a judicial order or a lawfully issued subpoena. Updated 05/07/2024 PH: (417) 865-2815 53
  • to a victim of an alleged perpetrator of a violent crime or non-forcible sex offense concerning final results of a disciplinary hearing with respect to the alleged crime; and
  • to any third party the final results of a disciplinary proceeding related to a violent crime or non-forcible sex offense if the student who is the alleged perpetrator is found to have violated the school’s rules or policies. The disclosure of the final results only includes: the name of the alleged perpetrator, the violation committed, and any sanction imposed against the alleged perpetrator. The disclosure must not include the name of any other student, including a victim or witness, without the written consent of that other student.

As stated above, conditions specified in the FERPA regulations at 34 CFR § 99. 31 have to be met before a school may non-consensually disclose personally identifiable information from education records in connection with any of the exceptions mentioned above.

Information updated on February 15, 2018, from:

8.16. Fundraising Guidelines

Fundraising is permitted for officially recognized student organizations but must receive prior approval from the Student Engagement office. Solicitation by non-recognized and/or off-campus groups is prohibited without prior permission from the Vice President for Student Development. Fund raising endeavors should not employ games of chance that could be likened to gambling. Fund raising projects involving food sales must be approved by win the Director of Food Service to ensure that standards of safe food preparation and handling are met. As with all posters, flyers promoting fund raising activities must be approved by the Event Services Office prior to posting. Selling products door-to-door, conducting sales meetings inside the residence halls or advertising products via student mailboxes is prohibited. However, Residence Directors may permit students to utilize residence hall bulletin boards to advertise products and announce meetings conducted outside the hall. Fundraising within a student’s own residence hall is permitted for approved club and missions/service trips only. To achieve maximum potential for fund raising for student organizations and the University as a whole, it is important to coordinate off-campus fund raising efforts. Before contacting any company or major corporation for donations, please contact the Advancement Office (ext. 7290) for prior approval. The University does not share its donor list.

8.17. Hazardous Materials

Ceilings and pipe insulation materials may contain asbestos, a naturally occurring fibrous mineral that was used extensively for insulation, fire protection, and acoustical applications in buildings constructed before 1980. Examples of materials that may contain asbestos include pipe insulation, vinyl floor tiles, thermal system insulation, and ceilings, most of which are inaccessible to students. These materials do not pose a health risk when they’re intact and well-maintained. Do not disturb ceiling material or pipe insulation materials. Specifically, DO NOT use hot glue guns, glue, nails, screws, or any other materials to attach objects to the ceiling. As long as the present seal is not broken, there is little possibility of exposure to airborne asbestos fibers. If a change in the condition of the material is noticed (i.e., damage resulting from water, vibration, physical impact, etc.), notify the Facilities Staff immediately (see below) and the break will be inspected and sealed as soon as possible after notification.

Flammable items such as paint thinner, spray paint, thinner, fuel, fertilizer, insecticide, herbicide, and other volatile materials must not be stored in the residence hall. Students needing to store/dispose of materials should contact the Facilities office.

Hair perms/acrylic nail application may not be given in the halls due to the smell that causes problems for people with allergies/asthma.

Open flames/smoke: Objects producing or are capable of producing flames are prohibited, including burning/ burnt candles, incense, oil lamps, matches, and cigarette lighters are prohibited in the residence halls.

Contact the Facilities Department:

    1. Using the Maintenance Request link to report problems;
    2. In the office at 417- 865-2815, ext. 7216.; or
    3. For emergencies after business hours, call Public Safety (417-865-2815, ext. 7000).

8.18. Hazing and Initiation

Hazing, defined as acts likely to cause physical or psychological harm or social ostracism to any person within the university community, when related to the admission, initiation, pledging, joining, or any other group-affiliation activity, is prohibited. Violators are subject to criminal prosecution in addition to university accountability.

Hazing: In Missouri (§578.360), hazing is a “Class A Misdemeanor”. A person commits the crime of hazing if he/she knowingly participates in or causes hazing (a willful act, occurring on or off the campus of an educational institution, directed against a student or a prospective member of an organization operating under the sanction of an educational institution, that recklessly endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student or prospective member for the purpose of initiation or admission into or continued membership in any such organization to the extent that such person is knowingly placed at substantial risk of the loss of life or substantial bodily or psychological harm).

If you become aware of any activity that might be interpreted as hazing, report it to the Student Development Office immediately. Initiation: Forcing a student to participate, against his or her will, in an initiation-type ritual that might cause harm is prohibited. Initiation activities such as sleep deprivation, physical confinement and/or forced consumption of food, liquor or drugs are considered hazing and will not be tolerated. Initiation activities that include hazing are illegal in Missouri and are explicitly prohibited at Evangel University.

8.19. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

The Evangel University Health Services and Counseling Services have adopted a Health Information Physical Security Policy that complies with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) and the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) security and privacy regulations’ requirement. This policy protects the security of health information, as well as protects the confidentiality and integrity of confidential information as required by law, professional ethics, and accreditation requirements. Any questions about this confidentiality and privacy program may be directed to the Director of Counseling Services or the Director of Health Services.

8.20. Housing Policy

Evangel University undergrad program is designed to be a residential community which focuses on developing students for independence and interdependence. With that in mind, there are many benefits to life on campus including access to food service which saves time and money, exercise facilities, complimentary laundry access, knowledgeable safety team, and immediate access to educational opportunities and extracurricular activities. Since EU is a residential community, all students live off campus unless they request and qualify for off-campus housing.

8.20.1. On-Campus Housing Criteria

Eligibility (must meet ALL the following):

  • Single students
  • Full-time (12 hours or more, students who drop below 12 hours may gain permission from Housing Director)

All students living off-campus must have an approved application on file in the Housing Office. Students interested in applying to live off-campus should refer to the section below, “Off-Campus Housing,” for criteria and procedures. All students must gain approval to live off campus from the Housing Director before signing contracts or moving. Students who violate the off-campus housing policy will be subject to a $200 fine per semester and will be immediately required to move on campus.

Withdrawal or cancellation of room and board assignments during semester: Housing and meal plan assignments are for the duration of the semester, however, as a courtesy to students who withdraw from the university or cancel during the semester, the university pro-rates room and board charges according to length of stay. Charges are calculated as of the day the student completes the official check-out process and returns the room key. Students who cancel the contract after the semester begins forfeit their $200 enrollment deposit.

Withdrawal or cancellation of room assignment during winter break: Students leaving during winter break must make an appointment with their Residence Director to remove their belongings and check out Spring semester room charges begin accruing on move-in day and continue until student completes check-out process and returns keys. Students who cancel their housing assignment during winter break, forfeit their $200 enrollment deposit. Students who fail to return for their belongings by the end of the first full week of classes, are charged a $100 fee for failure to check out properly and their belongings are donated to charity.

Housing during summer and Christmas breaks: Residence halls are closed during Christmas and summer break. Students who wish to remain during Christmas or summer break may apply with the Housing Office. Approval is not guaranteed. If approval is granted, an additional fee will be charged to the student based on the number of days they will be staying in the hall. Standard student services (Nurse Practitioner, Counseling Services, Food Services, and residence hall supervision) are not available during Christmas or summer break except Public Safety. Only students approved to stay will have access to their rooms. Students must continue to uphold the Code of Conduct. Given student services are limited on campus, students must agree through a written contract they can provide for their basic food, transportation, mental/physical-health needs etc. on their own, that they are responsible for doing so and that they assume the risk of remaining in housing that is unstaffed on a campus without available student services. Additionally, students with a history of discipline issues or non-compliance with policy may not be approved.

All students approved to stay over the summer will be consolidated into one dorm. A Property Manager is on duty over the summer to respond to questions and concerns about housing and will do occasional walk-through visits in the hall. Students employed full-time on campus over the summer are provided a room free of charge. Should their on-campus employment status change, and they remain in campus housing, they will be billed accordingly. All other students will pay a rental fee based on the number of days they or their belongings will occupy the room.

Choosing a roommate: Students are given opportunity each semester to request a room and roommate for the next term. Room reservations, submitted by the deadline, will be given priority consideration. If the requested roommate is not available, or if no roommate is requested, students will be consolidated with others on their same floor but will not be moved from that floor without a specific request to move.

Grad Students: See Spence Hall, below.

8.20.2. Off-Campus Housing Criteria

Evangel believes students have the best opportunity to flourish by engaging the campus environment as student residents. As a result, it is the goal to have every student reside in the Residence Halls during the duration of their educational experience. EU also recognizes certain situations where students may be provided the option to live off campus and have outlined those eligibility requirements below.

Eligibility (Must meet at least ONE of the following, complete Off-Campus Housing Form and parental endorsement (if applicable):

  • Living with a parent, grandparent, or court-approved legal guardian within a 50-mile radius of Evangel
  • Married (One member of an engaged couple can be approved for commuter status up to one semester prior to their established wedding date in order to establish residency)
  • Enrolled in 11 credit hours or less (through the full semester; includes EU online and courses at another institution)
  • Age 23 or older prior to the official, published semester move-in day
  • Completed eight (8) full-time semesters of course work (not including summer term)
  • Completed a previous baccalaureate degree
  • Fulfilled a minimum of two years active-duty military service
  • Participating in the student teaching semester
  • Upper-level nursing student with classes at Cox School of Nursing
  • Student transferring to Evangel from a local (50-mile radius of EU) college/university who will maintain existing independent living arrangements.
  • Under 23 criteria: Achieved senior status (88+ credits), with a cumulative GPA 3.0 or higher, and age 22 by move-in day at the beginning of the semester. Any disciplinary status higher than Probation Level 1 is cause for denying the off-campus housing request.

Note: Housing arrangements for unmarried student athletes on scholarship are further subject to guidelines of NAIA, scholarship provisions, and endorsement from the athletic director and respective coach. Some university scholarship recipients require the student to remain in on-campus housing.

Married Student must be living with his or her spouse to be eligible for any institutional aid. Married students may not live or stay as overnight guests in the undergrad residence halls at any time, including student breaks.

8.20.3. Off-Campus Appeal and Violations

Approval of appeals are not granted solely based on financial need, exemplary performance, maturity of the student, or previously signed lease agreement with an off-campus housing entity. Students must avoid signing any lease agreements until receiving written approval for living off campus from the EU housing department. Students who are denied off campus housing will be required to live on campus regardless of the status of a lease agreement.

Additional information about off-campus housing requirements is provided on the off-campus form. Students found to be in violation of off-campus housing policy will be subject to disciplinary action, a $200 fine, and will be immediately required to move on campus.

8.20.4. University Housing Options for Married and Other Qualified Off-Campus Students

Married students, grad students, and those approved to live off-campus have priority in renting Evangel University maintained properties as outlined below.

Spence Hall: Single students enrolled in AGTS or EU Grad programs, and students 23 years of age or older, qualify to apply for rental housing in an efficiency-style dorm. This hall includes easy access to on-campus amenities, a community kitchen, and community activities. Internet, utilities, and laundry machines are included in the monthly rental agreement.

Perkin Hall Apartments: One-bedroom, one-bath, unfurnished, efficiency apartments for qualified students without children located on the main Evangel campus. Units have central heat and air and include a stove, refrigerator, utilities, internet, and cable. A laundry room is located in the building.

Evangel Court Duplexes: Two-bedroom, unfurnished apartments for qualified students with/without children. Kitchens include a stove, refrigerator, and washer/dryer hookups. Units have central heat and air. Utilities, internet and cable are not included in rent. A trash bin is available for tenant’s use.

One, Two and Three-Bedroom units: Unfurnished 1 to 3-bedroom rental houses (located north and south of main campus) and 1 to 2-bedroom gated apartments with garages (located approximately 5 miles from campus) are available for qualified students with or without children. Utilities and other services are not included in the rental fee.

Evangel tenants must be degree seeking students at Evangel or AGTS. The rental contract is term to term but students who are ending their contract must provide 30-day notice and vacate between semesters or during the summer to be eligible to be refunded their deposit. Students/couples may rent from Evangel for a maximum of 4 years (48 months). Contact the rental property manager in the Housing Office (Riggs 104) for an application, pricing, and additional information about renting from Evangel. Students are encouraged to apply early to get placed on the waiting list.

Pets are not allowed in any of the rental properties.

8.21. Marriage and the Sanctity of Human Life

God has ordained marriage to bring a man and a woman together as the foundation for a new family. He empowers them, through their sexual union, to create new human life. The Bible is clear in its teaching regarding the sanctity of human life. Every life matters to God. Life begins at conception, is precious to God from that very moment, and is to be protected and valued through natural death. This facet makes the practice of abortion abhorrent in God’s eyes.

Although God’s heart is grieved when sexual union occurs outside of marriage, He extends redemptive grace to those individuals involved. When pregnancy results from that union, Evangel University, as an instrument of God, also strives to extend redemptive grace to those individuals, including the unborn child. Crisis pregnancy assistance designed to protect the expectant mother and her unborn child will be provided through the Office of Student Development.

Read the AG Position Paper: Sanctity of Human Life.

8.22. Missing Students

Every Evangel University employee and student has a duty to report a person believed to be missing to the Evangel University Department of Public Safety at (417) 865-2815 ext. 7000. The Department of Public Safety immediately investigates any report of an individual missing from campus.

Students residing in student housing facilities have the option of identifying an individual to be contacted by the University should it be determined the student is missing for a period of more than 24 hours. The students will provide this information during the registration process or throughout the semester on the student portal The “missing student” contact information will be registered confidentially, will be accessible only to authorized university officials, and may not be disclosed except to those officials and enforcement personnel engaged in a missing person investigation.

After investigating a missing person report and Public Safety determines that the student has been missing for 24 hours, Public Safety will notify law enforcement and the student’s designated missing student contact person no later than 24 hours after the student is determined to be missing. Students under the age of 18, who are not emancipated individuals, are advised that the University is required to notify the student’s custodial parent or legal guardian within 24 hours after Public Safety or another law enforcement agency determines that the student has been missing for more than 24 hours, in addition to notifying any contact person designated by the student.

Process. When students, employees or family members are concerned that a student may be missing, follow the following procedure:

  1. Contact Public Safety and report that the student might be missing.
  2. Public Safety will then:
    • Initiate an investigation to determine the validity of the missing person report.
    • Contact the Dean of Students to determine the status of the missing student.
  3. If the student is determined to be missing, Public Safety will, within 24 hours, notify:
    • The missing student’s designated contact, (If the missing student is under 18, the student’s custodial parent or guardian will also be contacted) as contained in the records of the University,
    • the Springfield Police department,
    • and the VP for Student Development, who will initiate appropriate action in the best interest of missing student.

8.23. Nondiscrimination

Equal Opportunity Policy

Subject to the United States Constitution, and all applicable state and federal laws, Evangel University does not discriminate based on race, color, national or ethnic origin, sex, disability, age, or veteran status in admissions, treatment or access to its programs and activities, or in the administration of educational policies, scholarships, loan programs, athletics or other University programs.

See also: Sexual Misconduct (Title IX Policy & Resolution Procedures)

8.23.1. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973

Evangel University does not discriminate on the basis of disability, in the recruitment and admission of students, the recruitment and employment of faculty and staff and the operation of any of its programs and activities, as specified by federal laws and regulations.

8.23.2. Title. IX of the Education Amendments of 1972

Evangel University operates in compliance with the Federal Regulation of TITLE IX of the Education amendments of 1972, which prohibits sex discrimination in federally assisted programs. The relevant language in Section 901 (a) reads as follows: “No person in the United States, on the basis of sex, shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.” Evangel University, as a religious institution, has received exemptions from compliance with certain TITLE IX regulations that are not consistent with its religious tenets. See also Title IX Policy and Title IX Resolution Procedures.

8.23.3. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (Public Law 101-336)

Evangel University operates in compliance with this law, the purpose of which is to afford the disabled equal opportunity and full participation in life activities and to prohibit discrimination based on disability in employment, public service, public accommodations, telecommunications or transportation. The Center for Student Success provides services for students with documented disabilities. See the Disabilities Handbook.

8.23.4. Compliance Officers

The university’s Title IX Coordinator oversees compliance sexual misconduct. The Coordinator reports directly to the President of the University. Questions about this policy or anyone wishing to make a report relating to a sexual misconduct offense may do so by contacting the Title IX Coordinator (or deputy coordinator). The coordinator may designate other appropriately trained individuals to receive and investigate reports complaints, as is appropriate.

Title IX Coordinator: Rev. Mark Entzminger, VP for Student Development, Office: SU, 106, 1111 N. Glenstone, Springfield, MO 65802, Phone: (417) 865-2815, ext. 7997,

Title IX Deputy Coordinator (for employees): Robert Bartels, Director of Human Resources, Office: Riggs Hall, 309, Phone: (417) 865-2815, ext. 7311,

Title IX Deputy Coordinators (for students):

Gina Rentschler, Director of Student Programming, Office: SU 106, ext. 7996,

Steve Gause, Dean of Students, Office: SU 106, ext. 7409,

Two coordinators oversee gender equity in athletics and disability accommodations:

Athletic Compliance Coordinator: Scott Metcalf, Office: Ashcroft Center, Phone: (417) 865-2815, ext. 7409,

Section 504 Compliance Coordinator: Stephen Houseknecht, Coordinator for Disability Services, Office: Zimmerman 208, Phone: (417) 865-2815, ext. 8213,

Immediate assistance is available 24/7 by calling the Evangel University Office of Public Safety at (417) 865-2815 ext. 7000, (on campus phone 911) or coming in person to Riggs Hall 208. An officer can assist in facilitating medical treatment, contacting a victim’s advocate, support person, Title IX Coordinator, as well as reporting the crime to local law enforcement (if requested).

Immediate assistance is available 24/7 by calling the Evangel University Office of Public Safety at (417) 865-2815 ext. 7000, (on campus phone 911) or coming in person to Riggs Hall 208. An officer can assist in facilitating medical treatment, contacting a victim’s advocate, support person, Title IX Coordinator, as well as reporting the crime to local law enforcement (if requested).

Additionally, anonymous reports can be made by using the online reporting form.

Inquiries concerning Title IX also may be referred to the United States Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights. For further information, visit

The State of Missouri regional Office of Civil Rights is located in Kansas City and is available to provide assistance. Contact Information: Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education; One Petticoat Lane, 1010 Walnut, 3rd Floor, Suite 320; Kansas City, MO 64106; Telephone: 816-268-0550; FAX: 816-268-0599; TDD: 800-877-8339; Email:

8.24. Parole or Court-Ordered Probation

Admitted and current students on probation, parole, or suspended imposition of sentence from a federal, state or municipal court or correctional system, for the commission of a felony, shall be placed on Probation Level 2 at Evangel University for a corresponding time frame and shall be provided appropriate mentoring and counseling support. Failure of a student to disclose such probation, parole, or suspended imposition of sentence status to university officials may result in denial of admission or suspension from the University.

8.25. Sexuality and Gender Identity

As a community of believers in Christ, we have faith in the redeeming and sanctifying work of God in all areas of our lives. Evangel University is affiliated with the General Council of the Assemblies of God (Read the AG Position Papers: Homosexuality, Marriage, and Sexual and Transgenderism, Transsexuality, And Gender Identity) rooted in Evangelical, Holiness, and Pentecostal traditions, and we align with our parent organization regarding interpretation of Scripture and doctrinal beliefs. Our goal is to recognize our identity is in Christ and our daily thoughts and actions give us opportunity to live out our redeemed identity. We believe as we commit our lives to God, we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to grow in our faith, compassionately care for and lead others to Christ, and be good stewards of all our resources, including sexuality.

We believe God created humans to love and worship Him above all else (Deut. 6:5) so that everything we are and everything we do falls under His Lordship. We are His people. So, as we consider our human sexuality, we strive to honor and serve Him, above our own thoughts, feelings and desires. Our sex and sexuality is not an end in itself but is something God created for His purpose. We understand our beliefs may be contrary to other worldviews and we do not seek to antagonize or disrespect those whose views differ from our interpretation. Since Evangel is a Christian university, guided by the above principles, members of this community are expected to live congruently with the Scriptural teachings of our heritage. We further expect this community of believers to extend grace and care as we strive to honor God in all we say and do.

We believe God created two distinct sexes, male and female (Genesis 1:27; Matt. 19:4-5), and our sexuality is a gift from God reflecting who we are as humans, designed for His purpose to do the good work He has called us to do. We regard sex at birth as the recognition of a person’s biological sex and do not support attempts to alter one’s birth sex in favor of an opposite psychological gender. Students, faculty, staff and guests of the university are expected to use bathroom, housing, and locker room facilities congruent with the biological sex at birth. This statement is not meant to reflect those rare situations concerning congenital disorders of sex development.

We believe God designed sexual intimacy to be expressed solely within a marriage between a male and female (I Cor. 6:9, 16-20) and sexual activity outside of that marital relationship, as recorded in Scripture, violates the will of God. We do not support acts of sexual behavior outside of marriage.

Our commitment is to live in ways that guide us towards holiness, whether we are unmarried or married. Our sexuality, expressed through sexual integrity for single persons and sexual faithfulness in marriage, allows us to bring honor and glory to God. We do not support behavior whereby personal desire, satisfaction, and/or dominance (such as pornography, lust, exhibitionism, sexting, sex trafficking, sexual exploitation, etc.) supersedes care for others and service to God.

Persons in our community may have had experiences that cause them to question their biological sex or psychological gender, fail to maintain sexual integrity or faithfulness, and/or have same-sex attractions. These experiences may have led to internal conflict and external behavior that is incongruent with biblical standards. But this is not the end of the story. We serve a God who redeems our sexuality and who invites us to trust Him with our whole beings. For those whose beliefs align with these Christian teachings and community standards, Evangel can be a place of healing and restoration. We seek to care for persons in ways that convey respect, concern, support, and accountability.

8.26. Sexual Misconduct (Title IX Policy & Resolution Procedures)

The full Title IX Policy and Title IX Resolution Procedures documentation is available at

Evangel does not discriminate on the basis of sex and prohibits sex discrimination in any education program or activity that it operates, as required by Title IX and its regulations, including in admission and employment. Inquiries about Title IX may be referred to Evangel’s Title IX Coordinator (Mark Entzminger, Vice President for Student Development), the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights, or both. Evangel’s Title IX Coordinator is Mark Entzminger (Vice President for Student Development,, Student Union 106N, (417) 865-2815). Evangel’s nondiscrimination policy and grievance procedures can be located at To report information about conduct that may constitute sex discrimination or make a complaint of sex discrimination under Title IX, please refer to Evangel University, as a religious institution, has received exemptions from compliance with certain Title IX regulations that are not consistent with its religious tenets.

Evangel University has adopted Title IX grievance procedures that provide for the prompt and equitable resolution of complaints made by students, employees, or other individuals who are participating or attempting to participate in its education program or activity, or by the Title IX Coordinator. These grievance procedures address complaints of sex-based harassment that involve a student party.

Offenses under this policy include, but are not limited to sexual harassment, non-consensual sexual intercourse, nonconsensual sexual contact, intimate partner violence, and stalking. In April 2024, the Department of Education updated Title IX Regulations (34 C.F.R. Part 106). The university reserves the right to make immediate modifications or revisions to the policies and procedures, based on guidance by federal courts, upon publication on our website.

The university’s Title IX Coordinator oversees compliance of the sexual misconduct policy. The Coordinator reports directly to the President of the University. Questions about this policy or anyone wishing to make a report relating to a sexual misconduct offense may do so by contacting the Title IX Coordinator (or deputy coordinator). The coordinator may designate other appropriately trained individuals to receive and investigate reports complaints, as is appropriate.

Title IX Coordinator: Rev. Mark Entzminger, VP for Student Development, Office: SU, 106, 1111 N. Glenstone, Springfield, MO 65802, Phone: (417) 865-2815, ext. 7997,

Title IX Deputy Coordinator (for employees): Robert Bartels, Director of Human Resources, Office: Riggs Hall, 309, Phone: (417) 865-2815, ext. 7311,

Title IX Deputy Coordinators (for students):

Gina Rentschler, Director of Student Programming, Office: SU 106, ext. 7996,

Steve Gause, Dean of Students, Office: SU 106, ext. 7409,

Two coordinators oversee gender equity in athletics and disability accommodations:

Athletic Compliance Coordinator: Scott Metcalf, Office: Ashcroft Center, Phone: (417) 865-2815, ext. 7409,

Section 504 Compliance Coordinator: Stephen Houseknecht, Coordinator for Disability Services, Office: Zimmerman 208, Phone: (417) 865-2815, ext. 8271,

Immediate assistance is available 24/7 by calling the Evangel University Office of Public Safety at (417) 865-2815 ext. 7000, (on campus phone 911) or coming in person to Riggs Hall 208. An officer can assist in facilitating medical treatment, contacting a victim’s advocate, support person, Title IX Coordinator, as well as reporting the crime to local law enforcement (if requested).

Additionally, anonymous reports can be made by victims and/or third parties using online reporting posted at Anonymous reports may prompt a need for the institution to investigate; however, the university may be limited in investigation/outcome of such reports.

Inquiries concerning Title IX also may be referred to the United States Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights. For further information, visit

The State of Missouri regional Office of Civil Rights is in Kansas City and is available to provide assistance. Contact Information: Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education; One Petticoat Lane, 1010 Walnut, 3rd Floor, Suite 320; Kansas City, MO 64106; Telephone: 816-268-0550; FAX: 816-268-0599; TDD: 800-877-8339; Email:

8.27. Social Media Policy and Internet Standards

As followers of Christ, the Evangel community sets a higher standard when it comes to interactions online. We seek to present ourselves in a Christ-like manner, act and speak decently, listen and consider other views respectfully, and treat all interactions with common courtesy:

Harassment: The use of social media or any technological tool for stalking, bullying, trolling, or any other similar use is not permitted. Any instance of harassment deemed “Sexual Harassment” will be specifically acted upon according to the Sex-Based Offenses Policy.

Identity Theft: The act of identity theft (wrongful gathering or use of another person’s personal information, typically for profit) is prohibited. Additionally, false portrayal of oneself, particularly for the intent to mislead, harm, or profit from another, is not permitted.

Inappropriate Material: Students should abide by standards outlined in the Community Covenant and refrain from using technology for the purpose of creating, viewing, or distributing obscene, pornographic, vulgar, violent, or otherwise morally disturbing material.

Protection of Privacy: Members of the Evangel community shall not distribute personal or sensitive information (credit card numbers, financial information, intellectual property, confidential information, etc.) of other students, faculty, the university, or an employer without permission and proper procedure. Additionally, the use of technology to capture photos, videos, recordings, or any other media of people without their consent, especially if in compromising positions, is not allowed.

Verbal Attacks: Online discourse should be that which is polite, life-affirming, and considerate of the character and opinions of others. Any statements, messages, posts, comments, or other forms of online communication in which another person’s character or reputation is maligned, misrepresented, or attacked are not permitted.

8.28. Student Class Attendance

Evangel’s faculty members seek to build a community of Christian scholars dedicated to pursuing truth. At the University level, that pursuit clearly involves more than merely gaining information; it also requires strong commitment to the process of inquiry and to one’s colleagues. Class attendance alone cannot ensure that students and professors will become partners in scholarship; however, the prospects for that ideal are dimmed when students miss class. Therefore, professors expect regular attendance.

Course content and teaching styles will vary across the University. Such diversity enriches the educational process and provides a sound basis for developing community, which does not imply rigid uniformity. Therefore, the University does not prescribe a campus wide attendance policy, but rather each professor may set his or her own attendance policy in order to achieve course goals and objectives. Faculty have responsibilities to:

  • The course attendance policy should be clearly stated in the course syllabus and given to the student. Students should be made aware of the importance of attendance in relationship to being able to successfully meet the course requirements.
  • Students who miss class because of illness, participation in authorized co-curricular activities, or for other unavoidable reasons will be given the opportunity to complete missed assignments or the equivalent. Students who miss class for other reasons may only make up work at the discretion of the individual instructor as stated in the course syllabus.
  • Course attendance policies:
    • Should observe sound pedagogical principles.
    • Provides a contract between the professor and the student. As such the student should have a reasonable expectation of being able to satisfy the contract.
    • Directly affect the student’s grade (ex., adding or subtracting points) should be carefully devised so as not to be viewed as arbitrary or punitive.
    • Should be administered in a consistent and professional manner with compassion and concern for the student.

8.29. Suicide Threat/Attempt

Evangel wants to assist students who are struggling with thoughts or behaviors that may lead to a suicide attempt. If you know of a student or are a student who is struggling and/or in danger, contact the University counseling center (or Public Safety, after business hours) for assistance. If the University knows of a student in danger, we will take steps to care for the student’s health and life. This may include contacting a local medical center for professional mental health evaluation and/or treatment and notifying the parents (or designated contact) as soon as possible. Students who are a danger to themselves or others may need to consider withdrawing from the University in order to focus on their health and treatment. See also Withdrawal (below).

Evangel University participates in the Ask Listen Refer Suicide Prevention Training Program, designed to help faculty, staff, and students prevent suicide by teaching you to: 1) identify people at risk for suicide; 2) recognize the risk factors, protective factors, and warning signs of suicide; and 3) respond to and get help for people at risk. Suicide threats or attempts should always be taken seriously. Do not leave suicidal person unattended or allow him or her to leave the building. Call Campus Public Safety (417-865-2815, ext. 7000) who will notify appropriate emergency personnel to assist.

8.30. Withdrawal from the University

For withdrawals initiated by the student (voluntary): A student who desires to withdraw from classes at the University should meet with the Retention Specialist in Zimmerman 208F and make written application for official withdrawal All credits will be computed as of the date when application is made. The student must follow the withdrawal procedures. Simply not attending classes does not withdraw the student from school. The complete statement of the Withdrawal Policy, including the refund policy, is published in the Evangel University Vision Catalog. See full ⤻ Withdrawal Policy.

For withdrawals initiated by the University (involuntary): The University reserves the right to take immediate, necessary, and appropriate action to protect the health and safety of students and/or members of the community A student whose conduct unreasonably interferes with or disrupts an orderly and safe environment is subject to the student conduct process. In unusual cases where a student engages in one or more of the behaviors listed below or exhibits a pattern of such behaviors, the University reserves the right to require an involuntary withdrawal. These behaviors include:

  • Engaging in or threatening to engage in behavior which poses a danger of causing physical harm (to life, health, welfare, safety, or property) to self or to others;
  • Demonstrating an inability to satisfy personal needs, including nourishment, shelter, personal safety and wellbeing such that a reasonable possibility of serious physical harm or death may occur in a short period of time;
  • Unreasonably interfering with activities of others (including those resulting in a significant and unreasonable impact on the personnel resources necessary to manage the behaviors described); and
  • Conduct that dangerously interferes with the mission of the community and/or violates community standards (may include, but not limited to physical/sexual violence, illegal/misuse of drugs.

For details on the complete Involuntary Administrative Withdrawal policy, contact the Retention Specialist.