“I wish I was there right now.” Those words are music to the ears of college recruiters, and they are the true emotions of Lauryn Masters, a high school senior from Platte City, Mo.
Masters is an exceptional student, active in her church and community, and was one of the select students invited last December to interview for Evangel University’s premium merit scholarships, the Founders Scholarships.
Another 90 high-achieving prospective students from across the U.S.A. are in Springfield this weekend (Jan. 26-27, 2018) for their Founders Scholarship interviews.
“The interviews are intended to give information to the Scholarship Awards Committee about candidates beyond what is possible on the application,” said Ana Solano, associate director of admissions.
“Awards will range from $12,000 to $21,000. Everyone who is invited and attends the Founders Day will receive at least the $12,000 award,” she added.
Due to an increase in the number of candidates, the University offers two weekends for these high achievers. The first was held in December.
A highlight of that fall visit for Masters was the reception with faculty and administrators, where she found herself sitting next to President Carol Taylor. “My conversation with Dr. Taylor was amazing,” said Masters. “She was easy to talk with and made me feel very comfortable. She is definitely a role model for me!”
While she was on campus, Masters also auditioned for the Evangel University Orchestra, something she described as a “very calming and welcoming experience.”

Prior to the audition, she rehearsed with Dr. Greg Morris, professor of music. “That really helped me out. Playing through once with him, then going to the rehearsal made me feel supported.”
Lauryn is planning on being a communication major, with a minor in business.
“The visit solidified everything I was thinking about Evangel,” she concluded. “I am excited to come down and become a part of the Evangel world.”
The Founders interview
“These scholars have demonstrated strong Christian character and invariably prove to be some of our strongest campus leaders,” said Patricia Hansen, executive director of admissions.
Prospective students will arrive Thursday evening and join the Evangel family for a weekend of events including campus tours, academic department activities, chapel, and the popular Founders Celebration and Dessert Reception.
Special appointments have been made on Friday afternoon for music auditions, as well as for students interested in athletics and forensics.
On Saturday, prospective students will focus on their group and individual interviews, while parents attend informative sessions dealing with financial aid, student development and academics.
“The Founders application process is open to admitted first-time, full-time students who will be freshmen next fall and meet the scholarships’ academic criteria,” said Hansen. Prospective Founders Scholars have maintained at least a 3.5 grade point average and reached high scores on their ACT or SAT tests.
Founders Scholars, like all Evangel students, are challenged academically, encouraged to grow in faith and are well prepared for future careers and graduate studies.
For more information, contact Undergraduate Admissions at (417) 865-2815, ext. 7300.