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Alumni Perspective: David Meyer

Name: David Meyer

Graduation Year: 1996

Major: Criminal Justice

Current Position: Sergeant with Springfield Police

City and State: Springfield, MO

Tell us about your career and what you do now.

I am currently a Sergeant with the Springfield Police Department and have been with them for almost twenty years. I currently supervise the Crimes Against Property Unit in the Detective Division.  I have eight detectives on my team and we investigate burglary, stealing and property damage cases.

What is your favorite memory from EU?

I have many great memories from EU but my favorite would have to be the day I met my wife. I also love sports and enjoyed my time playing intramurals.

How did EU help you identify/develop your calling?

In my line of work, it is important to be grounded and have a good relationship with God — EU was instrumental in guiding me along that path.

How did your experience at EU prepare you for life after graduation?

EU was a blessing that gave me a good academic foundation for what was to come in my occupation.

What advice would you give a current student preparing for the workforce?

For Criminal Justice majors at EU, I would tell them to make sure they gain some life experience before entering police work: getting a job that requires interaction with customers, intern at a police department or volunteer work at places where they interact with the public are key.

What would you look for if you were in a position to hire new graduates from EU/AGTS?

Life experience, as mentioned above, military service, and a clean background.