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CBC alumni perspective: Dennis Marquardt

Name: Dennis Marquardt

Graduation Year: 1974  

Major: BA in Bible

Current Position: Northern New England District Superintendent

City and State: Portland, Maine

Tell us about your career and what you do now.

Following graduation, I pastored a German church in North Dakota and then served as a youth pastor in Washington, D.C. area. After that, my wife, Bevie Jo, and I planted churches and were lead pastors for 24 years in Vermont. For the last 16 years, I have been serving as the Northern New England District Superintendent.

What is your favorite memory from CBC?

The chapel services and lifelong friendships.

How did CBC help you identify/develop your calling?

While at CBC, I gained clarity about my calling and gifts.

How did your experience at CBC prepare you for life after graduation?

I learned how to preach well and the value of colleagues. 

What advice would you give a current student preparing for the workforce?

Take advantage of learning everything you can and be prepared to work hard.

What would you look for if you were in a position to hire a new graduate?

  1. Devotion to Christ
  2. Devotion to Christ’s Church
  3. Devotion to this AG Fellowship

Alumni Spotlights are brought to you by the alumni office at Evangel University.