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FORE! Evangel takes a swing at reviving a women's golf team

Evangel has some exciting news for golf enthusiasts: the women’s golf team will be reinstated, starting this fall!

EU Director of Athletics Dr. Dennis McDonald made the announcement on Feb. 5, saying that the women’s golf team will be the 14th intercollegiate sport offered at Evangel.

Current head coach for the men’s team, Jon Jenkins, will take on being the coach for the women’s team as well. Jenkins said that he is excited to take on the responsibility, and is looking forward to the challenge ahead.

“Restarting women’s golf will be a fun challenge to bring back a historically strong program. Southwest Missouri is filled with talented women’s golfers and provides us with a strong base to start our recruiting efforts.”

As recruiting kicks off, be sure to consider joining Evangel’s team! With a new team comes an opportunity to set a winning tone, meet new friends, and live out your calling.

Still wondering if the women’s golf team is for you? Check out the reasons you should join the team:

Make new friends

Our teams are made of close friends that push each other to be better people, as well as better athletes. When you decide to check out our women’s golf team, know that we are dedicated to making you feel included. Soon, your teammates will be more than just teammates, they’ll be some of your closest friends.

Set the tone

With a new team comes a time to buckle down and start a history of success. When you join the women’s golf team, you’ll join a team dedicated to success. When the women’s golf team competed at Evangel from 1997–2008, they played at the varsity level. In fact, they won the Heart Championships in 1997-98 and 1998-99.

This is an opportunity to create a legacy at Evangel. Are you ready to start?

Are you ready to learn more? Visit our Athletics page for more information about our athletics programs, and contact Jon Jenkins by emailing