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Christine Battaglia, MOL

Office Location: Riggs Administration Building, Main Floor, Enrollment Lobby, Online and Graduate Student Services, Office 202-A
(417) 865-2815, ext. 8268 |

Job Responsibilities: Advising Adult Studies students in General education, Management, and Computer Information System program requirements. Provide support to James River Leadership Campus and our department continuing education initiatives.

Courses Taught: Prior Learning Seminar-GNSA 296

Started Work: 2015

Favorite Thing About Work: I work with great people who create a wonderful daily environment. It is fulfilling to help students reach their academic goals and dream with them about their future.

Was an Evangel Student: Evangel student 2016-2017

Originally From: Springfield, MO

Personal Information: I love spending time with my husband John and our children, Lainie, Brent and Justin, preferably on a beach somewhere!

Other: StrengthsFinder Top 5 Strengths: Positivity, Developer, Belief, Relator, Futuristic