While Dr. Self’s academic specialty is history, God has gifted him in multiple areas. Prior to his joining the faculty at AGTS, he served for 30 years in various pastoral roles—including senior pastor—and concurrently taught for 28 years at the following schools: Bethany University, AGTS (adjunct), Western Seminary (adjunct), George Fox University, and Continental Theological Seminary in Brussels, Belgium. Besides church history courses, he has taught theology, philosophy, ethics, apologetics, leadership, and ministry.
An able communicator to secular audiences as well as to the Church, Dr. Self is frequently invited to speak at civic, community, and training events. Along with many appearances in media shows, he has served as “Dr. History” for the leading talk radio station in the San Francisco Bay Area, as a frequent guest since 2000. Charlie (with Dr. Johan Mostert) is cofounder of the AGTS sponsored Discipleship Dynamics™, a web-based Assessment for Whole Life Discipleship Integrating 5 Dimensions and 40 outcomes: www.discipleshipdynamics.com. He has published the books The Power of Faithful Focus (Heath Communications), The Divine Dance (Authorhouse), Pentecostal Evangel, Vital, Pneuma and Kairos journal.
In 2007, Dr. Self directed the establishment and development of AGTS West in collaboration with the Northern California-Nevada District Council and Bethany University.
Dr. Self’s blog (http://www.drcharlieself.com)
“For 30 years I have answered God’s calling to encourage, equip, and empower people to fulfill their destiny in Christ. I believe that accurate assessment of the past united with Spirit-inspired aspirations for the future create a transformational present where we ‘live the future now.’ When intimacy with Christ and personal integrity are united with community intercession and insight, the impact for the Kingdom is profound.” — Charles E. Self