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Emily Johns

My career in education began in Springfield, Missouri where I taught elementary vocal music in 5 schools. I loved teaching, but with an expanding family I took on part-time work as Minister of Music at Evangel Temple Christian Center (Springfield, Missouri) from 1982 – 85 and served as a cellist with the Springfield Symphony from 1987-90.

The majority of my working career in education was spent overseas in the country of South Africa. As an Assemblies of God missionary, I served as a college level educator for pastors and missionaries. From 1991 – 94, I was stationed in Rustenburg, South Africa and taught at Southern Africa School of Theology. In 1997, I relocated to Cape Town, South Africa where I served as the Director for the Graduate Studies Center located at Cape Theological Seminary until 2006.

In addition to my responsibilities at the seminary, I served as the Director and Team Lead for Cry Africa, the A/G initiative to combat HIV/AIDS on the continent of Africa from 2008-2013. In my role with Cry Africa, I designed and taught a curriculum to train pastors and community leaders all over the continent about the disease of AIDS. Cry Africa was made up of eight medical and social work specialists who worked in some way with the disease throughout the continent. My training took me to 11 African countries where I got to see the extent of the disease.

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