Our Music Department offers an array of relevant and inspiring musical experiences for students. Our ensembles serve to sharpen musical skills, satisfy creative impulses, and provide valuable performing experience. Ensembles perform frequently on and off campus. Our performing groups have garnered a reputation for excellence through conference appearances, professional engagements, ministry, and international concert tours.
University Chorale
The University Chorale is a 45 member select choir which performs on both the Evangel University campus and in the community. The mission of the Chorale is to prepare and present only the best of sacred classical choral literature. In addition to on-campus performances, the Chorale regularly performs with the Springfield Symphony Orchestra. Past collaborations include Mozart Requiem, Beethoven Ninth Symphony, Mahler Tenth Symphony, and Mendelssohn Lobgesang. The University Chorale is under the direction of Mr. Tom Matrone.

University Chorus
The purpose of the non-auditioned University Chorus is to develop fine choral singing through the rehearsal and performance of masterworks of choral literature from all eras including contemporary formats. The University Chorus performs at least one concert each term as well as participation in Chapel services.

Selected by audition, the 35-member Sinfonia has toured extensively throughout the United States, Canada, and Europe. The Sinfonia performs music designed for ministry in churches as well as works for chamber orchestra for performance on the concert stage. The Sinfonia performs regularly in Springfield, Missouri and across the nation. The Sinfonia is directed by Dr. Larry Dissmore, Professor of Music.
The Sinfonia records every 3-4 years. Hard copies of any of the Sinfonia’s CDs are available through the Evangel University Music Department Office, 417-865-2815, Ext. 2011 or dissmorel@evangel.edu
The Sinfonia’s complete discography includes:
1997 Concert Orchestra 1997 [Premier Album]
1999 Enter His Gates
2001 Love Divine
2003 Praise Him!
2005 Always Faithful
2007 For Christ Alone
2009 Declare His Praise!
2011 On Mountains High
2013 How Sweet the Sound
2016 The Father’s Love

University Orchestra
The University Orchestra is comprised of 40 student musicians pursuing majors in music as well as a variety of other fields available at the University. The Orchestra performs 5-6 times during the school year. Repertoire includes a wide range of music drawn from the standard orchestral literature. Membership is open to all students with the permission of the instructor. In addition to its orchestral concerts, the ensemble frequently collaborates with other ensembles within the University in the performance of oratorios and musicals.
The University Orchestra has been honored with invited performances at the Missouri Music Educator’s Conference. In addition, the University Orchestra was honored in 2011 to have its live performance of David Kraehenbuehl’s Toccata Sinfonica accepted for inclusion on–ßThe Music of David Kraehenbuehl: An Anthology. Available through the David Kraehenbuehl Society (www.davidkraehenbuehlsociety.org), the two-CD set also features performances by internationally celebrated musicians such as cellist, Joel Krosnick, conductor, Margaret Hillis, the LaSalle String Quartet and others.
The University Orchestra is directed by Dr. Larry Dissmore, Professor of Music.

University Band
The University Band is a large instrumental ensemble open to all Evangel University students who play wind or percussion instruments. The University Band serves an essential role for Evangel, allowing student body members to continue participating in a musical ensemble regardless of their major. In addition to the traditional Concert Band, the University Band serves as the Athletic Band, representing the music department at home football games in the fall and select home basketball games in the Spring. The band rehearses every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:30 to 4:45 p.m. in preparation for athletic events, pep rallies, and performance of standard literature for semester concerts. For more information, contact the Director of Bands, Mr. Justin Stanton.

Jazz Band
The Jazz Band is a large instrumental ensemble performing contemporary compositions, classics, and sacred jazz arrangements. The Jazz Band offers students of all majors the opportunity to experience jazz performance and a variety of jazz styles. Rehearsals also provide a setting where students can learn the elements of improvisation, jazz history, and theory. The Jazz Band performs a concert each semester and occasionally performs in the greater Springfield area for festivals and other events and in conjunction with other on-campus ensembles. The Jazz Band meets Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 2:00 – 2:50 p.m. Enrollment is by audition on trumpet, trombone, saxophone, guitar, piano, bass, and drums/percussion. For more information, contact the Director of Bands, Mr. Justin Stanton.

Jazz Combo
The Jazz Combo is a chamber instrumental ensemble that plays jazz standards and focuses on improvisation within a small group. The jazz combo emphasizes the nuance of small group performance and allows students to develop their language as soloists. The Jazz Combo performs once a month for the student body in the dining hall, supports University events during homecoming, performs a semester concert with the Jazz Band, and represents the University in area festivals. The Jazz Combo meets on Mondays and Tuesdays from 9:45 to 10:35 a.m. Enrollment is by audition on trumpet, trombone, saxophone, guitar, piano, bass, drums/percussion, and vocals. For more information, contact the Director of Bands, Mr. Justin Stanton.