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Community invited to attend spring music events at Evangel University

Published on Feb 23, 2024 by Erin Hedlun

SPRINGFIELD, Missouri – Evangel University’s Music Department will present several musical performances this spring. All events are free, and the public is invited to attend.

Events include the following:

  • Instrumental Chamber Ensembles recital: Tuesday, Feb. 27 at 7:30 p.m. in the Barnett Recital Hall
  • Opera Scenes recital: Tuesday, March 5 at 7:30 p.m. in the Barnett Theater
  • Voice Area recital: Tuesday, March 26 at 6:30 p.m. in the Barnett Recital Hall
  • Jazz Combo and Jazz Band concert: Tuesday, April 9 at 7:30 p.m. in the Barnett Recital Hall
  • University Band concert: Thursday, April 18 at 7:30 p.m. in the Barnett Recital Hall
  • Voices of EU recital: Friday, April 19 at 7:30 p.m. in the Barnett Recital Hall
  • Honors recital: Monday, April 22 at 5 p.m. in the Barnett Recital Hall
  • University Orchestra concert: Tuesday, April 23 at 7:30 p.m. in Spence Chapel
  • Spring Choral concert: Thursday, April 25 at 7:30 p.m. in the Barnett Recital Hall

The Instrumental Chamber Ensembles recital will feature the brass ensemble, directed by Tim Wootton; the strings ensemble, directed by Dr. Larry Dissmore; and the woodwind ensemble, directed by Sheri Slater.

The Opera Scenes recital will feature vocalists performing vignettes from several operas, staged in Evangel’s Barnett Theater.

The Voice Area recital will feature student vocalists performing song cycles from various composers.

The Jazz Combo, Jazz Band, and University Band concerts will be directed by Mr. Justin Stanton, director of bands.

Voices of EU is Evangel’s student-led a cappella group, with musical direction provided by junior Caleb Moore.

The Honors recital features Evangel’s most promising instrumentalists and vocalists. Participants are selected by EU Music Department faculty.

The University Orchestra concert will be directed by Dr. Larry Dissmore, director of orchestra activities and professor of music.

The Spring Choral concert will feature the University Chorus, University Chorale, Men’s Vocal Ensemble, Women’s Chamber Ensemble, and Voices of EU. The University Chorus is under the direction of Dr. Kevin Hawkins, music education program coordinator, and the University Chorale and men’s and women’s ensembles are under the direction of Dr. Tom Matrone, chair of Evangel’s Music Department and director of choral activities.

The Department of Music

The Department of Music at Evangel University offers degrees in Music, Music Education, Music Performance, Music: Recording Technology, and Music: Worship Leadership. Each program is carefully designed to ensure that students build strong musical skills, gain professional training, and experience a wide range of musical activities.

The department is accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music and the Missouri Association of Departments & Schools of Music.


About Evangel University

Evangel University, with its embedded Assemblies of God Theological Seminary (AGTS), is a comprehensive Spirit-led Christian university located in Springfield, Missouri. It is regionally accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and a member of the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities. Under the leadership of Dr. Mike Rakes, EU is committed to excellence in educating and equipping students to serve the Church and society globally and becoming compassionate innovators in their chosen vocations. EU offers more than 70 degree programs, including cutting-edge majors, pre-professional programs, and affordable and flexible online degree options.

EU is highly regarded and has been ranked:

  • #1 Best College in Springfield & #2 Best Christian College in Missouri by Niche
  • US News & World Report Best Colleges Top Performer in Social Mobility
  • Colleges of Distinction Best Christian University
  • Top 10 Best Universities by
  • Third Most Beautiful Campus in the Midwest by Christian Colleges & Universities
  • Top 10 Best Colleges in Missouri by

With additional accreditations in business, counseling, music, social work, and theology and certification as an Excellence in Giving university, EU is focused on providing students with hands-on experience and real-world training for today’s professional careers. Learn more about the university at